TNA – Changing the lay of the land


So how have we all hound TNA over the last couple of weeks? There have been a few changes in the Impact zone and a couple of new faces too. We have a new British guy now on the roster that has linked up with Magnus. Bram is the guy in question but I am unsure of his background. He is in the story line as Magnus’s oldest friend and is in the Impact zone to keep Magnus focused on the Title race.

This could be an interesting story line for Magnus, as Bram seems to be the devil on Magnus’s shoulder. At first he just seemed to be there to keep Magnus on the right track, giving advice and help but offer he attacked Willow during Magnus’s match it is obvious he is there to do damage to anyone that has wronged Magnus in the past.

Here is the interesting part – This gives the opportunity to change up the running storyline for Magnus. He could follow Bram’s example and go severely over as a heel- we know he has the potential and look to be brutal in the ring, or he is going to go against everything Bram is standing for and go back over as a face. What do we think then?

I know Magnus has stated before that he likes to play a heel, but he has been there for a while now, so maybe a face change could be in the works.

The other new faces that have recently turned up are “The Menagerie”. We all know a couple of the people connected to the new faction but I for one can’t quite figure out who the others are. The freak and crazy Steve are the members of the group I question.

The freak is fairly easy I think to name, well in my eyes anyway. I don’t know anything for sure but I am sure it is a current roster member that has not been seen for a while. But crazy Steve is the one I just don’t know. Is there anybody out there that can help me out??

I liked the debut of The Menagerie myself. The entrance is interesting and gives a new lease of life to the Impact zone, is has a carnival theme and just made me smile. The faction itself should have at least one member in each division but I am sure they will all be at ringside each time to help out. I am really looking forward to seeing exactly how they play the group out.

We all know Dixie is unfortunately back on the mic although you can’t say she doesn’t have heat. The crowd really don’t like her so she must be doing something right, but there is someone else that has had the crowd turn on them.  MVP is the person in question and I do have to wonder what the powers that be were thinking when they turned him heel last week.

He was just over with the crown after getting Dixie out of the picture and it was a refreshing change to have a face as a boss. But why on earth would they turn him already, it just didn’t make a great deal of sense to me. There was no build up no heat just an immediate change, now I know I said a week or so ago I was looking forward to the next shock change but there needs to be some build up to it.

Am I the only one that disliked this story line change? I just don’t think it makes sense, but maybe someone out there can enlighten me. I have not seen the latest Impact yet but I do know there are a few more shocks to come in the latest episode. Whether they are good or bad we are yet to find out, but as always I look forward to finding out.


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