Tag: Steve Austin

#TyboTalks 2003: No Way Out (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome to the second instalment of Tybo Talks 2003, this month we are talking No Way Out If you want to read my Tybo Talks… Royal Rumble 2003 CLICK HERE! The idea was simple, with the ease of access to pretty much all of WWE’s back catalogue on the WWE Network I thought it would …

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#SummerSlamWeek #FantasyFightFriday – Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Randy Orton (@ArmbarExpress)

How’s it going everybody? Welcome to another edition of SLTD Wrestling’s Fantasy Fight Friday, where we look at a wrestling dream match and decide which superstar reigns supreme. I’m Thomas Robinson (of @ArmbarExpress) and I will be settling the score between a true dream match between two mega stars in WWE history that have both …

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WrestleMania Rewind: WrestleMania 15 – A New Hope. #SLTDManiaMonth

Welcome to the latest edition of our WrestleMania Rewind series, written by yours truly, exclusively for everyone here at SLTD Wrestling. The aim of WrestleMania Rewind is to review every WrestleMania in roughly 2,000 words. Click here to read the series so far. Today’s stop on our magical tour sees us go back to March …

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It’s Wrestling! Top Five Shocking #RAW Moments – #Raw25

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to… It’s Wrestling! I apologize for lack of post recently. I will be post more as soon as I can. My wife and I are currently writing a book and I’ve been putting a considerable amount of time into it. Anyway, enough about that. Today, I’m bringing to you my …

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The Top 3 Things for Braun Strowman to Destroy Next

The Monster Amongst Men has been on a rampage the past few weeks on RAW. He destroyed Rhyno and Heath Slater, he pulled down a scaffolding WITH A GRAPPLING HOOK, and this week he tipped over an 18 wheel truck. The man is truly a beast. Sure we all know that all this build it to …

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TSWP 56 | Roman Reigns Is Not Over

Ryan Davis talks about his thoughts on the ending of WWE Roadblock, why Roman Reigns isn’t over and Dean Ambrose is, and how delusional and out of touch Vince McMahon really is. Follow Ryan Davis on Twitter: @RyanDavisSpeaks TSWP on TuneIn Radio | TSWP on Stitcher Radio | TSWP on iTunes | TSWP on YouTube [mixcloud …

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WWE 2K16 Review

Hello and welcome to The Wrestling Brain’s Monday article, whether you’re a regular or a new reader, the support is much appreciated.  I have taken time off from playing the new WWE 2K16 game to write this article and I hope that I can persuade any doubters to buy this game for any console, but …

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Hell in a Cell 2015 Predictions

How’s it going everybody? Thomas Robinson here once again with the Armbar Analysis for SLTD Wrestling. Hell in a Cell is a very important event for WWE. With RAW ratings dropping to new record lows, it’s important that this pay-per-view succeeds. The main event is centered around two of the biggest part-time stars WWE have …

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Who’s next to return to WWE?

Afternoon all, hope everyone had a good weekend, this week I am going to discuss who could be next to return to WWE? Ever since The Dudley Boyz’ surprise return three weeks ago, it’s led me to thinking who’s next? (Goldberg is not featured in this article.) In recent years we’ve seen returns in WWE …

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Fantasy Fight Friday – CM Punk vs. Steve Austin

Have you ever wondered what would happen if ‘The Immortal’ Hulk Hogan ever crossed paths with John Cena? How about if ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper ever went toe-to-toe with Dean Ambrose? Who would have prevailed if ‘The Heartbreak Kid’, Shawn Michaels ever went one-on-one with ‘The Great One’, The Rock? Welcome, everybody, to a brand new …

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FATP: Chris Jericho’s WWE Return

Phew. This is gonna be tough. I have something to admit to you all about Chris Jericho’s WWE return. My name’s George, I’m 31 years old and for most of the last 15 years, I’ve been…a Jerichoholic. It’s an addiction, and a serious one at that. I hope that you’ll all support me as I …

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Talking Podcasts

I’m sure I’m the laziest person on the planet.  Last weekend my laziness rose to a level that had more in common with a sloth, than my fellow humans.  I won’t bore you with the details, because I’m too lazy to type them. My laziness is getting so bad Channel 4 could easily get one …

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