Team SLTD – Match of the Year 2016

With 2016 coming to a close, we at SLTD Wrestling have not only decided to have our very own Awards 2016 (Vote Now – HERE) but we have gotten together to share some of our personal ‘Best of the Year’

Here we are sharing our Match of the Year. That one match that has stood out above all else in 2016. Below our ours, but what is yours? let us know in the comments/Twitter/Facebook or by voting on the SLTD Wrestling Awards 2016.

@ALFarrand (Facebook Manager)
During the summer, the WWE decided to surprise us all and revive it’s Cruiserweight division by holding the Cruiserweight Classic. A 32 man tournament that set out to find the best Cruiserweight in the world. Upon announcement of participants, I knew very few. I was looking forward to Tajiri’s return and thought the CWC was a perfect place for Johnny Gargano & Tomasso Ciampa to prove themselves outside of their tag team efforts. My choice for Match Of The Year happened in the second round of the CWC as Kota Ibushi squared off against Cedric Alexander with both men keen to advance in the tournament. It was someone I’d never heard of (Alexander) versus Ibushi, who I only knew of thanks to his brief crowd appearance at NXT Takeover: Dallas. The match was, is and always will be superb. An ideal blend of high flying manoeuvres mixed with technical holds and the always appreciated splash of drama that had both myself and the Full Sail audience on the edge of their seat. Rematch? Please?

@Dan_089 (Twitter Manger)
My Match of the year is AJ Styles V John Cena at Summerslam, in my eyes the match had everything, the will Cena put over Styles factor was a highlight and added something due to it being the final match it that run for them.
Both guys put in 120% like they both always do and the crowd was hot! It kept me awake at 4am that’s for sure! This solidified AJ as the WWE guy he should of been years earlier! What a year 2016 has been.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)
I should say AJ vs Cena at Summerslam, however two NXT matches are needed for me, so my match of the year is Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura.

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
Another award which was difficult to choose. There has been a LOT of decent wrestling matches this year and finding one which stands out from the others has been a job which has been a pleasure to undertake. The things I do for SLTD Wrestling. The build for the match, the promo’s, setting up the match – it was just pure brilliance. This means that people are more invested in the match before it happens. The match itself was just immense – each chapter of the match told a story which then finished up with the brilliance of the ending of the match.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
I personally think that this year has been a tremendous year for straight up matches in professional wrestling. Not just in WWE but companies like Lucha Underground and NJPW have delivered world-class wrestling over and over again. Even TNA have delivered matches like Final Deletion which were unlike anything wrestling had seen before. I could list about thirty matches that would be acceptable entries for match of the year and I think the match that I should go with is the match which I personally enjoyed the most. That match is the classic from SummerSlam with John Cena facing AJ Styles. This match featured so much drama as these two world-renowned wrestlers finally settled the score to see who was top dog on SmackDown! The right man won, the structure was all “on fleak” for me and both men put on a tremendous effort. The face that runs the place and the champ that runs the camp are now the men that had the match of the year.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
From a purely biased view (seeing as they’re my two favourite wrestlers), I’m going for The Miz v Dolph Ziggler at No Mecy, IC title v Career match.
The story the two told was fantastic, and despite Ziggler in fact signing a new contract, he gave so much heart and passion it made many question as to whether he would be in fact leaving the WWE and would lose the bout. The match itself was memorable for both guys, and again, a great promotion of the Intercontinental title for those that felt the title didn’t mean what he once did.
Ziggler & Miz gave it everything, and not only made the IC title look great, but they proved how valuable they are to WWE.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
This match brought Brooklyn to its feet and deservedly so, with all Cena did, AJ has a smart counter and visa-versa, it was a great back and forth contest, with high octane action throughout the 23 minutes they were out there.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully)
The Final Deletion: No The Final Deletion wasn’t a 5-star technical masterpiece, but it was the most important match to have taken place this year. It was the match that got everyone talking, regardless of ‘promotion loyalty’. The match was one of a kind, beautifully meshing wrestling with wacky film production. It was exciting, enjoyable and entertaining; everything you could ever want from pro-wrestling. Not only that, it totally revitalised The Hardy Brothers career’s and is one of the main reasons TNA is still afloat. WONDERFUL!

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