Team SLTD – Chyna Tribute

Hey folks, I’m sure by now you have all heard the sad news that Chyna passed away last night. We at SLTD Wrestling would like to share our thoughts on the Ninth Wonder Of The World.

@Dan_089 (Twitter Manager)

So another member of the wrestling world has passed way to early, Chyna was something else, such a physical specimen she could hang with anyone, so much so she was brought in as a bodyguard for The Original DX, this lady was a trend setter for any woman’s wrestler, first woman’s entrant into the Royal Rumble, IC Champion and former number 1 contender for the WWF Championship ( she eventually lost that right to mankind) and of course a Woman’s Champion! Whether she was kicking ass in the ring, standing at the side being Eddies Mamacita, Chyna will always be remembered by attitude era fans as one of the top personalities of that era!
Once again another gone too soon, you had your demons but may you now be at peace! RIP CHYNA
Hopefully future hall of famer


Ninth Wonder, Icon, Legend
What more can be said about Chyna, she is one of the most influential women in WWE & wrestling history. From one of the original members of DX, the first female entrant in the 1999 Royal Rumble and the first ever female Intercontinental Champion. Chyna broke and set records in her career. From entertaining feuds and romances with Kane, Chris Jericho and the late great Eddie Guerrero, we took her into our hearts and she will forever be remembered as the 9th Wonder of the World

@AdamOB_UTS (Under The Spotlight)

Waking up this morning and seeing the news that Chyna had passed was a harrowing experience. Sure, that’s become the norm with the news of wrestlers having left this world, something that’s starting to happen a little too often at this point, but in Chyna’s case it’s a little more disheartening given the rocky road she’d been on over the last few years.
Not to get into any of it, but she very clearly had a problem and it saddens me that it’s only in hindsight how obvious it was that this was on the horizon.
Nevertheless, despite the ups and downs Chyna faced in her final years, she leaves behind an unquestionable legacy based on her time in the squared circle. She brought something unique and truly awe-inspiring to the table and broke barriers for what women could do between the ropes. She’s a ground-breaking individual, and whether or not her name is rightfully honoured as a member of the WWE Hall of Fame in years to come, she will forever be remembered by the fans.
Thank you, Chyna.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)

I was truly saddened to learn of the passing of Chyna this morning, l firmly believe she deserves more respect and recognition than she gets. In my opinion Chyna ought to be remember for her times in WWE as a founding member of DX, instead of her troubling times in her later life. Chyna deserves to enter the Hall Of Fame, because she has left a lasting legacy on the Women’s division and ultimately she was the first real role model for young women as showed dominance, power and ultimately she was better than some of the men on the roster at that time. Whether it being a two time Intercontinental Champion or first female royal rumble entrant, Chyna in her relatively short stint in WWE showed why she shouldn’t be forgotten, and should always be remembered. #RIPChyna

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)

Since the terrible news broke of Chyna’s death this morning, I’ve gone through so many thoughts in my head. First I was demanding her to be placed into the 2017 Hall of Fame, then I was thinking they should honour her in some way on RAW.
But later in the day after reading Triple H & Stephanie’s condolence tweets I completely changed my mind.
It got me thinking, WHY isn’t Chyna in the Hall of Fame already?
“She did porn”, well, X-Pac was in the first video too and he not only appeared on WWE since he got a major spot at Wrestlemania 31!!
“She had a drug problem”, funny, wasn’t Razor Ramon inducted into the Hall of Fame a few years ago? He’s known to have had the biggest drug issues professional wrestling, yet he’s in along with the man who advocates the use of drugs as an image, Snoop Dogg (which is still a ridiculous inclusion by the way).
My stance now is that Chyna should NOT go into the Hall of Fame. If Triple H and/or Stephanie aren’t man enough to put their personal feelings aside to face Chyna and celebrate the groundbreaking superstar she was, then I don’t want her to go in now just to clear their conscience.
First woman to hold a male singles title, first woman of D-Generation X, first woman to enter a Royal Rumble.
Rest in Peace Joanie ‘Chyna’ Laurer.

@Bruce412 (Twitter Manager)

We were first introduced to Joanie Laurer as Triple H’s “enforcer”, Chyna. She ended up being so much more than that. She was the first female to enter the Royal Rumble and the first and only female to win the Intercontinental Championship. She even stole our hearts as Eddie’s “Mamacita”.

I will always remember the time I met Joanie. She was so gracious and generous. She smiled and even had a short conversation with me. You could tell that her fans really meant a lot to her. No matter how she goes down in WWE history, I hope that she is remembered for her spirit as well. Rest in peace, Joanie, you are no longer in pain.

@Tybo_SLTD (SLTD Wrestling Owner)

I was genuinely saddened and shocked by the news of Chyna’s passing. It looked to me (at least on social media) like she was turning her life around and trying to get it back on track. Chyna was an incredible WWE Superstar, in a generation where the men were huge and the divas were arm candy, Chyna excellently switched between the two. Chyna did things in the WWE that no woman has ever done and may never do again, her winning the Intercontinental Championship was groundbreaking. Chyna was a true trailblazer in the world of pro-wrestling, and if a woman came along in the future and had half the career Chyna did, she would be a first ballot hall of famer. Rest easy.
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