Tybo Talks… The Shield Reform, Who Benefits?

Welcome one and all, I am Tybo! and by now you should know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

I have been hearing some rumours here and there about the possibility of The Shield reforming, this has been getting mentioned since.. well, basically since Seth Rollins hit Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose with chairs. Now, don’t get me wrong here, The Shield were awesome! As a collective they were needed at the exact time they debuted. The Shield came in and completely shook up the landscape of the WWE. I know that is said a lot in the wrestling world, but The Shield really did! They created must see TV, and gave you a reason to tune into every WWE show to see what they would do next and who would be the next victim of the devastation triple power bomb. Usually performed through the announce table. It’s safe to say no one was left out, Even The Phenom himself The Undertaker and The People’s  Champ The Rock felt the wrath of The Hounds of Justice.

Aside from the impact The Shield made after they debuted, Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose originated in what is now common place in the WWE, and this is the bringing up of NXT roster to the main WWE roster. I think a lot was put on their shoulder at that time because if The Shield were brought up and it didn’t work out or the three guys involved dropped the ball, or didn’t jell as a believable cohesive unit, I honestly think, that could of really hurt the future debuts of many of the NXT roster. The Shield, without really knowing it at the time may have well had the future of NXT and how it is viewed by their peers and probably Vince McMahon himself  in their hands. Without a doubt Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose paved the way for all the past and future NXT roster stars to get their main roster call up.

When The Shield were together run rough shot over the WWE landscape. When they debuted they were new and fresh, with the entrance through the crowd and the backstage promos on what looked like a hand held camera. There is no denying they were groomed for greatness from the outset of the ‘Shield’ gimmick. But can the WWE and the three guys involved catch lightening in a bottle twice? Because honestly I’m not so sure.

Since that night when Triple H revealed that he always has a ‘Plan B’ and Seth Rollins screwed Ambrose and Reigns, all three men have carved out there own path with the company. Ambrose is the loose canon that never really does the right thing but always looks good doing it and is probably the most loved of the three. Reigns who has outside of everything else headlined Wrestlemania 31 against Brock Lesnar, not matter what else happens in Reigns’ career that is a huge highlight in my eyes. Then there is Rollins, the WWE Champion, the number one heel in the number one wrestling company in the world. He is the undeniably the future of the the WWE, and maybe deserving so. Rollins was given the ball, and he has not stopped running with it since he blasted Reigns in the back with a chair.

So with all the things they have done as individuals why would WWE be considering reforming The Shield? Well, aside from everything the crowd reaction to a reuniting is always amazing. The reformation of of any team in history always gets an amazing reaction with the fans. Its a tried and tested formula that works well for getting people watching and merchandise selling. But is that reason enough for a re-formation of a team? And in my eyes, honestly a step back in the careers for the three superstars?

Honestly, I think The Shield getting back together will be a huge mistake for WWE and Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns. There is no legitimate reason for the three of them to reform, and they have not been split up anywhere near long enough to warrant the change of heart either Rollins would need to justify for becoming a face or vise-versa for Ambrose and Reigns to become heels. Not only that but, with The Shield back together WWE would lose either its top heel to become a face or two of its top faces to become heels. I already think WWE right now is very heel heavy, especially with The Authority in charge. Which if you ask me, wont be around for very much longer. (but that’s a completely separate Tybo Talks…)

With Reigns and Ambrose now seemingly heading into a Summer Slam feud with the ‘New’ Wyatt Family, would it make any sense to have the inclusion of Rollins in that feud after Summer Slam? Or after he has lost the WWE Championship? Or would could it be that WWE take Reigns and Ambrose out of that feud and insert them into whoever is feuding with Rollins coming out of Summer Slam?

Just from what I have said above, in my opinion makes the reformation of The Shield to much of a confusing way to go creatively right now. The only way I could possibly see it working would be if Bray Wyatt was to go after Rollins for the WWE Championship, but then Reigns and Ambrose would look like a glorified J and J Security to me?

After everything I have said I really don’t think now is the right time to have The Shield get back together. I think it would be a massive step backwards in everyone’s career. I really don’t think any of The Shield members need the others to succeed, unlike the members of the Wyatt Family, I really think Harper and Rowan need Bray to get over with the crowd and not to get lost on the mix. I think putting Rollins back in a group it would take away from everything he has built in the last 18 mouths, and I worry that his amazing heel run and solid title reign will become a forgotten one.

Only time will tell if The Shield reform, but in my personal opinion I don’t think now, or any time soon would be a good time.

So, that’s this weeks Tybo Talks. I hope you enjoyed reading and let me know below if you agree of disagree with me.


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