Wrestle Chica – The Next NXT Woman’s Champion

Hey Everyone and welcome to the latest Wrestle Chica! Watching NXT the other week when Alexa Bliss declared that she was going to be the next NXT Woman’s Champion got me thinking about who in the Woman’s division of NXT could be a number one contender for the Woman’s Championship and is there anyone good enough to do this after the matches we have seen recently?

Watching NXT Takeover: Respect we were given a fantastic Iron Man match. Bayley and Sasha put everything that they had into that match and it really paid off. I have been liking the fact that the Divas revolution has happened and the fact that Divas are getting more opportunities on RAW and Smackdown now but for me the main roster is still behind with this revolution and NXT have taken this to a whole new level. However now that Sasha, Charlotte and Becky have all been moved up what’s going to happen to the Woman’s division in NXT? Is there anyone good enough to take the championship from Bayley? Here are my thoughts on who is left in the Women’s division to take on Bayley.

Alexa Bliss

Lets start with Alexa seeing as at the minute she is the only one who has put her name forward to be a number one contender. I think Alexa has a lot of potential but unfortunately I don’t think she has full filled that just yet. For me I loose interest in what she is doing really quickly when watching NXT as I feel that she shouldn’t be hiding behind anyone. To be the NXT Woman’s Champion you can’t be hiding behind anyone especially two lads! I think to be a legit number one contender Alexa needs to do more things on her own.

I have only been watching NXT properly for a couple of weeks now but every time I have saw her, even when I was catching bits of NXT when I could, I have only ever seen her wrestle once but she is always with Blake and Murphy. I understand why they pair people up like this and a lot of the time it does work, look at Carmella with Enzo Amore and Big Cass that to me works. She works will them really well but then has her own stuff going on which is what you need. I think what’s frustrated me the most with Alexa Bliss is that she hid behind Blake and Murphy after taking the title. Again this could be just to play up to the whole heel thing but for me it just doesn’t work with the way they are going at the minute. With the Divas revolution happening its all about giving them a chance. Taking them away from being the arm candy or from them having that girly ditzy attitude and showing the WWE Universe exactly what they have got. It’s about showing everyone that they can main event anything and give just as good of a match as any of the men on the roster could. For me though Alexa has not shown this. She hides behind Blake and Murphy and only picks fights when she knows her opponent can’t do anything about it, like she did with the Vaudevillians.

In all honesty though her match this week I was slightly surprised with. This was the first time that I had seen her wrestle and she was not as bad as I was thinking she was going to. Yes she did have a squash match but her technique was actually quite good. I think if NXT are going with Alexa to challenge Bayley it isn’t going to be as horrible as once thought but it is definitely not going to a match that we are use to seeing.

Eva Marie

Eva Marie was who I thought they would be going with as the number one contender as in my eyes she has been given the biggest push out of  everyone. However after all the, shall we say publicity surrounding her lately, I think they have made the right decision to go a different way. Eva Marie is someone who does want to be the best and you can see that she has put a lot of work into doing what she can to get there but something just doesn’t click with her in the ring. To have the amount of controversy around what you are doing as she does, like not kicking out when she was meant to, you need to leave her where she is for the time being to let her continue to work on what she needs to.

When watching Eva Marie in the ring you can clearly see that the other person has to carry her slightly through the match which with the talent that you have had come from NXT recently you can’t have that when you are the champion. NXT has gone to a new level that in all honesty I didn’t think anyone saw that happening. I think that that was always the plan or the dream should we say but to be as popular and fantastic as it has been its now moving away from being a developmental show to people expecting something extraordinary. Eva Marie, at the minute is not extraordinary which is why she is not ready to be the number one contender and its good that NXT have saw this and are leaving her to continue to work on her skills. Could she be ready one day? At the minute am not so sure. I think she still has a long way to go before she hears the chants “You deserve it” or “Match of the Year”.

Dana Brook and Emma

Am going to talk about these two together because lets face it they are always together. Again these are both for me not quite ready. After her match with Asuka I think Dana Brook still has a lot of work to do before she is ready to be the champion. A lot of them time I find her a little boring in the ring and think that she is too cocky without being able to back it up. Dana is someone that hasn’t come from a wrestling back ground and it clearly shows. She still has a lot of work to do and its good to see her with Asuka because I think she could learn a lot from her and could be a number one contender in a year or so if works at it.

Emma I think could possible be able to hold herself in the ring but you don’t see enough of her to know what she is like. I know from when she was in RAW she was good in the ring but we did only ever see her in mixed tag team matches which I don’t think shows you what she is actually capable of. Emma could possibly be the next number one contender but I think we will need to see more of her before this could happen. Pairing her with Dana is not the best as she has been easily forgotten. She is one of them people that when with someone she kind of fades into the back ground. Let her go out on her own though and she could be something great. Until this happens I don’t think she could even be mentioned to challenge Bayley.


Asuka has got to be where they are eventually going. It makes perfect sense for her to be in the number one contender mix as she is amazing in the ring. She is bringing something completely different to NXT that we have not seen and its nice to see. She kind of reminds me of a smiling assassin. She brings the edgyness of being a heel with the sweetness of being a face and I love that! I think she could give us the matches that we are now becoming a lot more a custom to which is what everyone will be expecting now. For me I would like to see Asuka in NXT for at least a year before she becomes the NXT Womans Champion as it will give it more credibility. I know that she is already an established wrestler but if they wait until she is even mentioned as being a potential number one contender this will give everyone the opportunity to see what she is capable of in the ring as not everyone would have seen her before she joined WWE.


To me I think Carmella should be the next number one contender. From what I have seen of her in the ring she is able to hold her own and could create a fantastic match for people to see. Her match with Eva Marie showed you just how good she can be as she got Eva Marie through that match and sold everything brilliantly. I think for Carmella to be the next Woman’s Champion is believable and she would be able to give us a great match. Even though she primary is with Enzo and Big Cass she has still done matches on her own. Thinking about it I would love to see Carmella come out when Alexa is doing her “Paige” bit of congratulating Bayley with Enzo and Big Cass and put her in her place. This could start up a great rivalry between the six of them and give us a match that everyone says should start happening again and that is a number one contenders match. Adding Blake, Murphy, Enzo and Big Cass to the mix evens everything up and will give us a great match. This will show case what both of them have to offer and this is what we got from Bayley and Becky Lynch so would be good to see this happen again.

I think the biggest problem we have now is that this woman’s division has been built around Bayley and Sasha so much that now that Sasha has gone its hard to keep it going.  No matter who the next number one contender is they are always going to be compared to Sasha. This will be unfair on anyone as whoever takes the title from Bayley will be winning it for the first time. It’s obvious that Bayley’s next match is going to be compared to her past two matches and personally I don’t think that you are going to get another match quite like that. I think that Bayley and Sasha have fantastic chemistry together and have worked together for that long that they are able to work extremely well together which is what has given us these fantastic matches. Will we still be given great matches between the next number one contender, Yes will but when you start something like this its hard to keep it going. Also with the fans being like they are they will never been happy until they see Sasha and Bayley fight again.

One thing is for sure after seeing what Sasha and Bayley have accomplished in NXT I can not wait for Bayley to be called up to the main roster to see what else they have to offer and bring the same excitement and buzz they have brought to the NXT Woman’s Championship to the Divas Championship.

As always thanks for reading!Who do you think will be the next number one contender for the NXT Woman’s Championship? Let me know in the comments below!

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