#TyboTalks: We Don’t Need Women’s Tag Championships… Yet (@TyboTalks)

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

I’m fully aware that the title of this article is a very bold statement, but allow me to explain. There are many things that WWE need right now, a lot of those things involve improving what they already have, rather than adding to their already over-saturated belt collection. (as of writing this there is officially 16 active championships under the WWE umbrella)

It’s worth noting that the want for a Women’s Tag division is nothing new, and other promotions have tried it, with little success. The most recent and mainstream would be Impact Wresting (then TNA) but even those didn’t last long.

FunFact: Sanity’s leader Eric Young was one half of TNA’s final Women’s Tag Champions, with his (kayfabe) wife ‘ODB’.

WWE have even had their own Women’s Tag Championships way back in 1983. This was only after the reigning NWA Women’s Tag Team Champions (Velvet McIntyre and Princess Victoria joined the company, so it’s really unclear if WWE ever wanted a Women’s Tag Division in the 1980s. The title did last six years but they were abandoned in 1989.

Velvet McIntyre and Princess Victoria

FunFact: Although the titles were around for six years, there were only five title reigns, with ‘The Glamor Girls’ (Leilani Kai & Judy Martin) holding the titles for 906 days in one reign, and 1057 days cumulatively.

Unfortunately, my main reason for being against the Women’s Tag Division has nothing to do with the Women’s Division at all. For years now it becomes more and more clear that WWE (or more importantly Vince McMahon) sees no merit in Tag Team wrestling, as its very rare you see a tag team in a dominant role on Raw, Smackdown or any PPVs.

That’s not to say that this trend can’t be fixed, as WWE has proved with the former Divas Division, if enough time and effort is put into changing the perception anything is possible. It’s well documented that Ronda Rousey has always been a WWE fan, but I don’t think she was clambering to join the company so she could have a bra and panties, or gravy-bowl match.

Trish Straus vs Stacy Keibler in a Gravy-Bowl Match.

I just think adding another Tag Division when you have seemingly no direction with your current one is setting the Women up for a fail.

Then there is the clear issue that the Women’s division doesn’t have enough depth to warrant multiple tag teams. The most obvious example of this was the ‘strange bedfellow’ style tag teams we had in some of the Chamber qualifying matches on Raw and Smackdown. You could boil the whole division down to Bayley & Banks, The IIconics and The Riot Squad, anyone else have been shoe-horned together to make up the numbers.

These two factors alone shows WWE doesn’t have a NEED for the new titles, this is, of course, the next logical sense after the last two years of firsts for the Woman’s division (Royal Rumble match, Elimination Chamber match, TLC match, Evolution and more) but that doesn’t mean now is the right time.

The unveiling of the Women’s Tag Team Championships

WWE should build their Tag Team Division and make it feel more important on its shows, they should strive to make WWE a place for Tag Team wrestling, just like they have for Women’s wrestling. They when WWE becomes THE destination for Tag Team wrestling, introduce the Women’s Tag.

Honestly, I hope I’m wrong and they make this division feel like a huge achievement to become Women’s Tag Champion. It’s just unfortunate that history says that this will be Vince’s new ‘flavour of the month’ and as sad as this sounds the Women’s Tag Team Champions will be lucky to be on this year’s Summer Slam Kick-off show… but let’s hope that’s not the case.

Do you agree? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or tweet me @TyboTalks.

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