#TheFoxFiles- Five Dream Matches We Want to See at SummerSlam (@TownNation)

Hello there, and welcome back to The Fox Files. In this one, we will be discussing 5 potential dream matches that we could see at SummerSlam. So without any further ado, let’s get into this:

5. The Undertaker vs John Cena- now I put this at #5 because we have technically already seen this at WrestleMania, and as it was awesome seeing The Undertaker technically squash Cena and the shape he’s gotten himself into, but we all know if this match was to happen again, then it would be much longer and a better match, if you want to say that. If built right, this could be one of the best feuds we’ve seen all summer.

4. Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles- With the WWE Championship on the line, this would without a doubt be one of the best matches on the card. We have two of the best wrestlers in the world, but very different styles (no pun intended) as we have the Phenomenal One with the speed, going up against the powerhouse submission specialist. It would be a feud to remember if built correctly.

3. Daniel Bryan vs The Miz- This already has the build from Talking Smack etc. And we know how personal this would be. In my opinion, keep the build going and SummerSlam is the PERFECT opportunity for them to settle it in the ring. I would even up the stakes, make it a #1 contenders match for a WWE Championship opportunity down the line.

2. Alexa Bliss vs Ronda Rousey- Now Ronda Rousey in my opinion should have the RAW Women’s Championship around her waist by the time WrestleMania 35 hits, and she should have a real long reign as to not only prove her dominance, but to show her credit for her work ethic, and how brilliant she is in the ring. In my opinion, Alexa Bliss could be the perfect women tonmake Ronda go up against. Not only is Alexa in my opinion overall a pretty good wrestler, but it gives the women a HUGE stapled match at the 2nd biggest show of the year, ending the reign of Alexa as Rousey starts her dominance.

1. A Universal Championship multi-man match- Now instead of having just one superstar verse Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship, have a multi-man match, including the likes of Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Roman Reigns, Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar for example, would be excellent. That way it’s way more unpredictable, as we don’t know who will win the match. This would be the best way to go… Then have Strowmannfash in if you really wanted to.

So thank you for taking time out of your day to read The Fox Files. Comment down below which match you would like to see at SummerSlam the most, and we’ll catch you all next week!

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