Team SLTD – Female Superstar of the Year 2016

With 2016 coming to a close, we at SLTD Wrestling have not only decided to have our very own Awards 2016 (Vote Now – HERE) but we have gotten together to share some of our personal ‘Best of the Year’

Here we are sharing our Female Superstar of the Year. That one match that has stood out above all else in 2016. Below our ours, but what is yours? let us know in the comments/Twitter/Facebook or by voting on the SLTD Wrestling Awards 2016.

@ALFarrand (Facebook Manager)
Earlier this year, Stephanie McMahon gathered all the ‘Divas’ backstage and informed them of a huge change that had been brought about as a direct result of the ‘Women’s Revolution’ In what was a complete U-turn from the old treatment of female performers, the wrestlers were no longer going to be referred to as ‘Divas’ they were now Superstars. Unfortunately, the Women’s Revolution hit its peak at Wrestlemania 32 when Charlotte was crowned WWE Women’s Champion. Charlotte is not my pick for Female Superstar Of The Year. Instead I chose the person who has been playing hot potato with Flair all year, The Boss, Sasha Banks. I chose Sasha for this award because as much as they’ve thrown at her (Hell In A Cell, Iron Man), Banks has always given an exceptional performance. Sasha must have been deterred by the constant swap and change booking of this supposed prestigious championship but The Boss took it on the chin and gave it her all. Just like any great wrestler should.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)
There’s only two women that have stood out for me this year, one being Charlotte, the other being Asuka. Both have done things their own way, both have excelled, but perhaps the one thing that edges it for me is the fact Charlotte has done it whilst breaking down the barriers by main eventing shows, so she gets my pick.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
2016 has continued with the Women’s revolution taking over, with the 4 horsewomen consisting of Charlotte, Bayley, Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch all been the main part of the Women’s revolution, but I’m about to shock everyone and honestly none of these are my Women of the year. My Women Of The Year goes to one down in NXT, and is the current NXT Women’s Champion as she goes under the name of Asuka. She has had an incredible year, she is undefeated in all of 2016, and she is one hell of a wrestler!

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
As opposed to her male counterpart, this decision was tough to make. There was plenty of competition for this award – Sasha Banks, Bayley, Alexa Bliss easily could have been in contention for this but Charlotte edges it. She has had an amazing year, at least three 4 star matches, headlining a PPV and generally having a massive influence on the Women’s Division on Raw.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
This one was hard to decide for a number of reasons. Do I not like the direction of the women’s divisions in WWE? Yes. Do I understand that MANY women have really stepped up their game in 2016? Absolutely. No matter what I think, the girls have all recognised that they’ve been given a much brighter green light in order to get themselves over. There’s been a lot of girls that have stepped up to the plate. Natalya, Nikki Bella, Naomi, Carmella, Bayley, Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss have all had good years in their own right and NXT’s Asuka continues to be a treat in the developmental centre. Two names were hard to pick from – Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch. Becky really was the spark that caused the “divas revolution” to turn around at the start of the year. She’s been a great top babyface on SmackDown and her efforts must not be ignored. Sasha Banks has been on the frontline of RAW’s “women’s revolution” as she became a three time Women’s Champion and delivered in high profile matches. In the end, I think Sasha Banks SLIGHTLY takes it this year due to her being in much bigger high-profile matches than Becky.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
As much as people won’t want to admit this, but Charlotte HAS been the best female athlete in WWE. As a face, her constant Flair family ties were irritating, and her act with father Ric became stale real fast, but once she made that heel turn, nobody has been able to touch her, in fact nobody has come close. It’s easy to forget her mic skills and her ability as a heel. Yes the Women’s Title has become some what of a hot potato, but the matches between her and Sasha have been truly inspiring and a real advertisement that women’s wrestling is at the highest quality it’s been in years.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
Charlotte is not my favourite women’s wrestler in the WWE but she has got to many accomplishments to pass her as the best of this year.

5-time WWE Raw Women’s Champion says it all really!

@ColinHebert614 (The Curtain Jerker)
Charlotte might have lost the WWE Raw Women’s title 3 times to Sasha Banks, but she re-gained it every time and put on the best match of WrestleMania weekend. And she’s still got her pay-per-view win streak going.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Around this time last year, I went to watch an NXT Live event in my home city of Nottingham. Alexa Bliss was on the card, and sure I thought she was good, but I would have never predicted that she would be the Smackdown Women’s Champion. Bliss alongside the likes of Carmella was never treated as a top female superstar on NXT, they were always in the background behind the 4 Horsewomen and later on Asuka, but Bliss would get a surprising call-up during the brand split and since her time on Smackdown she’s been a main vocal point of the Women’s division as the top heel on the brand. At TLC Bliss would beat Becky Lynch to be crowned the new Smackdown Live Women’s Champion, it has been a truly astonishing year especially the last 5 months for Alexa Bliss and that’s why she’s my Female Wrestler of the year.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully)
Charlotte Flair: Charlotte Flair has some big shoes to fill, carrying the Flair name, but this year goes to show that she is more than capable of doing that. She’s the best female performer technically on the main-roster; she walked out of WrestleMania 32 as the ‘first’ Women’s Champion; she headlined several RAW main-events and competed in the first women’s match to headline a Pay-Per-View.
Charlotte is the best Heel WWE have on their main-roster, and is the rightful face of the women’s revolution.

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