Wrestle Chica – Battleground Predictions

Hey everyone, my name is Rach and welcome to not only my first post with SLTD Wrestling, but my first ever post!

I’ve been wanting to write for some time now but have been waiting for something that, as our five-star general says “makes you feel that passionate that you just have to write it down” and while sorting out the predictions league for the next round (which you should all join if you haven’t already!) it got me thinking about the matches they’ve set up and where they might be going with it all, and I thought why not write this down and see where I get!


20150713_Battleground_LIGHT_Kickoff_HOMEPAGE 2

King Barrett vs R Truth

The pre-show matches are always a little dodgy for me as I feel like they are always put together last-minute and with the attitude of “yeah that will do it’s only to kill time”, but this one has had me thinking that a lot more.

Watching the run up to this I don’t get where they are going with the whole ‘King What’s Up’ and I get the feeling that they have brought the King of the Ring competition back without really knowing where to go with it or what to do with the winner of it.

Personally I really like King Barrett and think that he is working the King of the Ring part but I can’t help but think there is so much more that they can do with it that they seem to not what to. The fact that he beat Neville for the crown could have set up a fantastic rivalry with them and showed us a lot more of Neville rather than just random matches that he seems to be having and then to throw R Truth in the mix with this ridiculous gimmick is actually a little annoying.

Never the less I think as pre-show matches go this is going to get the crowd watching loud and excited and do the job its suppose to but it seems like they are missing a trick with King Barrett as he is worth well more than a pre-show match.

Winner – King Barrett


20150614_Battleground_LIGHT_matches-HP_OrtonSheamusRandy Orton vs Sheamus

No one was as shocked as I was when Sheamus won the Money in the Bank match as I don’t think he deserved it at all and I am probably in the small percentage of people who wanted Reigns to win it. I think that would have been a better story to follow and kind of would have been a good next step of everything that Reigns has gone through and how he continued to beat all the odds to do what he needed to do to be champ. However, Sheamus did win it so I just have to get use to the fact that he will in fact be the champ one day but am still hoping that it will be a very short run!

The fact that they now have matches like this is again quite annoying as I think Orton is one of the best they have on the roster and they can do so much more with him, especially when they started with the whole turning his back on the authority they could have teamed him up with the likes of Reigns and Ambrose and have them bringing down the authority instead of putting them in these type of matches.

As matches go this one isn’t going to be the best of the night as I don’t rate Sheamus much and even more so now that he’s a heel it also seems a little random to me, seeing as Orton hasn’t been around much and now all of a sudden he’s in a match with Sheamus, but it’s always nice to see Orton in the ring and hopefully this is the beginning of him being back and having a rivalry or just some sort of story again.

Winner – Randy Orton


20150614_Battleground_LIGHT_matches-HP_PTPNewDayPrime Time Players vs The New Day

The Prime Time Players have brought a good new dynamic to the tag teams that has been missing since the Uso’s disappeared after Wrestlemania and it has been good to see. I never really understood what was happening with their little videos randomly showing on Raw and Smackdown but the more I seen of them the more I wanted to know what they were about and when they were going to re-debut.

I think there is so much more that can be done with The New Day and for me something seems to be missing with them and as they are really similar to Bo Dallas with the whole believe and positive thing I think they would work really well together (Am sure Tybo won’t mind me stealing that one!) As matches go I think this one will actually be good as long as they don’t do the whole “twin magic” thing and I think it will be good to see the prime time players in the ring as you don’t get to see them enough!

Winner – Prime Time Players


20150614_Battleground_LIGHT_matches-HP-romanbrayReigns vs Wyatt

Whenever Wyatt is involved in a match you know its going to be a good one and its going to give the crowd what they want. If am being completely honest, I am not 100% sure where this rivalry came from but I guess that’s the joy of having a character like Bray Wyatt.

He’s that crazy he can dislike anyone at anytime for no reason! This has got to be one of the matches that am most looking forward to as these type of matches are always good and to be honest I am a little on the fence as to who will actually win this one as I can see the both winning.

I think Reigns going into this with Wyatt being in his head could start the whole turning into a heel thing and the possibility of a Shield reunion as I am hoping that we do get to see that as I want to believe Seth is a double agent! which would be fantastic to see

Winner – Reigns


ArtJohn Cena vs Kevin Owens

Now anyone who knows me will know I am a massive Cena fan and will never bet against him in any match even if I think he will lose! I think this story line has been a fantastic way to get Owens over from NXT, although the annoying cocky gimmick is a huge bug, bare of mine as I can’t stand anyone who is cocky and get that it makes a good heel but I love nothing more than when that person is brought back down to earth with a massive “you ain’t as good as you think” bump, which is what I am hoping is going to happen on Sunday and love the fact that it will be done by Cena!

However I do get that this is what makes a great a heel and that being the case Owens is playing this brilliantly as I am hating him so he’s doing his job! That being said I have loved this whole no one will beat you but me thing and stepping in at the last-minute to make sure that no one else is winning as after this is over with and he’s beaten Cena (which pains me to say that!) it will open the title up to a lot more people as Owens is stepping on a lot of them to get where he wants to be and as the saying goes always be careful who you step on to get where you want to be as he’s going to have to face them all once he gets there.

I think Cena has worked wonders on the United States Championship and it’s not ready to leave him yet as I do think he can do more with it and get people really wanting to see these title matches especially after some of the matches he has had with Sami Zayn and Neville and on a little side note it’s always nice to see Cena a champ!!

Winner – John Cena


20150709_Battleground_LIGHT_matches-HP_BrockSethSeth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar

Now I’ll admit this straight away, Brock used to annoy the life out of me and I hated him being the champ as I think
we should see the champ every week and see him defending their title as much as they can and when Brock was the champ we just never got that, I mean the leather of the belt still looked new when Seth won it!

Now I know am probably not alone with this but I just can’t see how this match is going to work as Brock is a power house were as Seth is more about the moves and spots so how this match is going to work am unsure about. I know Seth has held his own in the past however there has always been another person involved who can take the numerous suplexes while Seth can do what he needs to do so it will be interesting to see how this is going to pan out and what they have in mind for this match however one thing I am certain about is that Seth will still be the champ at the end of it however it will definitely being getting disqualified in order to keep it!

Now Seth as the champ am not really happy about, again because of that cocky gimmick he has it just annoys me and makes we want someone to knock him back down to reality. I do think Seth is excellent in the ring and if someone else was after the championship, such as Daniel Bryan or even Ambrose, Seth could have had a fantastic run with that and actually earned the title rather than people always having to help him which would then give him a lot more credibility as the champ.

However saying that the role that Seth has at the minute is a hard one as to keep everyone hating him as a heel but still having the credibility of a champ is hard to do and Seth is doing it and doing it well. I am liking the fact that he is pretty much going into Battleground a lone after Lesnar picking everyone off one by one it kind of leaves you thinking how are they going to do it so you have that I can’t miss this which is always good to have going into a PPV.

The whole authority ruling story is not ready to end yet but I am thinking, and hoping that something big happens
at Summer Slam that completely mixes everything up and shocks us all as much as Seth betraying the shield shocked me!

Winner – Brock Lesnar (by disqualification)


So there they are, my predictions for Battleground and my first ever post! Let me know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to get involved in the latest round of the predictions league!! Thanks for reading guys and see you all again soon!

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