Tybo Talks… Predictions – Destination X

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling. I recently did prediction for GFW’s Slammiversary PPV, and I’m back for their Destination X show.

I have always been a huge fan of Destination X as a PPV, the idea of giving the X Division the main stage is a great one. So, let’s get into the matches.

2017 GFW Super X Cup Tournament Final: Taiji Ishimori vs. Dezmond Xavier – I absolutely love that the ‘Super X Cup’ is back. I was always a huge fan the international feel that it brought to GFW (then TNA). I think tournament style matches are always an easy win in wrestling as there are few fans who not a fan of these, whether it’s the ‘Super X Cup’, ‘King of the Ring’ or even the ‘G1 Climax’ they all add something to regular matches.

The ‘Super X Cup’ 2017 has not disappointed, it has produced some great matches and interesting rivalries. I am shocked that Ishimori and Xavier are in the finals, but they both deserve it. Being a Lucha Underground fan, my pick from the start was Drago. Honestly, I think either guy could win the whole thing but I think GFW are going to go with the underdog win and that would-be Xavier. Either way this match will be a highlight of the night. Winner – Dezmond Xavier

GFW Unified Woman’s Championship: Sienna (c) vs. Gail Kim – It’s hard not to be impressed with how far Sienna has come in GFW. She has not been around for a long time and she is easily the Number One Knockout in the company. Now, I don’t dislike Gail Kim, I think she is great and she was the catalyst that created the Knockout Division, but it seems like she is the ‘go to’ for everything. Kim has announced that she is retiring, but GFW don’t seem to be building any other Knockouts. They need have someone new break out. Whether its Lauren Van Ness, Allie or even someone completely new.

I hope GFW keep the Women’s Championship on Sienna, but I would not be shocked if she dropped it to Kim and she retired with it. This may not happen at Destination X but I can see it happening before the year is out. Winner – Sienna

Shot for Shot (GFW Global Championship or X Division): Lashley vs. Matt Sydal – This match should be great, this will be different from what we are used to seeing from Lashley or Sydel in GFW. The idea of them both wanting shots at different championships but they are wrestling each other for their respective shots is clever. It creates a new and different feud for both guys, and the outcome of the match could affect two different divisions. I have loved Sydel in GFW and think he could make a great X Division Champion. Adding to the fact that he had to go through ‘walking Armageddon’ to get there makes his possible championship win mean more, and adds stock to how important the X Division Championship is.

I would hope that Lashley doesn’t just power through Sydel and win the match with little effort. I think it would make more sense for Sydel to pull off the upset victory and go on to win the X Division Championship, but if Lashey was to re-instate his dominance after losing his championship at Slammiversary it would be totally feasible too. Either way this could be the match of the night. Winner – Matt Sydel

Unified GFW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto El Patrón (c) vs. Low-Ki – I was all set to write about how happy I am that Low-Ki has made the jump to the Global Championship but this match seems to be up in the air right now. It has recently been reported that El Patron has been stripped of his championship and suspended by GFW officials regarding the airport incident with Paige. This is a huge shame, and a huge blow that GFW did not need right now. Hopefully fans will be happy that GFW officials are addressing the incident instead of brushing it under the carpet.

In situations like this you usually find someone will step up and show that all they needed was an opportunity to show they can be a main event player. It will at the very least be interesting to see what they do at Destination X to fix the El Patron situation.

If the match does go ahead as planned, I can’t see Low-Ki winning although it will be a hard to make El Patron take on all of LAX and keep the faction looking strong. The idea of a screwy finish or possibly LAX getting disqualified and beating down El Patron. Winner – Alberto El Patron

GFW X-Division Championship Ladder Match: Sonjay Dutt (c) vs. Trevor Lee – This match could easily steal the show. Dutt is a great champion, and he is one tough dude. The story between these two has been great, with Lee just stealing the title and refusing to take it off it has been entertaining to watch. I have been a fan of both Dutt and Lee for a while, and they are both great addition to the X- Division.

This being a Ladder match adds something different to both their styles so will be a good change of pace for the match. I am glad that GFW decided to go with a one-on-one ladder match rather than a six-man or even an Ultimate X match. The Ultimate X is a great match but it has been a little over used of late, so a one-on-one ladder match will be a welcome change.

If I had to pick a winner this could easily go either way, but I think Dutt has been waiting for this championship for so long that it would be a shame for it to be taken off him so soon. Winner – Sonjay Dutt

I personally am really looking forward to Destination X, and think it could be a great show. Let me know what you think of the card and if you will be watching the show.

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