#TyboTalks… 15 Years Ago – Armageddon 2003 (@Tybo_SLTD)

The show opens with Lillian Garcia singing the American National Anthem, this is all overly patriotic with a lot of American flags and USA banners in the crowd. I would assume this was done because Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein has been captured just days before.

The opening vignette is what you would expect from a PPV called ‘Armageddon’ the video is all about ends of days and the day of reckoning centred around the World Heavyweight Championship.

The stage at first glance looks awesome with two huge ‘A’ structures, but it’s actually just the Raw stage with different backgrounds.

Mark Henry (with Theodore Long) vs Booker T
This one goes back to Survivor Series, and the elimination match. Since then they have both been attacking each other in the lead up to this match. It’s great to see Henry featured in a (somewhat) featured role and in a feud with a bit of meat on it. Henry is an absolute powerhouse, it’s hard to believe that it took Henry so long to become World Champion.

Unfortunately, this match is not a great opener, as the pace is really slow and the bulk of the match sees Henry just manhandle Booker. The match does pick out when Booker makes a comeback, but it feels like it runs a little too long. Winner – Booker T

Backstage – Eric Bischoff is talking to Jericho and Christian about the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ match, when Mick Foley (current Raw Co-GM) comes to the ring and wants to celebrate the petition to get Austin back in WWE has hit one million signatures, and wants to celebrate. Stacey Keiber come out as a cheerleader and does what Stacey does best. Orton interrupts to cut a ‘Legend Killer’ promo.

FunFact: Although short lived this isn’t the first time Mick Foley has been in position of power, he was the ‘WWF Commissioner’ back in late 2000.

Intercontinental Championship: RVD (C) vs Randy Orton (Special Referee – Mick Foley)
There is a lot of feeling each other out in the early going of this match, and Orton seems more interested in Foley than RVD. There is a lot more mat wrestling from both guys than you would expect to see, that being said it’s interesting to see just how much Orton has changed his wrestling style over the last 15 years.

FunFact: RVD completely buried WWE in a series of interviews in 2003, firstly saying that he preferred to work in ECW, and them that he doesn’t think the creative team understand his character.

RVD looks to be doing the job for most of this match, and although both guys are great in the ring this feels a little stale, there is no real chemistry between them both. The only thing that keeps the match moving along is Flair on the outside and Foley’s clear slow counts for Orton. After some back and forward, and Orton hitting his now trademark middle rope DDT and a RKO out of nowhere Orton wins gold.

This was a great call, it was time for a new champion and no better time or wrestler than a great rookie like Orton to start 2004 looking strong with a title and Evolution. Winner – Randy Orton

Eric Bischoff’s – Battle of the Sexes: Chris Jericho & Christian vs Trish Stratus & Lita
This just feels like a very strange way to move this story along, Jericho and Trish have been dating and Christian has been trying to date Lita, after a few weeks (in true WWE fashion) we find out it was all a bet, a bet of $1 Canadian to see who could bang first.

Now, I’m not against inter-gender matches if they are done right (fast forward 13 years and watch Lucha Underground) but this not the way to do it. Christian and Jericho come off looking like bullies, and Trish and Lita come off as the weak little girls. That being said there are moments of the Divas getting the moves in, but its Christian who gets the eventual win, although Jericho isn’t happy. Jericho even says he never wanted the match and calls Bischoff a ‘stupid son of a bitch!’ the night after Armageddon in Raw.

This is one of those matches and angles that has not ages well at all and we would be hard pushed to find this sort of thing in any major wrestling promotion these days. Winner – Christian & Chris Jericho

Shawn Michaels vs Batista (with Ric Flair)
This one came about because Batista interfered in one of the best Survivor Series matches I have seen. Michaels was against the odds with Austin’s career on the line, and Batista cost him the win.

It shows the potential WWE seen in Batista, as this is his first major feud or match since joining Evolution, and does ‘Big Dave’ (or more commonly known as ‘My Mate Dave’ in my house) look the part here. He is big, jacked and intimidating.

The match starts quick, Batista is all power, and Michaels is all speed. It’s amazing to see the move set Batista was using in his early career that you would never think of him using in his later years on Smackdown. The match was far better than you would expect, even with Batista being so new they still both look great, but it doesn’t look like Michaels carries Batista through, this is one of the better matches of the night. Winner – Shawn Michaels

Although Michaels gets the win there needs to be a mention for Batista, who sells the Sweet Chin Music like a champ. After the match Batista plays it like Michaels finisher knocked him out, even going so far to ask if he won the match. This seems like such a small thing, but was something truly great that is lacking in today’s product.

Matt Hardy vs Maven
Batista still hasn’t left the ring when Maven comes down to the ring, Batista attacks Maven and beads him down. When Hardy enters he just pins Maven for the cheapest ‘W’ of the night. Winner – Matt Hardy

Backstage – Batista is furious that he lost, Flair tries to calm him down and eludes to gold and the night not being over…

Tag Team Championship Tag Team Turmoil: La Resistance vs Hurricane & Rosie vs Lance Cade & Mark Jindrak vs Val Venis & Lance Storm vs The Dudley Boyz (C) vs Test & Scott Stiner
[Tag Team Turmoil Rules: Two teams start, soon as one team member is pinned the next team enter. The last team standing win the Tag Team Championships]

FunFact: The last time a ‘Tag Team Turmoil’ match was used on PPV was at No Way Out 2002

Usually these sorts of matches are fast and furious, but nothing really noteworthy happened until the final few teams. So with that in mind ill run through quick. Hurricane & Rosie eliminate La Resistance, Cade & Jindrak come out the crowd to take out Hurricane & Rosie for the quick win, and outcome Val Venis & Lance Storm. This is a clever move because this creates a completely new match. Cade gets the pin and next out are the champs, after a little bit of back and forward The Dudley’s win.

We are down to the final round with The Dudley Boyz vs Test & Scott Stiner, JR makes reference to this being the last two teams a little to many times.

After a hard battle between the two teams, The Dudley’s retain. Here comes Eric Bischoff to say they need to beat every team on Raw, we could all see where this is going. Evolution’s music hits and here is Ric Flair & Batista. Both guys attack The Dudley’s and quickly win gold.

FunFact: This is the first time Ric Flair has held a Tag Team Championship since 1979, when he won the NWA World Tag Team Championships (Mid-Atlantic) with Blackjack Mulligan

This must be such a surreal moment to Batista, as he would of watched Flair is his early career and now they are tag champs together. Winners – Ric Flair & Batista

After the Tag Team Match we see a promo for the upcoming show for the Troops (which would later become Tribute to the Troops) with the press conference.

FunFact: The whole ‘Tribute to the Troops’ concept came from Bradshaw, ever going over to the warzone’s was his idea.

Women’s Championship: Molly Holly (C) vs Ivory
This match is pure filler, there is zero build and zero feud between the two outside of one is a face and one is a heel. One good point is that you couldn’t get two much better divas in the ring than Ivory and Holly. Winner – Molly Holly

World Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg (C) vs Triple H vs Kane
Goldberg and Triple H have been in a heated rivalry for a few months and it’s starting to get a little long in the tooth. Kane is a great addition to the feud, I have mentioned before that Kane should have entered the World Heavyweight Championship picture since he lost his mask. Kane has been a truly great heel, since his re-invention.

The whole Triple H and Goldberg rivalry hasn’t been the best or the worst, I think they have done as much as they can without adding someone new. That being said I think Triple H has brought more out of Goldberg than most have.

Before Goldberg is even introduced or comes to the ring, the ‘Goldberg’ chants from the crowd are deafening.

It’s funny to think that it wasn’t so long ago that Triple H was calling Kane a murderer (while involved in the Katie Vick storyline) and now they are working together to beat down Goldberg.

This match is ugly, there is no other way to say it. Goldberg looks gassed, and there is no flow to what they are doing, a triple treat should be fast, fun and none stop action. This feels slow and clunky. I hate to say it but the match only really picks up after Goldberg is put through the announce table (even that is botched) and it’s just Triple H and Kane one-on-one.

The finish is no surprise, with Goldberg handing out spears to everyone and Evolution getting involved. The match eventually falls apart and Triple H sneaks the pin to regain his championship. Winner – Triple H

FunFact: At this point in 2003 Goldberg had only been pinned four times on TV in his career, that includes his time in WCW.

There was a great moment as the PPV finished with Evolution raising all the gold at the top of the ramp, as they now have every Raw championship (baring the Women’s Championship) in their hands.

Honestly this was not a great watch, and I would struggle to pick a match that I would say you should go out of your way to watch. This was a poor ending to a year with a lot of ups and downs. I’m a huge Triple H mark, but even I know that him heading into 2004 with the World Heavyweight Championship wasn’t needed. I think Kane could have been a really interesting champion around this time.

As for a match of the night, I would have to say it would be Batista vs Shawn Michaels, this is mainly because I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was (although it still wasn’t memorable in either guys career). The shot at the end of the PPV with Evolution showing complete dominance was great, but it’s just a shame that the journey to get there wasn’t nearly as good at it should have been.


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