Team SLTD Discusses – Hall of Fame Inductee – Ravishing Rick Rude

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on this year Hall of Fame inductee Ravishing Rick Rude!

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below what you think of the next inductee!

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
Let’s face it, Rick Rude deserves his Hall of Fame induction for his ring attire alone! But in all seriousness, Rude is one of the greats and his induction is long overdue. Many wrestlers who have come after him have tried to create a spin-off of his narcissistic, arrogant persona, but nobody could do it quite like Rick. Men hated him, women loved him, but everyone was talking about him and he is still talked of in high regard to this day. There is no doubt that Rick Rude is worthy of being in the WWE Hall of Fame.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
From the overwhelming response from fans and superstars, Rick Rude is a very popular choice for this years Hall of Fame. Despite only winning one title in WWE, he was known around the world for his other accomplishments and title victories. He spent almost half of his life wrestling before his tragic death in 1999, and it’s great that those who knew him can see him honoured as an official inductee into the Hall of Fame class of 2017.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
Rick was one of the best characters in the entire WWF / WWE history. Simply ravishing was Rick Rude and vise versa. When with Bobby Heenan, it was must see WWF television and being World Champion in WCW made him a First Ballot Hall of Famer that should have been inducted years ago.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)

A few weeks ago Old Skool View did a special dedicated to the ‘Ravishing’ One – READ HERE

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
Rick Rude was a major heel of the 80’s and his gimmick was years before its time. There is no doubt that if Rude was to debut with his ‘Ravishing’ gimmick in the middle of the Attitude Era, he would without a doubt be a main event player and possible WWE Champion. I am not shocked that Rick Rude is being induced into the Hall of Fame, he has wrestled for all the major promotions (WWE, WCW and ECW) he is also the only wrestler to show up on both Raw is War and Monday Nitro on the same night! Its also worth mentioning that Rick Rude is not only an almost forgotten member of D-Generation X, but he is a founder member of one the most influential factions in wrestling history.

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