Team SLTD Discusses – Hall of Fame Inductee – Diamond Dallas Page

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on this year Hall of Fame inductee Diamond Dallas Page

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below what you think of the next inductee!

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
I’ve been a fan of Diamond Dallas Page since his later WCW days to his WWE career. I enjoyed his feud with The Undertaker, and his part in the Invasion storyline, although a lot of people felt he was undervalued. He deserves the respect for his wrestling career without a doubt, but his DDP Yoga has also helped rehabilitate the likes of Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts and Scott Hall. A very likeable man in the industry, and definitely one of the legendary professional wrestling faces.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
As I’m writing this, I’m listening to Page’s Self High Five theme, although not relevant, Page Falkinburg’s career is one to admire, starting with driving a pink Cadillac in the WWF at WrestleMania, to main eventing WCW in it’s boom period in the 90’s. Page’s work is now focused on DDP Yoga, which I have tried and it kicked my a** but it has changed many lives across the world and that alone deserves a Hall of Fame induction, let alone his WCW and short WWF career after WCW folded in ’01.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Diamond Dallas Page, arguably deserves two inductions into the HOF, one for his stellar run in WCW, and the other for his incredible work with Jake the Snake Roberts, Scott Hall and many other past and present wrestlers with his DDP yoga programme. DDP got the best match possibly ever out of Goldberg and to be honest the run he had with WWF, was a disgrace, I feel he could have been used far better, but sadly most guys who got bought from WCW to WWF in 2001 were never really given the chance to make an impact. The recent work he’s done with saving the lives of Jake Roberts and Scott Hall has been truly inspiring and I feel alongside Angle he is the most deserving inductee into this year’s Hall of Fame

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
Diamond Dallas Page was Mr WCW in my eyes. He did so much for the organisation and whilst his run in then WWF didn’t give him the same spotlight, he did some incredible work. Looking at what he did after his retirement, it leads me to think that maybe he’s done more for wrestling without being in the ring. This is down to one thing – the wonderful, the amazing, the incredible DDP Yoga. It’s helped so many people, wrestlers and fans alike. Hell, even people who write about wrestling. Looking back over his career I think of two highlights for me to look back fondly at. The first was DDP being presented as Sara’s stalker during the WWF-WCW Invasion angle. The shock on people’s face to see WCW talent in the ring was just amazing. The other highlight happened in a WCW ring, but not the one you are thinking of :

Ready to Rumble

If you haven’t watched this movie, stop reading this, go to your favourite movie viewing site and watch it. It has everything – John Cena training in a gym, Nitro girls, Sting and Goldberg trying to act. I loved DDP in that movie, and Jimmy King too.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)
Whilst I’m old enough to remember him driving the pink Cadillac at Wrestlemania for Rhythm & Blues, and of the right age to appreciate his WCW stuff there is no doubt his place in the HOF is more down to his work with other HOFers with DDP Yoga. Plus he does the Cutter better than Orton. Yo it’s me!

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
Possibly the nicest guy in all of professional wrestling, the announcement of DDP’s Hall of Fame induction was meant with universal approval by his fans and colleagues alike. Although a late-comer to pro-wrestling, Diamond Dallas Page made a huge impact and was a major player for WCW during the Monday Night War. He has continued to give back to the industry since retiring and has helped numerous wrestlers to continue doing what they love by using his DDP Yoga. He has also pretty much saved the lives of Jake Roberts and Scott Hall and more than deserves his moment in the spotlight at this year’s Hall of Fame ceremony.

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