The Future Of The Wyatt Family

In case anyone hasn’t noticed, Bray Wyatt and the rest of the Wyatt Family hasn’t been on television for a while. After they got beat up by The Rock and John Cena at WrestleMania 32, and after they beat up the League of Nations, the Wyatt Family disappeared from television. The group were hurt in the sense that Luke Harper got sidelined with an injury but when Bray Wyatt got injured with a calf injury, the group were goners. Now they’re supposedly on their way back, with Bray Wyatt posting some interesting tweets on Twitter. He initially tweeted #TheReturn, then just the word disobey which was followed by the tweet down below from May 28th…

He said: “I make warriors of the unwanted. For you Abby. #TheReturn.”

An hour later, Bray Wyatt tweeted something else with a picture of the Wyatt Family along with Daniel Bryan when he was a member of the group. He said: “Weak are the few, but we are many. #DownWithTheMachine”


Now, this is not the first time where Bray Wyatt has alluded to a higher power that he is following orders from. When he first debuted, he alluded to a “Sister Abigail” which led to fans believing that he was going to introduce a female to the group. Then he attacked Daniel Bryan and CM Punk because apparently “the devil made him do it.” These two incidents didn’t really lead to any big reveal or anything crazy like that but that is not something that’s new from Bray. There’s no real direction to a lot of what the Wyatt Family has done, which the writers should be sorting out. It’s left to Bray and his promos to come up with some lame excuse over why he attacked certain men. Why did he attack Kane? Why did he attack Daniel Bryan? Why did he attack John Cena? Why did he attack Chris Jericho? Why did he attack the Big Show? Why did he attack Dean Ambrose? Why did he attack Ryback? Why did he attack Roman Reigns? Where is all of this going? The simple conclusion to draw to is probably the best explanation and is quite easy to understand… the writers simply had no idea what to do with him.

It is an absurd idea to throw around but if Bray Wyatt was ever supposed to be a main-eventer, he would have been by now as opposed to not even appearing in a match at WrestleMania 32 at all. Instead, he’s been reduced to just attack certain wrestlers with no real legitimate explanation. It’s gotten to the point where Bray, initially a master of the mic, is left stumbling over his words when trying to rationalise all of this. This is actually leading to wrestlers pointing out on television that Bray doesn’t make any sense.

It’s easy for us to jump to that conclusion. However, let’s actually try to play Sherlock Holmes and try to get something more substantial from all of this. Because clearly, Mr Rotunda has a creative idea about where all of this higher power talk is leading to. Why’s that? Because that’s what wrestlers do. If they’re not being used, they get ideas together on paper or in their mind. How many interviews do we read or listen with wrestlers talking about storylines they wanted to do?


Let’s actually think about the “Sister Abigail” and “devil” segments from early on into his main roster run. The easy conclusion to come to is that the devil is this “Sister Abigail” character. The tweet featuring Daniel Bryan actually fits into the devil storyline, as Daniel was attacked “for the devil” and Bray tried to get him to join the Wyatt Family. In fact, one of his earlier tweets said that he makes warriors out of the unwanted for “Abby”, which again appears to be referencing to Sister Abigail. The obvious conclusion to come to is that Sister Abigail is the one behind Bray Wyatt’s decisions but if she were to appear on television, how would she look? Would she be a little sister? Would she be an big sister? Would she even be… his sister?

It could easily just some catholic religious sister that Bray happens to look up to. All of these ideas spring to my head and Bray’s talk of creating warriors from the unwanted hints towards more recruits joining his clan. Daniel Bryan was featured on the photo mentioned earlier, but he is of course retired. I don’t think they’d bring him back to be a part of the Wyatt Family but there are many more viable options around. You could introduce a sister, you could introduce other religious sisters to join the cause and you could make followers out of random talents and tag teams in WWE and in NXT. Why not have the Ascension join the group? Heck, why not include Mr Rotunda’s real-life brother Bo Dallas in the group? It’s not like his character has a direction at the moment.


It is interesting to think about as it appeared that Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family were all set to be babyfaces before Wyatt’s injury. With all the talk about disobeying and being “down with the machine”, it’s not like these are really evil things for Bray Wyatt to be saying. He’s just preaching about fighting establishment and order. Now granted, he was talking about bring the machine down in the past. However, it does make you think. With the Authority not around, I personally believe that it’s more likely that he’ll return as a heel. However, there’s no reason to suggest that the Eater of Worlds couldn’t become the next rebellious babyface in WWE. He’s been a heel for long enough…

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