Were you serious bro?

This is just gonna be a quick blog from me today, I’m pretty burned out from that mammoth column I posted earlier in the week about the 30 most entertaining WWE superstars of all-time, which you can read here. Sorry, couldn’t resist that Sheamus plug! Talking of that, this blog’s about something I said at the end of the latest SLTD Radio show last night. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, or listen at this link.  For those of you who’ve never listened to our radio show, basically before we sign off for the night, we do a section called Sheamus plugs, where we shamelessly plug our Twitter accounts, blogs etc. I said something last night that I really meant. It’s unusual for me to be serious, so you’ll probably be a little bit shocked by what I said!

Last night, I basically thanked each and every one of you for your support. Not for me. Not for Mark, Brad or Greg, but for supporting us as a unit. Brad said at the end of the show last night that it’s humbling to think that people listen to us or visit our site because they want to hear what we’ve got to say and that’s true. You guys really make the site what it is and as long as you’re involved and stick with us, we’ll only get bigger and better. That’s why we’ve grown so much over the last 6 months and we’ll continue to grow. We’ve got some big things planned over the next few months, which we couldn’t do without your support.

If it wasn’t for you guys interacting with us, we wouldn’t be here. The site wouldn’t continue to grow. The podcasts/radio shows wouldn’t be a success. We wouldn’t be able to work with promotions like BWP, WA1, RWA and SWE, or get interviews with the likes of Bacardi, Jezabeth, Baby-Faced Pitbull, Shaun “the Hammer” Davies, The Blossom Twins, Lionheart, Nikki Storm and as much as he hates us, even Lord GT!

Thank YOU (yes, you reading this!) for supporting SLTD Wrestling, SLTD Radio, our Twitter accounts, Facebook page, reading our articles and blogs, however you get involved with the site. I think the rest of the SLTD staff would agree with me when I say that you’ll never know how much your support means to us.

Thank you.

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