Tybo Top Five – Under Used WWE Talent

Welcome once again to a Tybo Top Five! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

A few weeks ago I did some Tybo Talks… Top Fives and I really enjoyed writing them. I thought they added something different to our site. So I thought, why not do more? Enjoy!

This week I am looking an under used WWE talent. So basically the ‘jobbers’ who deserve far more than they are getting in WWE , and if the officials in the back would give them a chance to do what they are paid to do, they could make huge stars out of them.

Adam Rose

Adam Rose is one of the superstars that should have been great and whoever though of the gimmick missed the mark somewhere and then he was stuck and creative got bored of pushing him and the whole idea fizzled out. Which in my eyes is a huge shame, back before Adam Rose loved a good party and his best mate was a bunny, he was Leo Kruger. Kruger to me always reminded me of ‘Kraven the Hunter’ from Spiderman Comics, (any comic book nerds reading and know who I’m talking about?) Anyway, I loved Kruger in NXT and I think the gimmick could of really worked but it was similar to The Wyatt Family. With them taking off so much, Kruger was binned and Rose was created. I think the idea behind Rose was a good one and I think the vignettes were good, but I think the down fall was fans didn’t know if he was a heel or a face, then when I came out there was no real cheers or boo’s. It’s a shame, Rose is solid in the ring and decent on the mic. There has been rumours of him forming a new Tag Team with Brad Maddox (who has recently changed his ring name) so hopefully this will be the break Adam Rose has been waiting for.


So I could honestly just sit here and write a whole Tybo Talks… on how much I think Fandango should be binned as a gimmick and the uber cool Johnny Curtis should be brought back. Back when Curtis was in NXT, I thought he was edgy, cool, and really worked as a gimmick, then he was brought up to the main roster, and long story short Fandango happened. Fandango to me is a throwback to the early 90’s Federation Era. Back then a lot of the mid-card wrestlers were ‘occupations’. Dentists, garbage men, farmers… ballroom dancers. (OK, there wasn’t a ballroom dancer back then but you get my point) This to me is a bad gimmick and will never make it anywhere. This is a huge shame because Fandango is great in the ring, great on the mic and whether he is a face or a heel he can really get a reaction from the crowd. Does anyone remember ‘Fandangoing?’

Jack Swagger 

I have always been a huge fan of Swagger. I honestly believe he could be amazing in the main event picture right now. He could easily have a believable and intense feud with Seth Rollins, or he could be working a program with Cena for the United States Title. Swagger always steps up when given the opportunity. I thought he was a great World Heavyweight Champion, when he was a ‘Real American’ he was amazing. He made a believable more than 3 month feud with Rusev and the whole time Rusev stayed undefeated. That’s a real talent to me. Ill be honest, he may not be the best on the mic, but that can be worked on, Aligning him with Zeb Coulter was a great move and really helped Swagger get over. Honestly I can’t think of a reason why Swagger is not on TV? He has shown more than once that he is over with the fans. It seems to me that Swagger is wasting his best years in the backstage.


For as long as I can remember when asked who is the most talented Diva in WWE, I would always say Natalia. This has changed slightly but I still think she is in the top 3 more talented. Natalia is amazing in the ring, she is a Hart. Wrestling is in her blood. Its is shocking to me that WWE have a ‘Divas Revolution’ happening, and they decided to leave out Natalia. Personally I think it would of been pretty cool to have a ‘Legacy’ style Divas faction with Natalia, Charlotte and Tamina. That faction would of absolutely dominated. WWE could of easily traded out Charlotte in PCB for Emma, and Tamina in BAD for Cameron. This could of added a whole new team and whole other dynamic to the whole Revolution. I think Natalia really does get a raw deal, and is far more talented, than half the Divas in the back. I just think she needs the the time to show it.

Heath Slater

Heath Slater can only be described as the King of all Jobbers. I really think he prides himself on it, and why wouldn’t you? If you know that you are always going to be the jobber, why not show that you can without a doubt be the best jobber the company has ever seen. Slater is one of those very rare talents that knows he is not going to be on TV every week, but when he is he works every single second he is given. Slater reminds me of Santino, like Santino he knows he is never going to be WWE Champion, but he works hard at what he does and the crowd walk out of the arena remembering his segment. Slater is a great talent, and lets be honest how good would it to be to see him on a winning streak and actually win a Title?

So there you have it, Tybo’s Top Five – Under Used WWE Talent.

Who would be your Top Five? comment below, or just tell me what you think of my Top Five.


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