Tag: tag-team

5 Reasons I’m Excited About WWE in 2018

To say that parts of 2017 were a creative booking mess would be putting it lightly. WWE repeatedly backed themselves into corners they were unable to get out of with confusing angles, badly positioned superstars and not continuing storylines. Despite this there were plenty of positives to come out of the year, and as we …

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Taking a chance on opportunity

Two weeks ago on Smackdown Live in one of the most surprising moves since the draft itself, Jinder Mahal was victorious in a number 1 contenders match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I tend to avoid dirt sheets before WWE shows now, but apparently most of the diseases of the pro wrestling business (Meltzer …

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Team SLTD Discusses – Hall of Fame Inductee – Rock ‘n’ Roll Express

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on this year Hall of Fame inductees the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below what you think of the next inductee! @kieranthekiz (UKayfabe) I’m not very familiar with these guys, they were superstars that …

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5 Superstars Lost in WWE’s Creative Closet

It would be fair to say that as of 2017, the WWE’s talent roster is probably the healthiest it’s been in years. So many exceptional performers currently on either RAW or Smackdown Live, and so many more waiting in the ranks of NXT or 205 Live that there are bound to be some superstars that get …

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What are WWE doing with Enzo & Cass?

His name is Enzo Amore, and he’s a certified G and a bonafide stud and you “Can’t..teach..that!”. And him right there? That’s Big Cass and he’s seven foot tall and you “Can’t..teach..that!”. Badda boom, realist guys in the room.. ..but my question isn’t ‘How You Doin’?’, but rather, “WHAT are they doing?” As one of the hottest …

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Utilizing the Smackdown Tag Team Division

Daniel Bryan recently announced that Smackdown Live would be introducing its own Tag Team Titles, but who should be the first champions to hold the titles? Chad Gable & Jason Jordan are the obvious fan favourites, but I wouldn’t necessarily give them the tag team titles straight away. Let’s take a look at the teams …

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Big Cass – Standing Out?

We’ve now had two PPV events since the post Wrestlemania call ups, and having had time to settle into their new surroundings I believe there is one man who has stood out the most compared to his peers, and that man is Big Cass. I don’t for one second believe anyone would have thought SAWFT …

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Interview with Rampage Ramsey

For those who don’t know, Rampage Ramsey is a wrestler who represents the RWA Wrestling promotion and he is one of a number of talents who current ply their trade in the UK. He kindly allowed me to interview him recently on his current thoughts of the UK Wrestling scene, and what he thinks RWA …

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Jeff Hardy – Fall from Grace

Jeff Hardy will be remembered as one of the most exciting, daring, innovated and fan favorite wrestlers of all time. He has taken part in some of the biggest matches in the history of the WWE and most of them ended with some extravagant stunt involving a ladder. One of the best matches in the …

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Under The Spotlight – Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart UK Tour

  Thousands of men and women have walked through the curtains of the WWE over its 50+ year history, but only a handful of those men and women have walked out saying they made a difference. Bret “Hitman” Hart made perhaps one of the biggest impacts in the WWE during his wrestling career, and while …

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FATP: The Usos – Future Tag-Team Champions?

It’s been a while huh? I needed a rest after writing 2 monstrous columns over the holiday season. Thanks to everyone who gave me constructive feedback, and in particular to those who bothered to give me more feedback than “the article was too long”. Always great to hear that when you’ve busted your ass to …

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FATP: A Review of WWE in 2013 (July – December)

  Welcome to the 1st FATP of 2014! Hopefully you all had a great Christmas and if you need some reading material while you’re nursing a New Years Eve hangover, then sit down with a strong cup of coffee, put your feet up and enjoy! Now that we’re in to a brand new year, I …

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