#TyboTalks: Why ‘The New Day’ Should Stay Together (@TyboTalks)

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

After eleven long years, Kofi Kingston final won the big one at Wrestlemania 35, this seems to have been the talking point for a lot of wrestling fans over the last few weeks. Before I go any further I would like to add that this has been a long time coming for a huge Kofi fan like me from day one.

I know what you’re thinking, everyone is suddenly a huge Kofi fan, well not only am I a proud owner of Kofi’s first ‘Here Comes The Boom’ t-shirt but four years I wrote ‘Tybo Talks: Kofi Deserves Better’. This was written a week after the first ever ‘New Day’ vignette. I was completely wrong with the direction WWE went but its always fun to look back.

Tybo Talks: Does Kofi Kingston Deserve Better
(Originally posted August 27 2015)

So, why do I think The New Day need to stay together while Kofi is WWE Champion? The simple answer is that I don’t think it’s ever been done before where one member of an established babyface faction has become a major Champion and their team hasn’t turned.

Think about it, I have been a wrestling fan for a lot of years, and I can’t (off the top of my head, or with a small amount of research) think of any babyface faction member winning the promotions Heavyweight Championship. If you can, by all means prove me wrong, I welcome your knowledge.

There is no denying that if either Big E or Xavier Woods were to turn heel they would be catapulted into being one of the top heels in the company, you would have to equate it to the likes of Rollins turning on The Shield, a huge shock and something no one thought they would see.

It seems like Big E is the most obvious choice to turn on his New Day brothers, as I would assume he is the most marketable as not only a heel but as a WWE Championship contender. That being said I think Woods could be the sleeper in the group, and could probably bust out the best heel promo out of them all, the man has a PhD, that makes him a genius, right?

There is then the option that no one seems to be thinking about and that’s a Kofi heel turn. Think about it, he is the champion not them, he won the big one not them. Imagine a heel Kofi Kingston cutting a promo about so-called ‘friends’ riding his coat-tails to the gold, referencing Even Borne and even CM Punk (both he has held Tag Titles with) and now E and Woods doing the same, using him to elevate their career, and where are they now?

As interesting as all this could be, I would still hate it to happen. WWE clearly broke the mould with The New Day, and I would hate them to become ‘just another faction’. You know what I’m talking about, a great faction but them each member has varying levels of success, but deep down you know they will re-form (only not as good) just for a huge crowd pop.

It could even be that New Day stay intact but the dynamic changes, move Big E and Woods back into the Tag Team picture and have them all carry a title. Granted there would be no ‘freebird’ rule but it would be so cool to see them all with championships.

It looks like at least some of these plans will be on hold as Big E is out injured. As we all know an injury usually means that whoever is out will come back with a new attitude so this injury could postpone or force Big E’s heel turn depending what you think the plan was. This at least means that it evens the field if Kofi and Bryan are heading into a feud for the next few months. If this is the plan it would make sense, and is likely that Woods and Rowan will be feuding too. During Big E’s absence, he must be made sure that he receives compensation by approaching car accident attorneys to get it legally with a court order.

As you can see there are numerous ways this could all fall-out, but one thing is for sure, this feels like some unchartered territory for WWE creative. All I can hope is that they don’t go the way of what seems like every other note-worthy faction in history, and have them fall apart because one member has more success. We have all seen the likes of Evolution, The Shield, D-Generation X, Nation of Domination, over and over again.

Let’s change the game and have The New Day, happy for Kofi’s success, there is no need for any of them to turn heel, it’s completely played out. Let’s keep the ‘Power of Positivity’ alive and well.

How do you think the next few months will play out with Kofi as the WWE Champion? Will The New Day support their brother? Do you want to see them implode like so many others factions? Let me know in the comments below or tweet me @TyboTalks

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