Tag: Wrestlemania

#TheWrestlingBrain Predicts: NIGHT TWO #NXTTakeover Stand And Deliver (@callumowen98)

Hello and welcome to The Wrestling Brain’s NXT Takeover Stand and Deliver predictions, for the first time in history we have a two night Takeover to talk about, so let’s not waste anymore time and get started  Night Two Santos Escobar (C) Vs Jordan Devlin (C)Ladder Match Unified NXT Cruiserweight Championship During night two of …

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#TheWrestlingBrain Predicts: NIGHT ONE #WWENXT #StandAndDeliver (@callumowen98)

Hello and welcome to The Wrestling Brain’s ‘Stand and Deliver’ predictions. For the first time in history we have a two night Takeover to talk about, so let’s not waste anymore time and get started  Night One WALTER (C) Vs Tommaso CiampaNXT UK Championship Match This has the potential of being the best match over …

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#TeamSLTD Discuss: Hall of Fame Inductee – Kane (@TheKantastic @callumowen98 @TyboTalks)

Its not SLTD’s Mania Month without us get getting together and discussing The WWE Hall of Fame. A few of the team have added their thoughts on Kane, why not add yours in the comments below… Today we have, The Wrestling Brain (TWB), Kantastic Wrestle Corner (KWK) and Tybo Talks (TT) TWB: Kane is a …

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#SLTDManiaMonth #KayfabeKrimes – Top Five: Worst Celebrities at Wrestlemania (@KayfabeKrimes)

Wrestlemania is known for its celebrity guest, but a lot of the time this is all about the payday, and they have no idea what’s going on.  So it’s time for my worst five celebrity appearances at Wrestlemania. This list is probably more prestigious than the Oscars, and all five of these entrants fought hard for their …

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#SLTDManiaMonth – #KayfabeKrimes – Top Five Worst WrestleMania Main Events (@KayfabeKrimes)

WrestleMania is the grandest stage of them all. The ultimate goal for wrestlers around the world, to headline WrestleMania, is the greatest honour of them all. Therefore, one would assume that the main event of the granddaddy of them all would be the best match of the year.  Unfortunately, the main event of WrestleMania isn’t always as spectacular as …

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#SLTDManiaMonth – #TyboTalks: Top Five #Wrestlemania Entrances (@TyboTalks)

One of my favourite things about Wrestlemania is the special entrances you get from certain superstars throughout the show. Whether this is a live performance of a stars theme song by the band, or it’s just some special ring attire (specifically Rey Mysterio’s movie from the year ring gear, The Joker, Daredevil and Avatar) there …

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#TheWrestlingBrain: #Wrestlemania Predictions (@callumowen98)

Hello everybody, it’s me TWB, and firstly I hope everyone is doing well during this troubling time. I think during a period of unrest and uncertainty, we all need to have escapism, and my escapism comes from writing wrestling articles and watching some WWE, so that’s exactly what I’m doing right now. This weekend we …

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SLTD Predictions League X – WrestleMania – The Results (@SLTDWrestling)

Hey Folks! Welcome to the Fourth Round of results for Season Ten of the SLTD Wrestling Predictions League! First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who took part in our predictions league it was so nice to see so many of you returning for the new season and to see some new faces …

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#TheWrestlingBrain: Wrestlemania 35 Predictions (@callumowen98)

Hello its me TWB, and today I’ll be bring you my predictions for the marquee matches of Wrestlemania 35. Raw & Smackdown Women’s Championship: Charlotte (C) Vs Becky Lynch Vs Ronda Rousey (C) – Winner Takes It All Firstly congratulations to the women of WWE, who will main event Wrestlemania for the first time ever. …

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Guest Writer: Five Instances Where Roman Reigns Couldn’t Connect with the Audience

Roman Reigns has been a famous personality in the World Wrestling Entertainment community. However, he has been subject to a lot of criticism from fans which has made him kind of an embarrassment for WWE. There are several reasons for the boos he receives during his appearance at matches. Here are some of them: 1.Roman’s …

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SLTD Predictions League – Season VIII

The world-famous SLTD PPV Predictions League is BACK for its eighth season yes that’s right EIGHTH! (The SLTD Predictions League points are not connected to the SLTD Fantasy League points) This may be the eighth Season of SLTD Predictions League, but the game is the same as always. It’s still the one you all know and …

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#Wrestling World: WrestleMania 2018 Week! @JoshMorrell

Hello there, SLTD family! I know what you may be thinking, wasn’t this meant to be out a month or so ago and you would be correct but we are here now and I am writing today to recap my entire WrestleMania week experiences for you in this very article.   Flying to New Orleans …

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