Team SLTD Predicts – Kevin Owens vs Goldberg – #Fastlane

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at Fastlane this Sunday. Will it be the Universal Champion Kevin Owens or will Goldberg become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
Goldberg will beat Kevin Owens in 61 seconds. It’s pretty bold to predict such a short match and a title change but the writing’s been on the wall since Survivor Series. Brock vs Goldberg was always planned for Mania and if they want to promote that match as the biggest match at Mania, then Goldberg should win this match. I know there’s a lot of KO fans out there that will want Owens to keep the title until Mania but the truth is, losing to Goldberg won’t exactly hurt Owens in the long run, even if he’s not in the main event. Firstly, he’s losing to Goldberg and EVERYONE in the prime of WCW did the job to Goldberg and it never hurt them. Second, let’s say Jericho vs Owens was for the title at Mania. Would that REALLY be seen as the main event in the eyes of the casual viewer? Of course not. Goldberg and Brock will be the stars of WrestleMania and in order to solidify that fact, it should be for the title in the biggest match possible.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
The smart money in this WWE Universal Championship match is on Goldberg, however I’m backing his opponent the current Universal Champion Kevin Owens to find a way to win on Sunday night, here’s how and why I think Kevin Owens walks into Wrestlemania as Universal Champion. Firstly it doesn’t make sense for the 50 year old Goldberg to win the title, as he’d only likely be a transitional champion, before dropping the title to another part timer in Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania, and that’s why I think Goldberg or Lesnar shouldn’t be walking out of Mania as champion. I hate and don’t see the point of part time champions, what are guys like Rollins, Balor, Reigns, Strowman and Owens going to be fighting for whilst Brock’s away. So somehow, someway Kevin Owens needs to win and this is how. Either Lesnar is going to cost Goldberg or the new alliance of Triple H and Samoa Joe help Kevin Owens retain.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
This match has so many moving parts, it’s one of the most exciting PPV main-events in a while! Will Triple H’s ‘new faction’ get involved? Will The Beast Brock Lesnar attack? Or will Christ Jericho make an appearance?
There’s so much to speculate its’ amazing how WWE have turned what looked to be a boring match to one of the most anticipated. My prediction is that, Triple H’s ‘faction’ won’t get involved, Joe will be busy rag-dolling Sami Zayn, and The Game seems busy with Rollins. However, when it comes to Jericho and Lesnar it’s up in the air. There are a number of ways to book these two into the match, but I think one of the two will be involved. If it’s Lesnar, he’ll come out and cost Owens the match, so he can face Goldberg for the Universal Title at Mania. If it’s Jericho, he will also cost Owens the title, setting up a US title match between the two at Mania. Unfortunately, I don’t see Kevin Owens leaving Fastlane as Universal Champion.

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
I’m going with Kevin Owens to retain his WWE Universal Championship over Goldberg at this Sunday’s Fastlane. This is probably more in hope than expectation, but my hope stems from the buzz off the back of ‘Festival of Friendship’ segment a few weeks back. This segment shown that the Jericho and Owens feud is one that the fans are invested in and their anticipated match at WrestleMania deserves to be for the Universal Championship, more so than the Goldberg vs Lesnar match does.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
What a champion Kevin Owens has been and I think this guy will be soon main eventing WrestleMania. BUT Goldberg returned at Survivor Series and TORE through LESNAR in a minute and 26 seconds. He did it again at Royal Rumble, and possibly LESNAR is outing his revenge at Mania, Jericho may also want Owens at Mania. The question is: Which match?
Now, Goldberg & Brock Lesnar are 2 of the biggest box office attractions in the world, and putting these 2 together in a fight always boosts up the ratings for the show. Putting the RAW main title as a added stipulation is definitely special, so as much as I’ve enjoyed Owens been champion, Goldberg is winning this.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)
Hate the fact this match is happening, hate the fact it’s likely Goldberg is going over in a quick match, and hate the fact it’ll mean Goldberg vs Lesnar for the Universal Title at WM #parttimecity

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
Owens vs Goldberg could have been a really good match. It could have been a spectacle. A match of the ages. Something to watch back on the WWE Network in the future. However, that isn’t going to happen. Just like Goldberg vs Lesnar 1, the match should have be amazing. But, we know what’s going to happen in the big picture, just like what we knew then. I would love to be excited about this match. Part of me (the little WCW-WWF loving part of me), is hyped for Goldberg winning the title from Owens. The rest of me is upset knowing that:
a) that once again a part-time wrestler is going to be the top dog.
b) that once again younger talent is going to be wasted.
So, your winner in undramatic style and probably in under 10 minutes : Goldberg.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)
I’ll be honest this isn’t really a match that am looking forward to. I think that the run up hasn’t been the best with more focus being on Owens and Jericho more than anything else. With the match between Goldberg and Lesnar already being announced for WrestleMania I don’t really get where they want to go with this match. Taking the title off Owens means there should be a rematch but with WrestleMania only 4 weeks away is that really enough time to do that as well as build up to the Lesnar match? To me it all feels a little rushed but regardless of all that I do think we are seeing a part timer get the title and Goldberg will do it in true Goldberg style and be champ within 2 minutes of the bell ringing!

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