Tag: Summerslam

#TyboTalks 1995: #SummerSlam (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome to the sixth, Tybo Talks 1995. We are continuing from In Your House 2, with SummerSlam 1995. With the ease of access to pretty much all of WWE’s back catalogue on the WWE Network I thought it would be cool to change it up a bit and do some classic reviews (with a twist). …

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#MouthingOff with MikeJC – Top Five: SummerSlam Performers of All Time (@MikeJC821)

So SummerSlam is arguably the second biggest show of the year in WWE. For all intensive purposes it’s the middle of the new WWE year and for the first time in 29 years it is going to be in a stadium with over 65,000 fans in attendance. Throughout the years there have been some huge …

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#SummerSlamWeek Did You Know: The Craziest Backstage Stories from #SummerSlam History (@SLTDWrestling)

Over the years there have been many backstage stories from every WWE show or PPV, as it’s SummerSlam we thought we would compile some of the craziest backstage stories from the last 30+ years of ‘the biggest party of the summer’ Each of these stories, matches and plans have come from a different source, so …

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#SummerSlamWeek #TyboTalks: Top Five Craziest Stipulations in #SummerSlam Matches (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling. As it’s SummerSlam week, I have been watching some older SummerSlam PPVs and there is a theme that I have noticed. It seems crazy stipulations …

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#SummerSlamWeek Did You Know: The #SummerSlam Matches that Almost Happened

Over the years there have been many matches planned for the ‘Biggest Party of the Summer’ that for one reason or another didn’t make it to the final product. We are going to mention some of the most interesting matches that never happened. Each of these stories, matches and plans have come from a different …

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#TheWrestlingBrain: Predicts #SummerSlam (@callumowen98)

Hello it’s me TWB, and I’m back for a double dose of predictions across this Summerslam weekend, and today I’m going to talk about the ‘Biggest Party of the Summer’ Summerslam, which airs live from Amway Center in Orlando, Florida. We have an 8 match card to go through, so let’s not waste any more …

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#TeamSLTD: SummerSlam Classics. (@FazzasThoughts | @HeelMatt | @TyboTalks)

As SummerSlam is tonight we thought we would get some of the group together for some more of our SummerSlam Classics. This is our favourite matches from the ‘biggest party of the summer’. Fazza’s Thoughts (@FazzasThoughts) For me, The Rock vs Triple H 1998 in a Ladder Match will be one of the greatest SummerSlam …

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#SummerSlamWeek #TheWrestlingBrains Predict #SummerSlam (@XterBlack | @callumowen98)

Hello it’s me TWB and The Wrestling Brain has officially expanded, from now on there will be two brains with me @callumowen98 and now @XterBlack has joined The Wrestling Brain Brand. Today we’re here giving you our predictions for Sunday night’s Summerslam PPV. Now what we’ve done is split the card into two, and I …

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#SummerSlamWeek #KWKorner: What Needs to Happen at #Summerslam 2019 (@thekantastic)

With Summerslam being around the corner this coming weekend in Toronto, and with this pay per view one of four of WWE’s marquee shows in a calendar year, there is already a solid card booked for the event as it unfolds at the Scotiabank Arena in Canada’s largest city. What happens in Toronto could reshape …

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#SummerSlamWeek #FantasyFightFriday – Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Randy Orton (@ArmbarExpress)

How’s it going everybody? Welcome to another edition of SLTD Wrestling’s Fantasy Fight Friday, where we look at a wrestling dream match and decide which superstar reigns supreme. I’m Thomas Robinson (of @ArmbarExpress) and I will be settling the score between a true dream match between two mega stars in WWE history that have both …

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#SummerSlamWeek #TheWrestlingBrains Predict #NXTTakeover – Toronto (@Xterblack | @callumowen98)

Hello it’s me TWB, and The Wrestling Brain had officially expanded, from now on there will be two brains with me @callumowen98 and now @Xterblack has joined ‘The Wrestling Brain’ Brand. Today we’re here to give you our predictions for NXT Takeover: Toronto. This Saturday night’s show looks absolutely stacked, and I cannot wait to …

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#SummerSlamWeek #KayfabeKrimes: Top Five SummerSlam Tag Team Matches (@KayfabeKrimes)

The order of these matches is determined on the basis of how good they are as ‘Tag Team Matches’. This consists of the following criteria: How well the teams perform as a cohesive unit; how they utilized the ring as a tag team (such as cutting the ring in half) and finally, the entertainment value …

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