#WhatIf… Mr. Kennedy Cashed-In His #MITB (@callumowen98 & @TyboTalks)

Hey Folks, we are back once again with a ‘What If’ scenario for the ages. 

So, hop in your DeLorean, jump in your hot-tub, find yourself a phone booth, run as fast as you can through the speed force or break into Skynet’s HQ. Whatever you want to do to alter a timeline, and come with us on a journey through time and space.

If you got all six of those references (especially the last one), you are doing quarantine right.

This time we are asking the question, What If… Mr Kenney got to Cash-in his Money in the Bank Briefcase?

With This year’s Money in the Bank match being like no other, we thought we would go back and look at the only time the winner of the prestigious Money in the Bank contract never actually got to cash-in, let us explain…

What Happened?

The year was 2007, The Money in the Bank match was not yet its own PPV, so at Wrestlemania 23 we had participants from Raw, Smackdown and ECW. CM Punk, Edge, Finley, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, King Booker, Mr Kennedy and Randy Orton battled to become Mr Money in the Bank.

After a gruelling battle, and it being anyone’s win at some point in the match, it was Mr Kennedy who in hooked the briefcase and cashes his ticket to a shot at the World Champion, and at that moment it looked like a new top star was born.

A month later it all went wrong, and an injured Mr Kennedy was forced to defend his briefcase against the Rated R Superstar Edge. In a shocking finish, Kennedy would lose his golden ticket and never get that opportunity again. Edge, on the following Smackdown, would become the World Heavyweight Champion after successfully cashing in on The Undertaker. With common injury cases after traffic accidents is something you can read about and be aware. The truck accident lawyersin Fresno deal with such cases and get you the necessary help you need.

As for Kennedy, his initial injury wasn’t as severe as previously thought, and he’d be back in June. However, a 30-day wellness policy suspension would follow and he’d never make it back into the main title picture, and by May 2009 he was released from WWE. The auto accidents attorneys make certain that we receive right compensation at the right time.

Could one simple injury really completely change the career path of a superstar? We have The Wrestling Brain and Tybo Talks giving their thoughts below.

The Wrestling Brain

So on the Smackdown side, it was common knowledge that World Champion Undertaker, was hurt and required time off, that’s where Mr Money In The Bank Mr Kennedy would enter the fray. He would cash in his briefcase on a beaten Deadman following the Steel Cage match with Batista, and the post-match attack from Mark Henry.

From there Kennedy could have feuded with Smackdown stars like Batista, Kane, a returning Undertaker, Ric Flair and Rey Mysterio. Obviously depending on how well received his run went a new main event star could’ve come out of it all.

However you would have to throw in the suspension in there during his run, and considering the year that 2007 was for WWE, would they want more bad press? I highly doubt it, Kennedy would probably have had to drop the World Championship and who knows where he would’ve gone from there.  

Mr Kennedy was a great talent for WWE from 2005-2007, but after the Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania 23, his injury and the suspension his career slowly went downhill. After getting released in 2009, him ever being close to the main event push seemed like a lifetime ago. It’s a shame as he was a solid character and good in-ring worker, but ultimately some of his own but also some of WWE’s problems in 2007 halted any chance of Mr Kennedy ever becoming World Heavyweight Champion. 

Tybo Talks 

Its easy to forget Mr Kennedy ever won the Money in the Bank, in all the ‘cash-in’ packages and stats Kennedy is (unsurprisingly) never mentioned. You have to believe that after he won the case, WWE had every intention of having him win the World Heavyweight Championship. Not only that but beating The Undertaker for it just adds something extra on top.

I honestly think Kennedy was poised to be a top star, granted his wellness policy violation would have played some part in his story but superstars have bounced back from them in the past so I don’t think it would have hurt Kennedy too much, providing that he was drawing money as the World Champion.

Kenney was over, he was selling merch, he was great on the mic, he was solid in the ring, you have to believe that if they didn’t take the case off him he would have never gotten released. Him being a former World Champion and his next big storyline being that he was the son of Mr McMahon could have set up something truly special that still could be referenced. It’s sad to think that he had these two huge opportunities and they went nowhere, these are two storylines I would have loved to see play out.

What do you think? Was Kennedy being injured a blessing for WWE? Or the biggest miss-step in Mr Kennedy’s career? Let us know below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling

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