The Fox Files- are the minor championship’s still relevant?

Hello, again. I’m Haydn back with another “The Fox Files” as today I’ll be talking in detail  as to whether the United States Championship and the Intercontinental Championship are still relevant and needed in the WWE.

I’ll start off by saying these could be a few reasons why they ARE revelant- firstly, if you took a look at last night’s match between Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, The Miz and Cesaro for the Intercontinental Championship, it was the show stealer, correct? It shows that currently in the WWE, the mid card is looking strong. You couldn’t say the same for the United States Championship though recently, as before the Extreme Rules PPV, it was on 3 pre-shows in a row, including WrestleMania. This makes the US Championship feel like it is not relevant.

I’ll be brutally honest, I’m not a massive Cena fan. But the last time the United States Championship was relevant was when he did the open challenges with the belt,as it brought surprises such as Cesaro, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn, and who doesn’t want a good surprise? Also, it’s not like Cena “buried them” if anything, it was the kick-start for their careers, especially Kevin Owens.

On the other hand, the minor titles are no where near the prestige they used to be. Back even in 2003, you had everyone not only going for the WWE & World Heavyweight Championships, but the United and Intercontinental titles. Nowadays, it feels like the only Championship people want is the WWE World Heavyweight and that the superstars aren’t bothered to hold the US or IC championships. I really do hope that changes soon though.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and that you’ll come back next week, as we’ll talk about the rise of “WWE’s third brand” NXT.

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