The @SLTDWrestling Leagues: Everything You Need to Know About the New Seasons (@SLTDLeague)

Here at SLTD Wrestling, we like to think we are the most interactive wrestling website around. This is mainly due to our hugely successful and ‘World Famous’ SLTD Leagues.

Below are all the news, updates, start dates and most importantly how to join each League (join the email list at the bottom of the post). It’s basically everything you will need to know about being part of the largest (that we know off) WWE PPV Predictions League, and the largest (that we know of) WWE Fantasy League. So let’s get started…

SLTD Predictions League

The SLTD Predictions League is rolling into its ninth season and is bigger than ever. It is currently sponsored by and has had hundreds of players over the years, and we are hoping season nine will be even bigger.

The Rules
Click. Submit. Done.

  • We post the online form the Friday before each WWE PPV on
  • You just click who you think will win each match (a simple button click)
  • Fill in ‘Your Infomation’ (Name, Email, Twitter)
  • Submit.
  • The results are posted and emailed to you the Wednesday after each PPV
  • The results for each months PPV is added up throughout the season (usually about 6 months)
  • If you are on top of the league table at the end of the season you win prizes.
  • Oh and the whole thing is completely FREE to play!

SLTD Predictions League Start Date: August 17th 2018


SLTD Fantasy League

Follow @SLTDLeague for all updates

The Rules
Our Fantasy League is a little more complicated, but no less fun!

  • Choose a Faction Name (Be Creative. Don’t use former or current factions in wrestling e.g. Evolution, New Day etc)
  • Pick 6 WWE Superstars (1 Champion, 1 Superstar, 1 Female Superstar, 1 Tag Team, 1 NXT Superstar and 1 Cruiserweight Superstar)
  • All Faction Members must be current active WWE Superstars (not injured or suspended)
  • Your Champion must be a current Champion in WWE/NXT
  • The Five other members of your faction (not including your Champion) can NOT be current WWE/NXT Champions.
  • Faction members can only be changed during the ‘Transfer Window’ once a month.
  • The Transfer Window will be open for 4  days after each PPV (from the Thursday after a PPV until the following Sunday) Your new team will then be active the day after the Transfer Window closes.
  • You will not be able to change your team when the Transfer Window is closed.
  • If one of your Faction members are injured, you will not be able to change them until the Transfer Window is next open.
  • If one or more of your none Champion members become a Champion, you will need to trade them out of your Faction on the next Transfer Window so you only have 1 Champion on your team. You will not receive extra ‘champion’ points for the rest of the month for these superstars.
  • Each month you will receive an email to enter your Faction changes.
  • Even if you are making no changes, we still need to receive an entry from you so we know you are still active in the league
  • Points will only be earned from televised Raw, Smackdown, NXT, 205 Live, PPV Events and WWE Network specials.
  • All questions and queries can be sent to @SLTDLeague on Twitter.


The Points

Win 4
Lose 0
Draw 1
PPV Match 2
PPV Win 2
Championship Match 4
Championship Win 4
Tag Team Singles Win 2
Elimination Match (Survivors) 2
  • These points will accumulate so if you have a Championship Win on a PPV you will receive 14 points.
  • Bonus Points will be given for stipulation style matches for PPV’s or WWE network specials (not Raw and Smackdown) as and when they happen. Any updates will be tweeted and emailed out.
  • The “Your Information” part below will need to remain the same throughout the Season to ensure that points are counted correctly after each transfer window.

SLTD Fantasy League Start Date: August 23rd 2018

Make sure you join the SLTD Email list so you never miss a league update.


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