Tybo Talks… Predictions: Bound for Glory

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

I’m really enjoying Impact Wrestling at the minute, and the ‘global’ feel to the shows are really making them stand out. Its great that I’m able to do predictions for an Impact Wrestling PPV

Team Impact vs. Team AAA – EC3, Eddie Edwards, and James Storm vs. El Hijo del Fantasma, Pagano, and Texano

This match has been brewing for a while, and I love the idea of having a Team Impact vs Team AAA.
The whole concept of one company versus another has need done to death, so I like that this has been contained to only six guys. My main issue with this match is that, isn’t Carter still Grand Slam Champion?

This is the biggest night of the year for Impact Wrestling, and every Championship should be on the line. This issue is not just in Impact, other companies seem to do it all the time. If they knew this was the direction of EC3 going into BFG, he should have dropped the title. The inclusion of AAA stars is never a bad thing, this match should be great.
Winners – Team Impact

Red Wedding – Rosemary vs. Taya Valkyrie

I have never seen or heard of a ‘Red Wedding’ match, but after Rosemary demanded blood from Taya I can only assume this will be a first blood match. Although, if Impact decides to go the PG route (which I can’t see with a Monsters Ball match on the card) this could be a ‘Blood Bath’ match Gangrel / Brood style.

I am far more interested in this match than I am the Woman’s Championship match, Rosemary has been one of the best women’s wrestlers in Impact for a long time and no one comes close to the commitment to the gimmick. Couple that with Taya’s signing to Impact and this could be one of the best matches on the card. As for the match itself, neither woman is scared to add some colour to the match so either one could end up bleeding.
Winner – Rosemary

Monsters Ball Match – Abyss vs. Grado

I can’t wait to see the returning Abyss, I much prefer Abyss to Joseph Parks. The return of Abyss and a Monsters Ball match says this could be an absolute train wreck, in the best possible way. It may be a little-known fact that Grado started his career in ICW (Insane Championship Wrestling) out of Scotland and is known for some extreme matches, so Grado is more fitting for this match than you would think.

I think all the obvious weapons will get pulled out, tacks, Abyss’ nail bat, barbwire boards, but I think they are going to pull out something huge for the finish. It’s clear that Grado is going to win (unless he is leaving the company) so Abyss is going to take a major bump because let’s be honest that’s what he does.
Winner – Grado

Six Sides of Steel Tag Team Match – Moose and Stephan Bonnar vs. Lashley and King Mo

This match is a tough one to call, as its clear, they are going for the ‘cage fight’ idea for this one. Personally, I think a singles cage match between Lashley and Moose would have been a far better fit, but I understand that the addition of ‘Americas Top Team’ and Stephen Bonnar has added something different to the rivalry and really helped to make the whole feud a lot more personal.

As for the match itself, I would be shocked if Lashley doesn’t make Moose or Bonnar tap out. It’s worth noting that this feud started because Lashley was done with wrestling, so it will be interesting what happens after BFG with Lashley and Impact Wrestling.
Winner – Lashley and King Mo

Impact X Division Championship – Trevor Lee (c) vs. Dezmond Xavier vs. Matt Sydal vs. Petey Williams vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Garza Jr.

The X Division never fails you put on an unmissable match, and this won’t be any different. These six guys are all at the top of their game. The only thing I would change would be to make this an ‘Ultimate X’ match, the flagship match of the division.

This will be a highlight reel from start to finish, and this could be the shocking finish of the night. If the obvious interference from Conley and Everett doesn’t help Trevor Lee to retain, I think this match could be won by Sydel. Failing that, and to make it an even bigger shock win I would give it to the 2017 ‘Ultimate X Cup’ winner Dezmond Xavier, either way, this will be one to watch.
Winner – Matt Sydel

Impact World Tag Team Championship (5150 Street Fight) – oVe (c) vs. LAX

LAX has been great for not only Impact’s Tag Division, but the whole of the company. They have added something that few factions have been able to do, and bringing back Konnan back was a big part of this. It’s safe to say that I don’t think oVe would have got over as fast as they did if it wasn’t for them feuding and beating LAX.

These two teams have been fighting all over the world for these titles and it has really added something interesting to the feud. I will assume that this will be a basic street fight, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the match spills out of the arena and ends up finishing in the streets of Canada.
As for a winner, I think the match will introduce a new member of LAX, and this being a 5150 Street Fight says LAX will walk out the Tag Team Champions.
Winners – LAX

Impact Knockouts Championship – Sienna (c) vs. Allie vs. Gail Kim

Sienna has been a great champion and one of the best heels in the company. It’s a shame that isn’t a Fatal Four Way because Taryn Terrell has left due to a concussion (she did only come back as a favour to Gail Kim). As much as I want to believe anyone could walk out the champion, I think Gail Kim has this in the bag.

She has already said she is retiring from the ring at the end of 2017, and this is the biggest show of the year. There is no doubt that Gail Kim, the first ever Knockouts Champion, is going to retire as the Impact Women’s champion. So, why not make it happen at BFG?
Winner – Gail Kim

Impact Global Championship – Eli Drake (c) vs. Johnny Impact

Drake has been a great champion in possibly one of Impact Wrestling’s most turbulent times, and he doesn’t get the credit he deserves for this. If you follow me on twitter you will know that I am a huge Johnny Mundo fan, you with also know that I hate the name Johnny Impact (so stupid, it’s like being called Roman Raw or AJ Smackdown). Wrestling fans seem to focus on the name of things more than the product they are watching, so I will say no more.

I think as good as Drake has been, it’s clear that Impact wants Impact to be their Global Champion. Impact has been with the company for a matter of months and he was pushed to the main event picture on his first appearance, same as what they did with El Patron. This isn’t a shock, they are both huge names within the wrestling world and both names will get eyes on Impact Wrestling.
Winner – Johnny Impact

I think whatever the outcome Impact Wrestling’s Bound for Glory should be a great watch, although they are in seemingly uncertain times and are re-branding once again they do know how to put on a great show and let’s be honest, come back from certain death.

It will be interesting to see what comes of Impact Wrestling after Sunday.

Let me know your thoughts on BFG or Impact in general. Tweet me @Tybo_SLTD

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