Tybo Talks… TNA Bound For Glory Predictions.

Welcome once again to a Tybo Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

I’m going to mix things up here, and not only post on a Saturday night, but also do a TNA Bound For Glory Predictions. I recently did a Tybo Talks… TNA Impact Wrestling (which can still be read HERE) and actually enjoyed talking TNA. So below are my predictions for Sundays PPV. Enjoy!

Bound For Gold Gauntlet Match
Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Mahabli Shera, Tyrus, Robbie E, Jesse Godderz, Aiden O’Shea, Eli Drake, Chris Melendez


I’m going to start with this match because, well to be completely honest it really just seems like TNA are trying to get everyone and anyone on the card. Which to be honest is not a bad thing. I am not completely sure how this match is going to work, the assumption is that it is an elimination style match, but whether you are eliminated by pin, or over the top rope it doesn’t really matter. I think once the excess guys are eliminated the final four will be Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Robbie E and Tyrus. Although I really cant see it happening, I think it would be great if Tyrus won this match. The dynamic of having EC3’s bodyguard as the number one contender would be great, providing that Carter keeps the title tonight, but we will talk about that later. I think the the most obvious person to win this match is either Mr. Anderson or Abyss. This is TNA after all really any one of them have a really good shot.

Tybo Predicts – Abyss

TNA King of the Mountain Title Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Bobby Roode


I really loved the rivalry that these two had this year over the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, so whatever happens this should be a pretty solid match and could of easily been the main event for the show. I am not all that happy that there was no real build up for this match, the ‘open challenge’ angle seems to be the most obvious thing to do these days, but that doesn’t mean its not lazy. Either way that’s what they have gone with, I think it annoys me because TNA seem to be under using Bobby Roode and it’s a real shame. Also while am talking about this match, I thought the ‘King of the Mountain Championship’ was not going to be a TNA Title? Didn’t Jeff Jarrett say it was going to be defended all over the world? I always liked the idea of a championship being defended on any promotion, but that’s a different Tybo Talks. Back to this match and it has the potential to be a show stealer.

Tybo Predicts – Bobby Roode

Ultimate X for the TNA X Division Title
Andrew Everett vs. Manik vs. DJ Zema Ion vs. Tigre Uno


I’m not sure when it was decided to change the plan for revealing who was in this ‘Ultimate X Division Championship’ Match, but it was clearly after this official TNA Graphic was made. As you can see the participants are above the image. Ultimate X Matches are always great to see and are something great that you can only see at TNA. I think Tigre Uno has been a really good X Division Champion, even thought the X Title seems to be a little over looked these days. There are some great wrestlers in this match who are more than willing to put there bodies on the line in the quest for gold. Manik especially is know for his crazy high flying work in these sort of matches. I Would expect some great ‘Oh My God!’ spots from this match, and possibly a new X Division Champion.

Tybo Predicts – Manik

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim


When Gail Kim is your Knockouts Champion you are doing at least one thing right. Kim is awesome in the ring and has been for as long as I have seen her wrestling, she may be a little older than some of the other Knockouts but she is still one of the best on the Knockouts roster. There is Awesome Kong, who is… well… Kong. She is a mountain of a woman and can work, Kim and Kong have had a fierce rivalry for years and they always pull out something great, so I have no doubt this match will not disappoint. I have to commend TNA for making this match, although it is a safe option it would of been just as easy to make a battle royal with all the Knockouts to get them on the show.

Tybo Predicts – Gail Kim

TNA Tag Team Title Match
Brian Myers and Trevor Lee vs. The Wolves


I have said this more than once before and I am going to say it again, The Wolves could be the best, most entertaining Tag Team in all of wrestling today. They are both insanely talented in their own right, but put Richards and Edwards together and truly magic happens. If you are unsure about watching this PPV watch The Wolves in action, you will not be disappointed. I have not seen a lot of Lee and Meyers outside of the Global Force Wrestling invasion of TNA but what I have seen is impressive. Obviously, Meyers used to be Curt Hawkins in WWE, and this goes to show when a you give a wrestler a chance to do what you pay him to do, he can really shine. Whatever the outcome in this match I am looking forward to this more than the others.

Tybo Predicts – The Wolves

Kurt Angle vs. Eric Young


I have to be honest I seen this match coming as soon as it was announced that Kurt Angle would be returning to the ring for Bound for Glory. Its the most obvious match to have him return against the biggest heel in the company outside of the TNA Heavyweight Champion. Eric Young is legitimately one of the most intense heels I have seen in any company, not just TNA. I think he is a great opponent for Angle to come back to a heroes welcome for the TNA fans. This match should be a great one, but I would expect Young to dominate most of the match. These two are both great in the ring together, their TNA Heavyweight Championship matches were some of the best Angle had as the champion. I would be hard pushed to say that Young will have the victory over Angle with Angle being out so long but I hope TNA are planning something big for them both.

Tybo Predicts – Kurt Angle

Triple Threat for the TNA World Heavyweight Title
Matt Hardy vs. Drew Galloway vs. Ethan Carter III
Special Referee: Jeff Hardy


If I am honest, I would of preferred this match to stay the way it was originally set and have Galloway vs. Ethan Carter III, but I can understand wanting to have The Hardy’s included in the main event of the biggest show of the year. They have both been involved in the main event picture for the last few months so to have the main event Galloway vs, EC3 with almost no build up would not really have may people invested in the rivalry. I think this match is a tough one to call as it could honestly go any way. We have Drew Galloway who is built as the savior of TNA, the man who since coming to the company seems to be a shoe in to win the TNA Heavyweight Championship. Then there is the veteran who is wrestling down the road from where he grew up, Matt Hardy. If that wasn’t reason enough to have him win the match, his brother Jeff Hardy is the special guest referee. Not only that, but Jeff maybe hates the champ more than anyone else in the ring. Lastly there is Ethan Carter III, The TNA Heavyweight Champion and he is currently undefeated in a TNA ring. On paper this match sounds like it should be a great match and a great story getting told. I would personally love Carter to retain the Championship, but somehow I really can’t see it happening as it’s the PPV of the year.

Tybo Predicts – Drew Galloway

What do you think will happen, and who are your picks to win? Comment below or talk anything TNA.

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