Tybo Talks…Does Kofi Kingston Deserve Better

Welcome to this edition of Tybo Talks… My name is Tybo, and this is me, asking “does Kofi Kingston deserve better?”

I’ve been thinking a lot about gimmicks and characters lately, which is mainly down to me listening to The Steve Austin Show. He mentioned something interesting about his early career.

I’m sure you’ve all heard this story before, but when he was ‘Stunning’ Steve Austin in WCW, he was asked “so what is it that makes Steve Austin so stunning?” and basically, Steve couldn’t answer.

It got me thinking – what’s in a gimmick these days? There are a few people on the WWE roster with little-to-no major gimmick or backstory about why they’re even in the company, and the first person that came to mind was Kofi Kingston.

Kofi Kingston has been in the WWE for quite a few years now. He’s a multi-time WWE Tag-Team, Intercontinental and United States Champion, but outside of the “I Can Fly” logo on his merchandise, what do we know about him and/or his gimmick? Seriously. Think about it for a second. There is absolutely no substance to his character whatsoever…

As far as I can see, he just seems to be a guy who can jump really high and is very innovative in a Royal Rumble or Battle Royal. Not to take that away from him, but didn’t John Morrison do that before him and Kofi took over when he left?

That being said I honestly think Kofi deserves some sort of gimmick to work with. At the very least, give him credit for doing what he does.

I remember a few years ago – as I’m sure you will too – when he got a mini-push and was working with Randy Orton. Personally, I think that’s when he did his best work. Until he botched a finish that is, and Randy had a bitch-fit, but that’s a different story altogether.

There was a point to what Kofi was doing. He had a serious feud and we saw an aggression from him that we hadn’t seen before, or since. It really was great to watch. Then, as always, his  push was stopped because someone else was new and hot, and Kofi got lost in the mix… once again.

Let’s be honest here, whether you love or hate Kofi, he does the job. Literally. Think about it.

If WWE need a credible babyface to make an up-and-coming or established heel look strong, they’ll bring Kofi out. If they need a transitional Intercontinental or US Champion, then Kofi’s the man they turn to.

Here’s my point. Don’t you think he deserves better than that – being the ‘jobber’? He seems to be quite well-liked within the company, he’s pretty solid in the ring and he’s not the worst on the mic.

I think if they gave him more of a gimmick – a good gimmick, not some sort of bullshit repackaging – then maybe he’d have a better connection with the fans. That’s not to say there’s not a connection there now, but come on…has anyone ever tuned in to Raw, SmackDown or a PPV just to see a Kofi match?

One of the main things I realised about Kofi is that he’s been in a shitload of Money in the Bank matches and I don’t think he’s ever even touched the briefcase, has he?

Would it be “bad for business” if Kofi won the briefcase and went on to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? I mean shit. While we’re at it, the Miz did it, and that guy not only headlined WrestleMania 27, he retained the WWE Championship for God’s sake!

The short answer to the question is that right now, yes. It would be terrible. However…if WWE creative put a little time and effort into filling out his gimmick, that could be interesting.

Maybe put him with a manager, like a returning legend or even a Diva (like Summer Rae, Eva Marie or Alicia Fox). Turn him heel and have him bust his arse to win some gold to impress his new woman. Any of the Divas I’ve just mentioned could play the role of the distracting manager to help get Kofi on a winning streak. Imagine teaming him with Alicia Fox and have Kingston go as bat-shit crazy as her! That could be interesting…

Here’s the point I’m trying to make – I understand that the suggestions I’ve mentioned could be used on almost ANY superstar who isn’t getting a push right now, but I can’t help thinking that Kofi just deserves it more. A few weeks ago on Raw, WWE teased the possibility of Kofi, Big E and Xavier Woods forming a new faction, so maybe everything I’m asking for is about to happen, but since there’s been no mention of it since, maybe it was too much to ask for!

With all the new talent being brought up from NXT, I think they need to do something with Kofi sooner rather than later or he’s in danger of getting lost even further in the mix, like so many others in the company that deserve more.

I suppose what I’m saying is that WWE (and other wrestling companies) need to learn to work with the stars that they already have before trying to establish even newer talents.

Just like a lot of talent in many wrestling companies, Kofi can do more – he just needs the opportunity to show it.

Tybo Talked, ‘Nuff Said

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