Tybo Top Five – Should Have Been WWE Champ

Welcome to the first official Tybo Top Five! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

A few weeks ago I did some Tybo Talks… Top Fives. I really enjoyed writing them, and I thought they added something different to our site. So I thought, why not do more? Enjoy!

This week we are looking at five WWE superstars from the past that should of made it to the main event, and became WWE Champion. Do you agree with my list? who would be your Top Five? let me know below.

Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn, was one quarter of the reformed D-Generation-X in 1998 and one half of the must see tag team of the Attitude Era ‘The New Age Outlaws’. But it wasn’t until he went it alone till I found he came into his own very quickly. Gunn and RoadDogg went their separate ways the first time in mid-1999. This is when I think Gunn showed that he could be in the main event and he belonged there. Mr Ass, won the 1999 King of the Ring. Now remember, this is when the King of the Ring was still relevant. Not like now when WWE basically wanted to change Bad News Barrett’s gimmick so he became King Barrett and is still working pointless matches on the pre-show (but that is completely different Tybo’s Top Five) Back to Mr Ass, not long after he won the King of the Ring, he began working a feud with The Rock. This was when Rocky was burning white hot and was at the top of his game and was one of the corner stones of the company. Without a doubt Gunn was hanging with The Rock, and looked set to be pushed into the main event. Unfortunately this did not happen and The New Age Outlaws were pit back together. I think with a little more time, Billy Gunn could have been a major player in the WWE, and could have been a formidable WWE Champion. The idea of him winning the belt and Triple H coming after him with DX, and RoadDogg picking a side, and Mr Ass leading into becoming ‘The One’ Billy Gunn could of made some really interesting TV. But then we may have never got to see Billy and Chuck?

Val Venis

Val Venis would not be the most obvious WWE Champion when you think about him now, but in late 1999-2000 Venis was so over with the crowd it was unreal. Val Venis was the gimmick that summed up how much the WWE had changed from the ‘Federation Era’ to the ‘Attitude Era’, as we all know Val Venis was a ‘porn star’, and he pushed the envelope a lot when it came to playing up to the character. With his trademark grinding in the ring, his promos dripping in innuendos like he is ‘just like Big Ben… for obvious reasons, his finished being the ‘Money Shot’ and let’s not forget his movies with the female wrestling talent. Titles including ‘Saving Ryan’s Privates’ and ‘A Preacher’s Wife’ with Goldust’s real life wife Terri Runnels. Venis had is gimmick down to a tea. Then he changed it all up cut his porno locks dropped the gimmick and aligned himself with Trish. It was here that WWE should of pulled the trigger with Venus and pushed him to the moon! His in ring ability was amazing, he was fast, strong, agile, great on the mic and was a perfect heel. Being aligned with Trish pushed him over the edge and he could of took the belt and ran with it. The idea of him and Triple H feuding over the title, and Steph and Trish hating each other, the dynamics could have been great. Not to mention the inclusion of DX with Triple H and T&A with Venus, feuding for the Tag Titles, just to mix it up.

John Morrison

John Morrison reminds me a lot of a cross between Jeff Hardy and Dolph Ziggler. I honestly believe that Morrison could of gone all the way to the top if it wasn’t for Melena. I think she may have hurt Morison a lot, especially with his standing in the company and with backstage officials. There has always been a lot of hear say and dirty sheet reports about the two, but there seems to be no doubt that a lot of her backstage heat stuck to Morrison and made it impossible for him to take that next step, even after she left the company. Its a huge shame, i really think Morrison was set for the main event and could of easily carried the company in the ‘Aggression Era’. Morrison was always a spectacle to see in the ring, his finisher was insane, and he was the creator of ‘getting knocked out the Royal Rumble and staying alive in a crazy way’ that Kofi Kingston now uses every year, and the fans treated him like a rock star. The idea of Morrison vs. Cena, Edge, HBK, JBL, all for the WWE title would of been pretty cool to see.

‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper

(I just want to say the below was written the day before the passing of Piper, which made the news all the more shocking)

Roddy Piper is maybe the most obvious person on this list, in fact I would go so far as to say that there would be a lot of people who would be pretty annoyed if Piper wasn’t on this list. And honestly, he really should be. Whoever decide that it would not be ‘best for business’ to not have Piper with the title missed a major trick. ‘The Rowdy One’ was always great in the ring, always great on the mic, and always main event worthy. I have said this in a previous Tybo Talks, that if it wasn’t for the success of ‘Piper’s Pit’ I really don’t think that there would of ever been a ‘Miz TV’, ‘Highlight Reel’, ‘Cutting Edge’, The list goes on. I really think it would have been an amazing title run if he was oven it in the late 80’s, early 90’s. I think he could have been a great heel for Hogan, although there is no doubt That Piper would of made Hogan look bad on the mic. Or even the early 90’s with Ultimate Warrior or Sgt. Slaughter. Even the thought of Roddy Piper vs. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts could have been a match of the year candidate.


Goldust  is one of this gimmicks that you will never see anything like it again. He was tailor made for the on the edge of good taste that the ‘attitude era’ was all about. Draped head to toe in gold, and flanked by the beautiful Marlena, Goldust was the guy you didn’t want to watch because he was overly sexual and made nearly every situation an awkward watch, but you just couldn’t take your eyes off him. Now, I know Goldust is not on many peoples lists to be WWE Champion, butt in the mid to late 90’s Goldust was so over with the crowd and was getting pushed ‘to the moon’. It’s just a shame that Dustin was fighting personal demons that took him off track. It would have been amazing to see Goldust get his hands on the biggest, goldest belt he could find. Personally, I think if Goldust became the champion we would of seen the first ever live sex celebration a good few years before Edge’s infamous celebration.

So there you have it, the first (sort of) Tybo’s Top Five. What did you think of my picks? Who would be your Top Five?

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