Team SLTD Discusses – Hall of Fame Inductee – Teddy Long

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on this year Hall of Fame inductee Teddy Long

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below what you think of the next inductee!

@AdamOB_UTS (Under The Spotlight)
Teddy Long has been around the block – it seems this guy has held every job in the business, be it refereeing, managing or being an authority figure, and he excelled in creating quite the legacy for himself. Now synonymous with hilarious catchphrases and his infatuation with tag-team matches, it’s going to be such a treat to watch Teddy’s signature dance as he takes centre stage during his Hall of Fame induction speech.
God knows this man deserves every ounce of adulation coming his way at the end of the month.

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
Teddy Long has pretty much done it all in WWE, from refereeing to managing talent, all the way to what he is most known for, being the general manager of Smackdown. He could arguably be worthy of a Hall of Fame induction for his loyalty and service to the company alone, but he has had his fair share of memorable moments too and is fondly remembered by WWE fans. Who knows? Maybe he will even get the chance to make an impromptu tag team match at WrestleMania!

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)
Teddy Long, manager, ref, or general manager always had a good time. I’ll remember him more fondly for managing Doom than anything else but his HOF speech should be fun too playa!

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
The Man, The Myth, The Legend that is Teddy Long. What a career he has had. What I love about Teddy is that he has literally done it all in the wrestling world. Errand boy, referee, ring crew, manager to multiple wrestlers to name a few. Bringing back the Inferno Match, King of the Ring and using Barbed Wire Steel Cages. An atrocious “match” vs Eric Bischoff at the 2005 Survivor Series. Let’s also not forget that he was “responsible” for the debut of talents such as Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus and many more during his time in ECW. However, in more recent years, he’s been remembered fondly for booking Tag Team matches; I coin this the Tag Team SmackDown Era when I look back at the annals of time. Let’s not forget the amount of heels that he put “one on one with da Undertaka playa”.

Teddy Long : We salute you!

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Time for a Hall of Fame induction playa, I only knew Teddy Long as the Smackdown GM who would book tag team matches or putting a heel in the main event vs Undertaker. I definitely think there’s a few more guys and girls who deserve a HOF induction before Long, but I see the Hall Of Fame like an actual PPV card where you need a strong main eventer, and then a strong mid card and anyone like me who’s watched WWE for the last 10 years Teddy Long has been a familiar face on TV, this is definitely an induction that I expected to happen but it is an induction speech that I’d probably skip

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
Teddy is majorly known for his WWE run as the General Manager of then Friday Night SmackDown, inducting Long into the WWE Hall of Fame is a no-brainer because of SmackDown Live new found success but Teddy has deserved to be inducted for a long time now, with his successful WCW managerial run for wrestlers such as “Mean Mark” Callous (better known as The Undertaker in the Fed), Ron Simmons, Mark Henry in the Fed and many more. Not only that, his original job when he started in the WWF was being a referee, so Teddy Long has earned this induction, can you feel me, PLAYA, Holla Holla.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Hola Hola Playa’. Teddy Long was the first African-American General Manager in the WWE and one of the most popular GMs for the company ever. Starting off as an errand boy in NWA, Long worked his way up the ranks becoming a referee and then manager/valet for various talents across the NWA and WCW.

However, Long really made his name in the WWE. Starting off as a heel referee he had some highlights, such as taking a stunner from Sherriff Steve Austin, but truly came into his own when he became SmackDown General Manager in 2004. He was an instant hit, giving the fans what they wanted and standing up to heels. Not to mention his knack for booking a mean tag team match playa.

Long fit the role perfectly, cutting great promos and legitimately having fun. There hasn’t been and probably never will be anyone quite like Teddy Long. Not only will he forever be memorialized in the Hall of Fame… but also in memes, telling millions around the word that they’re going one on one with DA UNDERTAKA.

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