#TeamSLTD Predicts: Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan

Team SLTD have gotten together once again to give their thoughts on who they think will come out of Survivor Series victorious! Today we are looking at the Universal Champion vs the WWE Champion, will Brock Lesnar be able to beat his unexpected competitor Daniel Bryan? The team give their thoughts below but let us know in the comments who you think will be the Survivor Series victor!

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)
I’ll be honest am not really happy that Brock Lesnar is back as the Universal Champion as I don’t think he deserves it. However that being said he is the champion and here we are with a match that no one was expecting as I wouldn’t have thought AJ would drop the championship that close to Survivor Series especially to Daniel Bryan. Unfortunately there is only one way this can end and that’s Lesnar delivering far to many (and boring) suplexs and F5’s to finally get the win over Bryan for Team RAW.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Well what a whirlwind of a week it has been in the WWE, only a few days ago we we’re getting ready for a rematch between Universal champion Brock Lesnar and WWE Champion AJ Styles, however we have a new champion and his name is Daniel Bryan and he has seemingly turned heel in the process. I think everyone expects Brock to win, but I’m a risk taker and I’m going to predict we’ll see Bryan get a controversial victory over Lesnar. Personally I don’t want to see Bryan lose clean in his first match as a heel, so maybe Bryan can rake Lesnar’s eyes whilst countering an F5 and then hit a running knee for the victory.

@ALFarrand (Cruiserweight Corner)
I’m so conflicted about this match. On the one hand, I was slightly annoyed that they were seemingly heading towards another Brock Vs. AJ match. I love the first one but felt a repeat just one year later, with no real build up, would have been representative of how little the product has actually changed over the course of the year and that’s just bad for business. On the other hand, why are they giving us Lesnar Vs. Bryan, a match that we SHOULD have had at Wrestlemania 31, without any build and with next to little importance being shown towards this being their first match EVER. Granted, Bryan only won the title this past Tuesday but that reflects the last minute decision making of current WWE booking. As for the match itself, I know they’ll kill it and knock it out of the park, I just wish they’d stop pulling the trigger so quickly on these actual dream matches and invest in the slow burn for once. This one will be a win for Lesnar after Styles interference that costs Bryan the match.

@runner_rope (The Rope Runner)
A Match that seems to be 4 years in the making, Bryan finally gets his chance at the beast. However, I don’t see it going too well for him as I can only see a Lesnar win. The bigger question is will Brock sell for Bryan to make this match as good if not better than Brock vs AJ last year.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I was honestly shocked when Bryan won the WWE Championship, after him refusing to wrestle in Saudi Arabia. Then there is the other side of it that makes me think Vince wants to punish Bryan so why not feed him to Lesnar?

I think the match will be a solid one, although a little short. I was looking forward to AJ getting a rematch with Lesnar but this could be just as good. There is a small part of me that would of loved to see AJ vs Strowman but obviously this is a world away. As for a winner I think this one has to go to Lesnar, that is unless someone interferes to set up a feud with Lesnar?

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