Get your votes in now for the returning SLTD Wrestling Awards! We have streamlined this year’s awards and only included WWE and AEW. Listen to our ‘Shortlist’ Episode of The SLTD Roundtable Podcast HERE! Vote Now and make sure you listen to The Results episode on The Roundtable Podcast.
Tag: NXT
Dec 13
The SLTD Wrestling Awards 2022 {VOTE NOW!}
- By SLTD Wrestling in AEW, Editorials, Slider, SLTD Wrestling, WWE
Sep 03
#TeamSLTD Discuss: The State of #NXT (@callumowen98 | @thekantastic | @AdamFarrand | @MikeJC821 | @TheTyboLedson)
- By SLTD Wrestling in Editorials, NXT, Slider, SLTD Wrestling
With the immediate changes happening within WWE’s NXT brand including a polarising new logo and reports that Vince McMahon and Bruce Prichard will be producing the show going forward, Team SLTD decided it would be a good time to share our thought on the yellow and gold brand, where we think it could be headed …
Apr 08
#TheWrestlingBrain Predicts: NIGHT TWO #NXTTakeover Stand And Deliver (@callumowen98)
- By SLTD Wrestling in #SLTDManiaMonth, Editorials, Predictions, Slider, SLTD Wrestling, The Wrestling Brain
Hello and welcome to The Wrestling Brain’s NXT Takeover Stand and Deliver predictions, for the first time in history we have a two night Takeover to talk about, so let’s not waste anymore time and get started Night Two Santos Escobar (C) Vs Jordan Devlin (C)Ladder Match Unified NXT Cruiserweight Championship During night two of …
Apr 07
#TheWrestlingBrain Predicts: NIGHT ONE #WWENXT #StandAndDeliver (@callumowen98)
Hello and welcome to The Wrestling Brain’s ‘Stand and Deliver’ predictions. For the first time in history we have a two night Takeover to talk about, so let’s not waste anymore time and get started Night One WALTER (C) Vs Tommaso CiampaNXT UK Championship Match This has the potential of being the best match over …
Mar 24
#KWKorner: An Ode To Roderick Strong (@thekantastic)
As we are witness to the fallout of the implosion of NXT’s Undisputed Era, between Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly, we shouldn’t forget that there were once four members in UE. Veteran Bobby Fish has been sidelined since the War Games match when he sustained a torn tricep. As for Roderick Strong, the “Messiah of …
Feb 13
#SLTDPredicts: NXT TakeOver – Vengeance Day (@callumowen98 | @MikeJC821 | @TheKantastic | @TomCallan16)
- By Callum Owens, Kantastic, Mike Charlip and Tom Callan in Editorials, Kantastic Wrestletalk Korner, Mouthing Off with MikeJC, NXT, Predictions, Slider, The Wrestling Brain, War Talk
Hello everyone, we here at Team SLTD have got together for NXT Takeover: Vengeance Day which takes place this Sunday on the WWE Network from the Capitol Wrestling Center, we have five matches to dissect so let’s not waste any more time and get going with our first bout. Predicting today we have:The Wrestling Brain: …
Dec 06
#WarTalk & #TheWrestlingBrain: NXT Takeover WarGames Predictions (@TomCallan16 | @callumowen98)
We hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the festive season, however before we can celebrate Christmas, we celebrate NXT Takeover: WarGames, which takes place inside the Capital Wrestling Centre. The Christmas period for WWE was glum in recent years but with the recent revival of WarGames there’s now hope in the wrestling …
Dec 05
#WarTalk: What is The Best NXT Takeover Ever? (TomCallan16)
- By SLTD Wrestling in Editorials, Slider, War Talk
There are many things to take into consideration when looking into the Best Takeover: the excellent matches, the placement of segments and matches and also the show as a whole. The reason as to why NXT has been given constant praise when spoken about is solely due to their character work – they focus on …
Nov 21
#WarTalk: Team NXT: Where are They Now? (@TomCallan16)
- By SLTD Wrestling in Editorials, Slider, War Talk
The year 2019 could be titled ‘The Year of NXT’ due to the brand securing a TV contract, putting on excellent shows but the main result: Winning Survivor Series. The build before the event itself was something of excellence from creative, there was enough time for stories to be built and did not make each …
Oct 04
#WarTalk: NXT Takeover 31 – Prediction (@TomCallan16)
It’s that time again where the wrestling community will feel blessed with the amazing matches coming out of the black and gold brand. Even though there is little personality to the event itself due to the lack of a name, I am sure the quality of wrestling and storytelling will shine. Make sure you follow …
Oct 03
#TheWrestlingBrain: NXT Takeover 31 Predictions (@callumowen98)
Hello, it’s me TWB here once again, for another NXT Takeover predictions article, I hope you are all doing well, and are looking forward to another night of wrestling action. Let’s not waste any more time, and get going with our first match of the night which is between Kushida and The Velveteen Dream. Kushida …
Sep 09
#FazzasThoughts: The Misused Women of #WWE (@FazzasThoughts)
- By Karl Farrell in Slider, SLTD Wrestling, WWE
The one thing I’ve had praise for is WWE’s use of the women’s division. From the current NXT roster to the excellent Sasha Banks and Bayley feud. The problem WWE have is it seems to stick to a select group of female superstars. WWE have tried to develop stars over the last 5 years with …
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