Team SLTD Discusses – Hall of Fame Inductee – Kurt Angle

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on this year Hall of Fame inductee Kurt Angle

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below what you think of the first inductee!

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
If there was ever a man deserving of a Hall of Fame induction, it’s Kurt Angle. He is arguably the greatest all-rounder the industry has ever seen, he is a legitimate threat in the ring due to his Olympic gold medal in amateur wrestling and then he adapted to professional wrestling as fast as anyone ever has. He is capable of cutting an intense, intimidating promo, while also being remembered for some of the funniest segments in WWE history. Angle still wrestles on the independent circuit and, while his in-ring career is inevitably winding down, his induction does reignite hope that there may be at least one more Kurt Angle match in a WWE ring

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)
I didn’t appreciate Kurt Angles skills at the start. I thought he got too much too soon but he grew on me and did some excellent work. When he left WWE under that injury cloud it left a sour taste, but he’s back for his place in the HOF which is thoroughly deserved.

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
I’m glad that Kurt is finally going into the Hall of Fame. It’s clear that it was his final destination of this career from the day he entered the building. Kurt Angle, wherever he has wrestled, has always put passion into his work, creativity, determination and courage in to everything he did. He was able to be a heel, a face, a tweener and everything in between. Hell, he pretended to be in a wheelchair to work a storyline. My career highlight for Kurt is during the WWF-WCW-ECW invasion storyline, where he played a pivotal role from start to finish. Highlights included a milk truck, winning the WWF Title and turning heel and then face again. This also featured one of my favourite matches of all time – Kurt Angle vs Shane McMahon in a street fight

@ALFarrand (Facebook Manager)
I was pretty surprised when I heard that Kurt Angle was fronting this year’s Hall Of Fame class. Not because he doesn’t deserve it, because it was unexpected. Angle has been with WWE since 2006 and it seemed as though their relationship was on rocky ground but ultimately there is no denying the legacy he made for himself in WWE. Former WWE, World Heavyweight, Intercontinental, European & Tag Team champion, Angle made the transition from Amateur Wrestling to Pro Wrestling easy. Never looking back, he solidified his status as one of the very best in matches & rivalries against The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero and countless others. I am very much looking forward to seeing the Olympic gold medalist on the Wrestlemania stage once again and hopefully more on TV in the coming months as he is finally back where he belongs. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
I was absolutely thrilled when I saw that Kurt Angle would go into this year’s Hall Of Fame class, there is no-one is professional wrestling who has had a better debut year in WWE, than the Olympic Gold Medalist, in his 7/8 year stint with WWE, Angle had dozen of great matches and moments, he could do great comedy with Stone Cold or tear it up in the ring with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 21.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
Kurt is the best in-ring athlete in WWF/WWE/TNA history, I came across Kurt on a episode of Raw is War in 2000, I was 3 so I don’t remember much of it but I do remember him being the WWF Champion, the moment I saw Kurt, I hated him because of his great work as a bad guy, when I started appreciating the sport of pro-wrestling, he was definitely in my top 3, beside Eddie and Rey.

Kurt is a Hall of Famer, without question but what I would like to see is one final run in the Fed to cap off his amazing career.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
What’s there to say about this man. Olympic Goal Medallist, WCW World Champion, 5 time WWE

World Champion,6 time TNA World Champion and conqueror of the Indy scene. The list could go on forever. Kurt Angle was one of the greatest wrestlers of his time, if not the greatest wrestler, and to this very day has been putting on top quality match around the world, aged 48! His time in the WWE however was his most impactful. Whether he be face or heel, playing a serious role or a comedy role he was fantastic. Not only was his mix of matt wrestling and professional wrestling a joy to watch, but his ability on the mic rivalled that even of the Rock and Austin.

Although it was sad to see him leave the WWE, Angle still had a fruitful career in TNA and various Indy Promotions. Although after leaving the WWE he had a lot of demons to face, he conquered them and remains in amazing condition. He claims he has a lot more matches in the tank, and if WWE allow it to happen, hopefully we’ll be see more from the soon to be Hall of Famer.

@AdamOB_UTS (Under The Spotlight)
It’s not often we get to honour a man in the WWE Hall of Fame before he even hangs up his boots, but in this case, I’m quite excited that they decided to make an exception.
Kurt Angle’s story from not wanting anything to do with the company when they approached him in the 90s, to falling in love and going through all of the steps to get to the top is something extraordinary. A tale of an Olympic gold medallist discovering a brand new passion long after he thought he’d had it all figured out.
Kurt Angle was a natural heel, and a guy I loved to hate when I was a kid.
His feud with Eddie Guerrero in 2004 stands out as one that made me develop a lifelong passion for wrestling, and to see him back in the company is an extremely exciting prospect. Will we see Kurt Angle go toe-to-toe with some of the company’s best contemporary stars? Only time will tell, but as for now all we can do is look back in appreciation at all the funny, sad and downright awesome moments that Kurt Angle has given us as fans.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
I’m thrilled for Kurt Angle to be inducted into the 2017 WWE Hall of Fame. Not only did he win a gold medal at the 1996 Olympic Games (‘with a broken freakin’ neck’), he was an integral part of WWE television from 2000-2006 being a part of some excellent matches, feuds and storylines in a range of roles within the company. The ever versatile Angle won several titles in WWE, and would then go on to have success in TNA, which I doubt will be mentioned, but even taking away those few years spent with ‘the other company’, his career in professional wrestling is Hall of Fame worthy. I had the pleasure, honour and privilege to see him wrestle live in the UK late last year and he still has it, perhaps enough even to justify one more WWE run?

@Bruce412 (Twitter Manager)
Ever since Kurt Angle introduced us to the 3 I’s and the Eurocontinental Championship, I was hooked. This man won the gold medal at the 1996 Olympic games with a broken freakin’ neck, afterall. Angle proved all the naysayers wrong and made his way up the ladder in the WWE and won championship after championship, winning millions of fan’s along the way. Kurt Angle would then move on from WWE to TNA. With a smooth transition, he stayed at the top of that company for years as well before departing last year. Now, WWE is set to induct Kurt Angle into the Hall of Fame and I can think of no more fitting of an honor for this legend. I raise a glass of milk and salute this induction.

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