#TheWrestlingGuild: Impact Wrestling – Rebellion Predictions (@stoughe)

This Sunday Impact Wrestling is hosting the pay-per-view Rebellion. An event that has been less hyped than many of their others. That does not mean that it is less likely to be a great show. Impact has had a history of late of putting together great cards. The only drawbacks have been the venue, the sound of the crowd and the lack of surprises. Nothing indicates that this show will be any different, but that may very well change. Nick E. Anderson and Chris Marry Hultman of The Wrestling Guild Podcast are here to discuss predictions for every match for Rebellion, scheduled to take place April 28th. 

Impact World Championship: Johnny IMPACT vs. Brian Cage 

Chris: When this entire journey between Cage and Impact began I was skeptical. I was not excited about it at all and found that Impact as champ was dull and uninteresting. But as the feud has moved along and Impact has turned into a full fledged bastard of a heel I find myself roped into it all.

Cage is the perfect monster to chase, the man who would be champ, and Impact does everything to get away, always escaping at the last second. The inclusion of John E. Bravo has made him more of a Ric Flair or Million Dollar Man than the bore he was before. I would love to see Cage win this, but I don’t think the chase is quite over. There are more dimensions to be had, more layers to reveal.

I would love for this to end up inside a steel cage, with blood and violence. Perfect for a Lockdown PPV. That being said, I am convinced everyone will be involved in the end as Impact stands tall. Winner: Johnny Impact

Nick: The feud between Johnny Impact and Brain Cage has been going for a while now, and I personally think it is time to end it, once and for all. It has been a great journey, and I have loved every minute of it.

However, all good things must come to an end. Who will be the winner though? That is the remaining question. While Johnny has been dominating most of the encounters with Cage, I think Cage finally takes this one home. He has not been winning a lot of matches overall, so this is where he will finally shine!  Winner: Brian Cage 

Tessa Blanchard vs. Gail Kim

Chris: This sound like a feud we have seen before. As I mentioned on our podcast it hearkens back to Taryn Terell vs Gail Kim from a few years ago. While there are similarities there are also vital differences. Taryn was a slithering snake-ish heel who tried to create distance between Gail and her husband’s children.

Tessa is more brutish, something that is mimicked in her wrestling style, and tries to destroy Gail’s life through violence. Tessa is arguably the best female wrestler today and it was too bad that long time Impact stalwart Kim was never going to face her. I found it unfortunate that Tessa lost her title, her reign should have longer to give her more status, but she couldn’t go into a feud with Kim and risk losing it.

A win for Tessa over Kim would catapult her into the title picture again and hopefully a win over the champ. In my eyes Tessa Blanchard has to win this match, Gail Kim does not. Winner: Tessa Blanchard 

Nick: This match is pretty easy to predict. Gail Kim had her era were she dominated and destroyed everyone is her way. She is remarkable and one of a kind. However, now it is a new era with fresh people just like Tessa. If Tessa does not win this match, Impact management will be giving away the title to a wrestler that does not need it.

Tessa will on top of that, look weak in our eyes as she has destroyed and dominated similar wrestlers like Gail Kim. So I’m really hoping on that Tessa takes this one. Please note that the feud does not need to end though! Winner: Tessa Blanchard 

Tag Team Championships: (Full Metal Mayhem) The Lucha Bros! vs. LAX 

Chris: So here we are again. LAX at the end of a long feud with several matches behind them, ending up in the rubber gimmick match. LAX, no matter how good they are, have ended up in a sort of holding pattern. They have done the same thing with oVe, OGz and are now doing it with Lucha Bros.

The Impact tag division has suffered from fatigue since the loss of teams like Reno Scum, who have returned, and War Kings left. Lucha Bros have been the viable contenders the division has needed and with teams like The Deaners coming in and the aforementioned return of Reno Scum the tag team division is getting lively.

In the end it isn’t time for Lucha Bros to drop the titles quite yet, even if their future might be in jeopardy due to them signing with AEW, but I believe there can be only one winner. Winners: Lucha Bros

Nick: I’m really not sure. LAX and the Lucha Bros have had a long feud that was awesome and interesting in the beginning but is now slowly getting quite dull. However, both teams have been bringing their A-game and have been developing a lot. The question is, which team needs the title?

I would say that LAX would still be seen as strong even if they lose. The viewers know what they go for and it would not affect them as much as the Lucha Bros. The Lucha Bros are still quite fresh in Impact Wrestling and are more affected by lost matches. So the only logical decision would be to give the title to Lucha Bros.  Winner: Lucha Bros 

Knockouts Championship: Taya Valkyrie vs. Jordynne Grace 

Chris: This match is probably the one I care about the least. It’s not because of the build, which has been fairly standard, instead it is about Taya Valkyrie.

It was the same in Lucha Underground. I find her dull and un-charismatic. Her feuds are mostly dependent on who she is wrestling and her style is tiresome and predictable. Obviously these are my feelings and I admire anyone who steps into a ring in order to ply their trade.

I would like to see Jordynne Grace win this and get into a battle with Tessa Blanchard or Madison Rayne, but unfortunately I think we are going to see Taya win. Question is who she will feud with next? Winner: Taya Valkyrie 

Nick: I agree with Chris. I would also like to see Jordynne Grace to win this match and later compete with wrestlers such as Tessa Blanchard and Madison Rayne. However, I do not think Grace will be able to take this one home. Not because she is not ready or insecure.

I honestly believe that there will be some cheating or some type of interference that will give Taya an advantage. We have seen it before, and it could happen again. Winner: Taya Valkyrie 

X-Division Championship: Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan 

Chris: I have often claimed that Sami Callihan doesn’t need a title to be important in Impact, although he would be a perfect contender for another mid-card belt. The Swann vs Callihan story-line is nice because there is a lot of truth behind it It is time for this feud to be put to rest though.

I would personally like to see Swann win and have Callihan chase the world championship, mostly because it is difficult to see who Callihan would feud with. On the other hand there are few X-division heels for Swann to battle and they would then have to bring in someone new. Callihan deserves the championship and Swann could move on to Willie Mack after dropping the belt. Winner: Sami Caliihan 

Nick: This match is also a hard one to predict. Both wrestlers are good, solid and experienced. Both have also been winning and losing matches, which makes the feud pretty equal between them. Swann and Sami have never been dominating their opponent. And if I’m going to be entirely honest, I have been enjoying this feud a lot.

Just like Chris stated, the fact that the feud has some parts that have taken place in real life makes it so much better. However, I hope Rich takes this one home. I know Swann has been getting a lot of attention and has been winning quite a few matches. So I could understand why Sami would stand tall in this match, but it would not be as satisfying for me. I still think that Rich deserves this title! Winner: Rich Swann 

There are The Wrestling Guild’s Impact Wrestling – Rebellion Predictions. What are yours? Do you agree? Leave your predictions in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling

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