TLC: Owens Vs. Ambrose – Intercontinental Title

This evening two of WWE’s premier talents face off for the Intercontinental Championship, for Kevin Owens this presents him with his first real test since his Spring feud with John Cena. Dean Ambrose on the other hand needs some success, once more another year has passed and he still hasn’t really made his mark on the industry. This is in some part WWE’s fault as 2015 has been another year of missed opportunities and false starts.

Tonight’s title match has the potential to steal the show, Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose are two of the very best WWE have to offer. On any given night they can be the best the wrestling has to offer, both have paid their dues elsewhere and now they can showcase it on a national stage. Kevin Owens has attempted to salvage the reputation of the title but unfortunately the booking of his reign has been abysmal to say the least. This Sunday presents the biggest challenge for Owens since being crowned champion, for Dean it’s surely a sign that the company believe in him enough to award him with a premier title.

Both have been wasted at points this year, there has been the opportunity for WWE to make Ambrose and Owens the next top main eventers. For some reason however WWE have neglected to allow both wrestlers to reach the heights that they are capable of. Tonight’s match offers both the chance to shine brightly and put the industry on notice of who they are and what they are about. Dean and Kevin are who WWE can use to get the company back to where they need to be, talent such as there’s cannot be wasted with petty midcard feuds.

The Intercontinental title was once WWE’s second title, winning it was an honour, it showed that the company believed in you and that big things were ahead. In 2015 however those beliefs are gone, with a belt that this time last year was passed around like a hot potato, it’s no wonder the lineage of the title is in ruins. Kevin Owens is one who can bring the title back to prominence but he needs the right opponents and feuds to do that. WWE have struck gold with pairing these two up but it needs the background to make it succeed. Dean is another who can raise the profile of the title but he also needs a sustained push that allows him to prosper.

Out of all the matches this once presents the one with most promise, in my eyes it worthy of a main event spot. Both Ambrose & Owens are standouts within WWE, they are the standard bearers right now and they both deserve more than what they have. Depending on the plans for Wrestlemania I am undecided on who should go over this evening as both deserve the title and the chance to succeed long term. If the rumours surrounding Kevin Owens supposed match against Brock Lesnar are true then Owens will drop the title tonight. If that happens then won’t his reign seem mediocre?


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