#TheWrestlingBrains: King of the Ring – Semifinals Predictions (@callumowen98)

Hello It’s @callumowen98 of The Wrestling Brain’s and it’s just me this week with my King Of The Ring predictions. But don’t fear @xterblack will back later this week for his Progress Chapter 95 preview. 

Raw Quarter Finals Recap

So in the match between my two bracket busters, Baron Corbin defeated Cedric Alexander, in a really entertaining bout. Cedric was always going to be the underdog, and it was even more difficult for him to beat Corbin, after he was attacked by The OC beforehand in a backstage segment. The crowd were firmly behind the babyface, but it was the hated heel Corbin who’d pick the victory and move into the semi finals.

The other Raw Quarter Final, was a bit of a mess, Ricochet and Samoa Joe, didn’t win but then they didn’t lose. Both men’s shoulders were on the mat as the referee counted for 3, and then it was announced later on the show that both Joe and Ricochet would join Corbin in the semi finals, and now on Raw it’ll be a Triple Threat Match. Personally I hated this booking decision, Ricochet should’ve gone over clean, or if they did this finish, then both men are eliminated from the tournament, and Corbin gets a bye to the final, as that’d increase the heel heat that’d he’d have.

Raw Bracket Final

Since the start of the KOTR tournament, I’ve been thinking Ricochet winning on paper makes the most sense. Out of all 16 competitors that were in this competition, The One and Only has the biggest potential to go far in WWE. Baron Corbin has been the best heel in this tournament, he’s by far the most hated and despised superstar on the whole roster so if he reached the final, that’d make everyone root for their opponent, but I think him putting Ricochet over in the semi final round is what’s best for everyone involved.

I have no clue what Samoa Joe can do after this tournament, in my opinion and the way he’s been booked he’s not Universal or WWE Championship contender, and with the current IC and US Champions being heels he doesn’t fit into that picture either. I’m sticking with gut feeling and saying Ricochet will beat Joe and Corbin in the triple threat, and his underdog run goes on. Winner – Ricochet

Smackdown Quarter Finals Recap

Both matches in my opinion were won by the wrong man, I like Elias and he gets great heel heat, but Ali winning instead would’ve been the better call. I’ve always been a fan of Chad Gable and I’m happy he’s getting a push, but Andrade is one of the top heels on Smackdown, and I’d hoped it’d been Ricochet Vs Andrade final which was to me the best match possible.

Smackdown Bracket Final

Chad Gable has been getting a push as a singles star for the last few weeks, and I’ve been enjoying it, Gable is a great wrestler, and as proven by his American Alpha days, he also has tons of charisma. But my question is how long will that push last, he could win KOTR but who could he feud with afterwards to keep that momentum going?

Elias is one of the top heels, no matter how he gets booked, he can insult the crowd by using a sports team reference and the boos ring in. He’s gone further in this tournament than anyone would’ve expected with wins over Kevin Owens and Ali. If my Raw pick is going to be Ricochet, then I have to say Elias wins this one for the sake of having a Face Vs Heel dynamic. Winner – Elias

King Of The Ring Final

Elias Vs Ricochet

Those are my predictions for the King Of The Ring semi finals which takes place over the next two nights from Madison Square Garden.

Join me and @xterblack later this week as we rundown the Clash of Champions card, but also look out for his Chapter 95 Predictions which will also be out this week, until next time follow me on Twitter @callumowen98, and @sltdwrestling

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