Tag: Randy Orton

Davie’s Dungeon: Improving The Wrestlemania Main-Event

  Welcome to the dungeon! I didn’t watch most of Raw this week, so today, I’m going to give you my thoughts on the WrestleMania 30 main-event as it stands now, and how I’d improve it. Forgive me for not watching Raw from start to finish, but you should be happy that I lasted an …

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Raw Revisited 3rd February: A New Face, A New Direction?

  Well, that was a scorcher of a main-event wasn’t it? As much as we criticize Randy Orton most of the time, dude can really bring it when he wants to. It seems like Daniel Bryan is the guy that really brings it out of him. As a matter of fact, most, if not all, …

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Playing The Game…And Losing…

  Those of you who regularly read my material know that I generally try to “look on the bright side” with regards to WWE and some of their empty-headed decisions. I may go on a rant every now and again, but I usually try to shed some light on dark situations that the company puts …

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Looking at the Wrestling Observer Awards

Hi! My name is Bryan Rose and I’m new here at SLTD. I’ll be covering PPVs for WWE, TNA and New Japan, but I’ll also have something up every week with my general thoughts on pro-wrestling. This week, we witnessed the fallout of the Wrestling Observer awards, which always bring about much contention within the …

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Davie’s Dungeon: WWE Says NO, NO, NO!

  Welcome to the dungeon! What a week it’s been! I’ve been watching WWE for over 20 years and I’ve never seen so much anger from the fans. As the Royal Rumble match went on, I was getting nervous, anxiously awaiting the arrival of Daniel Bryan. Sadly, it wasn’t to be. I’ve never been so …

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There Has To Be Clowns

  ***EDITOR’S NOTE – Grant is one of our newest writers. Make him feel welcome and follow him on Twitter @GrantCookDFC*** When an appeal went out on a well-known social network for new writers for SLTD, I thought why not give it a go? I like wrestling, I know how to write, so how hard …

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Updated SLTD Predictions League after the 2014 Royal Rumble

  Welcome one, welcome all to the latest update of our Predictions League, which is sponsored by the good people over at Ringside World. As well as sponsoring the league, Ringside World have also provided a prize for you to win, as have Wrestling Manager, American Soda and the fine fellows over at MFX Podcast. …

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Royal Rumble 2014 PPV report

Hi! My name is Bryan Rose, and I’m new here to SLTD. I don’t know how you’ll like me after reading tonight’s PPV recap, as I don’t think a lot of people are happy right now, but give it a few weeks, OK? I enjoyed this card, to be perfectly honest. So lets get things …

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SLTD Wrestling PPV Predictions – WWE Royal Rumble 2014

  Welcome along to the latest round of SLTD Wrestling’s PPV Predictions. We did a re-launch of sorts a couple of months ago, but the game is still the one you all know and love. We post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year and let you guys tell us who you …

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AOB’s WWE Royal Rumble 2014 Predictions

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Adam O’Brien, and I welcome each of you to my first predictions article of 2014! First stop; the Royal Rumble, which takes place this Sunday on the 26th of January from the Consol Energy Centre in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The line-up is looking pretty intriguing this Sunday, folks. With …

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Raw Revisited 20th January: Grand Theft Orton

  Last week featured the best ending to Raw in years…YEARS! This week…was not that. It wasn’t even close. Cena shook hands with a bunch of kids and did his usual shtick to close the show. It ended much like Batista’s return began…not with a bang, but with a whimper. Not exactly what I, or …

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Under the Spotlight – Daniel Bryan and the Yes Movement

In the WWE, not everybody makes it to the point where they can call themselves a “Legend”. Whether they never got their big push, they were prone to injury or they just weren’t good enough, thousands of young men and women never make it big in the company. But whenever somebody does find themselves on …

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