Tag: professional wrestling

Should We Forgive Hulk Hogan? – Pro Wrestling Podcast

In the debut episode of Prime Time, Ryan Davis discusses why we should forgive Hulk Hogan for his racial remarks. Also on the episode, Ryan questions whether Charlotte is as good as everyone says and talks about the need to tear down WWE’s “Invisible Wall.”

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TSWP 55 | E-Federations – Joining a Wrestling E-Fed, Edge and Christian Show, Undertaker Retirement

In a mid-week edition of The Shoot Wrestling Podcast, Ryan Davis talks about his thoughts on The Undertaker’s Retirement Run, the Edge and Christian Show, a Batman & Robin team in WWE, and a promo from his E-Fed. Follow Ryan Davis on Twitter: @RyanDavisSpeaks TSWP on TuneIn Radio | TSWP on Stitcher Radio | TSWP …

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TSWP 54 | Best of Season 2

To celebrate TSWP’s debut on SLTDWrestling.com (and because the actual reason is Ryan didn’t have time to record this week), we bring you the best of Season 2 of The Shoot Wrestling Podcast. This collection spans from our return episode, TSWP 40, after a 9 month hiatus, to as recently as last week’s episode. This …

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Kimura Kolumn – Brock Lesnar: What’s next?

Oh it’s me, it’s PWV! I thought that it would be fitting that the first entry of this blog should be about the man who gave obvious inspiration behind the name of the blog, The Beast Incarnate, BROCK LESNAR! Brock Lesnar is a man with many feats, as all of us wrestling fans know, he …

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The WWE Report – September 2015

“The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that. Vince McMahon is going to make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag yes men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he …

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The WWE Report – July 2015

So another month has passed in the world of professional wrestling and as we near the biggest show of the summer, much has happened since my last report at the end of June. The WWE icon that is Hulk Hogan has been fired and blacklisted by WWE without a backward glance, the WWE’s resident phenom …

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Monday Night Raw Preview 27/07/15

Hey UK fans, Raw has come around fast and tonight we get another edition of WWE’s finest flagship TV show, so what is there to expect? After last week’s non-stop show-stealing brawl from the Undertaker and Brock Lesnar, what else does WWE have in the pipeline for SummerSlam? The WWE Title: Seth Rollins escaped from Battleground …

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Kayfabe is dead!

“In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as “real” or “true,” specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalry and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or pre-determined nature. Kayfabe has also evolved to become a code word of sorts for maintaining this “reality” within the …

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Joe Rogan’s Fake Factor.

Duckman – Layin’ The Quackdown:  Joe Rogan’s Fake Factor. There’s nothing interesting happening in the world of pro wrestling this week.  So much so, that I was contemplating not writing about wrestling.  I was going to write about the Scottish Independence Referendum instead.  There’s almost too much to say about that. It’s the biggest decision …

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A Whole Lot of Nothing.

Duckman – Layin’ the Quackdown:  A Whole Lot of Nothing. I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but it’s damn good to be back.  As I mentioned in my last article, my brother Martin was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour, which required an operation to remove it.  As you’ll appreciate, this horrible …

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MFX101 – The Difficult 2nd Album Show.

MFX101 – The Difficult 2nd Album Show. MFX101 is up!  Join your heroes Duckman and Sir Ian Trumps as they traverse the week in WWE and TNA.  On the show this week… The lads pay tribute to Robin Williams (another comic hero of MFX gone too soon), they cover your emails, BIG TNA news, including …

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Follow Me, Don’t Follow Me

Summerslam… It may not be the Showcase of the Immortals, but boy does it come close. Or does it? I do not really want to do a full review of the PPV, we have other writers who can do it more justice, but it would seem stupid not to comment on the show at all, …

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