#WhatTheFact?! Ten Interesting #MITB Facts (@TheTyboLedson)

WWE’s annual Money in the Bank PPV is this weekend and with the match stipulation dating all the way back to 2005 (and the PPV dating back to 2010), there have been some interesting facts from the history of this career-changing match. So, sit back and treat yourself to ten interesting facts from the history …

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#SLTDPredicts: Money in the Bank #MITB (@callumowen98 | @MikeJC821)

Hello and welcome to Team SLTD’s Money In The Bank predictions today we have @callumowen98 and @MikeJC821 aka The Wrestling Brain and Mouthing Off With Mike JC giving their picks and opinions, and for the first time in close to 18 months there will be a capacity crowd for a WWE PPV for this Sunday …

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#SLTDWrestling Presents: Ten Interesting Money in the Bank Facts #MITB (@TheTyboLedson)

WWE’s annual Money in the Bank PPV is this weekend and with the match stipulation dating all the way back to 2005 (and the PPV dating back to 2010), there have been some interesting facts from the history of this career-changing match. So, sit back and treat yourself to ten interesting facts from the history …

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#TyboTalks: Five Possible Outcomes from #MITB PPV (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome to the latest Tybo Talks, I’m sure by now you all know I am Captain of this SLTD Wrestling ship. If you listen to The SLTD Roundtable Podcast (cheap plug) you will know I have been wanting to write about more current wrestling content, so where better to start than one of my favourite …

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#WhatIf… Mr. Kennedy Cashed-In His #MITB (@callumowen98 & @TyboTalks)

Hey Folks, we are back once again with a ‘What If’ scenario for the ages.  So, hop in your DeLorean, jump in your hot-tub, find yourself a phone booth, run as fast as you can through the speed force or break into Skynet’s HQ. Whatever you want to do to alter a timeline, and come …

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#TheWrestlingBrain: Money in the Bank Predictions #MITB (@callumowen98)

Hello everyone, it’s me TWB here for some Money In The Bank predictions, before we kick off with my thoughts on Sunday night’s PPV, I hope everyone is doing well throughout the troubling times, and everyone is staying safe and healthy.   Like all of my PPV predictions articles, I’ll give you my quick picks for …

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#SLTDHotTake: #MITB ‘Climbing the Corporate Ladder’ (#TeamSLTD: @TyboTalks @callumowen98 @xterblack @KWCALAN)

There is no denying this years ‘Money in the Bank’ match will be completely different from any other Money in the Bank match in history. So, some of Team SLTD have gotten together to give their thoughts on what they think about this years concept, idea, and general thoughts on the whole thing. Tybo Talks …

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SLTD Predictions League – #MitB – The Results

Hey Folks! Welcome to the Fifth Round of results for Season Eight of the SLTD Wrestling Predictions League! First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who took part in our predictions league it was so nice to see so many of you returning for the new season and to see some new faces joining us! …

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SLTD Fantasy League – The Results – Week Nineteen (@SLTDLeague)

Welcome one and all to the nineteenth week of results for the all-new SLTD Fantasy League – Season Five. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who joined our Fantasy League for the new season! It was so nice to see so many of you returning as well as some new faces …

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#TeamSLTD: Womens Money in the Bank Predictions

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at Money in the Bank and win the contract. Will it be Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Lana, Namoi, Sasha Banks, Ember Moon, Natalya or Alexa Bliss? We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the …

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#TeamSLTD: Men’s Money in the Bank Predictions

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at Money in the Bank and win the contract. Will it be Braun Strowman, Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode, Finn Balor, Rusev, Samoa Joe, The Miz or a member of New Day? We all give our thoughts …

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#MattPredicts (Part One): The #SDLive Side of #MITB (@maruwe22)

Welcome to this #MoneyInTheBank edition of #MattPredicts where we look at the Smackdown side of the card (excluding the MITB Ladder match). We’ll look at both sides of the coin and see if we can come up with some conclusion and prediction for who should walk out victorious. Smackdown Tag Team Championship: The Bludgeon Brothers …

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