Tybo Talks… The Deadman vs. The Beast – The Trilogy

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

So its officially over! Maybe the most anticipated, and most talked about rivalry in recent history.

Brock Lesnar vs, The Undertaker was without a doubt not your usual rivalry, it was nearly 10 years in the making and took nearly two years from start to finish, even though the two men only stepped in the ring three times! When its put like that, it shows the power to draw a PPV crowd the two men in question have. Not to mention the faith in the rivalry that WWE must have in them both to have a program stretched out over such a long time.

The way wrestling is these days, especially in the WWE for two men to work a rivalry for longer than 3-4 months in almost unheard of, and when they do most men would of worked every possible type of match they could think of before a one one one match with each other. It’s for this reason that billing a match 15 months in the making was a bold move for WWE, but this shows that The Beast and The Deadman didn’t have an ordinary rivalry.

I am going to go back to the beginning, to where it all started at Wrestlemania 30. Now I am fully aware that they have had a rivalry before, but I am going to do what WWE do and catch a bad case of ‘WWE amnesia’ and forget that happened.

Wrestlemania 30

Heading into Wrestlemania 30, as I’m sure a lot of you were thinking the same as me ‘Taker isn’t losing this one’ How wrong was we? At the time of Wrestlemania 30 SLTD Radio was in full swing and we did a special show on ‘The Streak’ and what I said then, I feel the same about Lesnar ending the streak. Lesnar is pretty much the only person who could have ended it. Lesnar is like no one who wrestles right now, his contract is different, his style is different, and most importantly he is more legitimate as a fighter than anyone who has ever worked for WWE. (although a strong case could be made for Mike Tyson when he came in. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson at Wrestlemania would of put WWE in a different league in the early 90’s but that’s a different Tybo Talks….)

Brock Lesnar was never going to turn up in a different company, he was never going to bad mouth WWE or The Undertaker, he wasn’t trying to make his career off ending the streak, he was set to be the biggest heel the company has ever seen, and lets be honest he wrestles for the money. It’s for all these reasons why I think there was no one else who could of done it, but please if you think someone else should of ended The Streak let me know below.

As for the match, I’m sorry but it has to be said that The Undertaker did not look good. He looked like he was in bad shape and the match was really taking a toll on him. I also think the build up was good, but was all a little rushed. It seems to me that if you was going to start a potential two year rivalry to have it built a little beforehand. Honestly, coming out of Wrestlemania 30 I didn’t think there would be another match between the two, maybe not another match from The Undertaker at all.

SummerSlam 2015

‘The Match Fifteen Months In The Making’ Honestly I never seen this match even happening, after Wrestlemania 31 came and went with no mention of a Lesnar vs. Undertaker rematch I thought we would not see these two in the ring together again. The build up for this match was a lot more solid than their original match, the almost constant brawling made this match feel a lot more personal. There was points when you thought that they really didn’t like each other, this was great. This is what I think a lot more rivalries should be, and there seems to be a massive lack in that in WWE at the minute.

Lesnar and Undertakers match at SummerSlam was far better than the original, Undertaker looked far better in the ring and looked a lot like the old Undertaker. I have to say though, I really hated the ‘stop/start’ finish of the match. It seems WWE creative’s best idea at the minute is to have ‘confusion’ at the end of a match, personally I think its pretty lazy. If the plan was always to have a match between the two at Hell in a Cell, then to have The Undertaker get a cleaner win would not of hurt Lesnar. The fact that their was a low blow only reiterates my point, Lesnar could of pushed the referee and Undertaker hit the low blow without the confusion of the none finish, and making it seem like the bell ringer could end the match when he thinks its over.

Hell in a Cell 2015

So this was billed as the final battle, do you believe that The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar will never step in the ring together again? Honestly, I really can’t see The Undertaker working many more matches so there is a very large possibility that this match was the end.

If this his how the feud between the two ends, I think it is a very solid way of doing it. The Hell in a Cell match was in my opinion the best match of the trilogy, and it was a perfect way to end it as they have been in the cell together before. This match felt like a small throwback to a forgotten era of a more brutal style of wrestling. As far as I’m aware both Lesnar and Undertaker were busted open hard (wasn’t planned, and no blades). I know there is not really a place for blood in wrestling these days, but when someone bleeds (especially in WWE) these is no doubt that it adds something to the match that makes it more legitimate. This can also be said when someone rips the ring apart and shows the boards, there is a feeling of knowing your seeing something your not meant to.

As a trilogy of matches, from start to finish Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker was pretty solid, there are somethings that I would of done different, but the whole rivalry did what it was meant to do. From the shocking moment when Lesnar ended the streak, and going on to be the companies biggest heel and legitimising the WWE Championship. Lesnar had one of the best years of anyone from one Wrestlemania to the next and this was hinged on The Undertaker ‘doing the job’ for him. The next match was all for pride and the third was to cement Lesnar as the legitimate bad-ass that he is.

I would love WWE to do more things like this as it has shown that if done correctly long feuds with minimal matches between legends can be a solid draw.

What were your thoughts on Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker? let me know below

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