Wrestle Chica – SummerSlam Predictions

Hey everyone and welcome to this weeks Wrestle Chica! As you know, I am Rach and I am the first lady of SLTD Wrestling. This week I am giving my predictions on who I think will be winning at this Sunday’s SummerSlam.

20150810_Summerslam_Match_tagteam_LIGHT_HPTag Team Championship Match – Prime Time Players vs. New Day vs. Lucha Dragons vs. Los Matadores

I’ll be honest I don’t really know much about Lucha Dragons and Los Matadores which makes me think neither of these are going to be winning this Sunday. I think at the minute Los Matadores are just there to make up some numbers which is sad to see as they are good in the ring. I do really like the Lucha Dragons and do think that they will eventually be the champions but not this Sunday.

I think that this match is going to be focused mainly on Prime Time Players and New Day. As for who is going to win this, I’m not entirely sure. I am really liking Prime Time Players at the minute although I don’t think we have seen them as much as we should have been with them being the champions but we have been seeing a lot of New Day.

This is kind of making me think that these are possibly going to be winning this Sunday. If this is the case though this is a little bit frustrating as I feel that the Tag Team Championships changes hands a lot and I can’t remember the last time there were champions for longer than a couple of months. I kind of feel like they are not really taken very seriously which needs to change as the same amount of effort needs to be put into all the titles but I always feel like they kind of just fall short when it comes to the Tag Team Championship. Who knows maybe after the Divas revolution we’ll have a women’s tag-team one!

Winner – New Day


20150817_Summerslam_Match_RusevDolph_LIGHT_HPRusev vs. Dolph Ziggler

This story line I have to admit I genuinely like. I like the whole Lana coming into her own and not just being someone who comes out with Rusev. I think putting her with Ziggler has helped a lot and personally I would love Ziggler to win but I just don’t know how that is going to happen. The way Rusev is, we have only ever seen him being beaten by bigger people and lets face it, Ziggler is not that person. With Lana and Summer Rae on the scene I think this match is going to have some surprises and possibly them two having something happen outside of the ring.

As for the actual match am not entirely sure what’s going to happen. I’m not really a fan of Rusev as I don’t like the whole unstoppable character. Lately though it has been good to see him getting knocked down a little. It makes him look a little more human and seeing him hurting over Lana, I am seeing that he can be “stopped” more now.

What’s unfortunate though is when you put him against someone like Ziggler I just can’t see it being him. Ziggler has had a couple of beat down victories over Rusev but I just think that once he is in The Accolade none of this is going to matter as Ziggler doesn’t have the strength to break out of that. I don’t think this match is going to be one-sided though. We are going to see a lot from both sides and I do think this is going to be a really entertaining match but for me there is one clear winner.

Winner – Rusev


20150810_Summerslam_Match_amellneville-starustbarrett_LIGHT_HP3Stephen Amell & Neville vs. Stardust and Cosmic King Barrett

I am ridiculously excited for this match, not only because it has Arrow himself in it but because I’ve never seen a celebrity match like this before properly. The Stardust and Stephen Amell story line has been brilliant and the fact that this started outside of the WWE has got me a little more excited. This is due to the fact that something outside of the ring has became that big that it would be stupid not to have this part of what happens inside the ring.

From all the work that Amell does for Arrow I think we are going to see some great things from him on Sunday. Especially after seeing him clear the barrier and the ropes the other week there is no denying that he is definitely going to be able to keep up with everyone. I have always been a fan of Stardust and his whole story has been done fantastically and has kept me entertained for months now. Normally when there are matches with Goldust I wouldn’t really be that bothered but as soon as Stardust was added it brought a new lease of life into the characters and it’s nice to see Cody Rhodes getting used like he should be.

Adding Neville and King Barrett, sorry, Cosmic King Barrett to this is another great spin for this. This match, for me, is possibly going to steal the show. It has the most buzz about it and the twitter war is still going which is going to draw people in who wouldn’t have normally been excited about this type of match. With Neville involved we are definitely going to be seeing some high flying moves and to be honest with you I think Amell could possibly get involved in this as well.

I have always been a fan of Barrett and think he never disappoints in a match and it’s great to see him in the main show rather than have stupid matches on the pre-show. There is no denying that this is going to keep everyone entertained and we are going to see some great things from this match. I’m still waiting for the comic books to come out though!

Winner – Stephen Amell and Neville


20150806_Summerslam_Match_mizrybackbigshow_LIGHT-HPIntercontinental Championship: Ryback vs. The Miz vs. The Big Show

I’ll be honest straight away if anyone other than Ryback wins this I am not going to be happy! He’s the only one in this match that actually deserves to be the champion as I don’t think the other two should even be in the picture. Since The Big Show turned heel I have not really liked him but it’s not to do with him actually being a heel its because I don’t really understand why he has turned like he has.

He comes out, annoys everyone and just leaves and I don’t really get it. The Miz is pretty much the same but I do understand why he does what he does, but for me he just isn’t around enough to actually be the champion. When Ryback won at Elimination Chamber I genuinely thought he was someone who actually deserves it and he has worked his ass of to be where he is today but for me The Miz and The Big Show have kind of already had their time. With the Miz getting movie roles and the Big Show saying he doesn’t want to be on the road for the length of time he is just goes to show this. So for me there can only be one winner in this match.

Winner – Ryback


20150813_Summerslam_Match_OwensCesaro_LIGHT_HPKevin Owens vs Cesaro

I’ll admit this I have been Kevin Owens’ biggest fan mainly for the attitude he had when he came out. Seeing him being humbled shall we say with his couple of loses lately I am becoming a little fan of his. I think he is fantastic in the ring and as we haven’t had to listen to him making himself out to be the best, I have started to like him.

You can’t fault anything that he does in the ring and it is without doubt you know that if he is in the ring we are going to see some fantastic stuff from him. This is the same for Cesaro, only difference is I have always been a fan of his. I think that Cesaro deserves more and that even though I loved him with Tyson Kidd him getting injured has helped to showcase Cesaro in a way that we have never seen him before and I love that he is getting given the push he has deserved for years now.

This match is definitely going to show us a lot and give us exactly what we want from these two being in the ring together and I am looking forward to this. As for who is going to be the winner in this match I am torn! I think after all of the defeats that Owens has had lately he is possibly due one and that he has gone into this match looking slightly like the underdog so we could be seeing him coming out the victor. However I think Cesaro is due a lot more than he has had in the past and that him winning this would open up a great rivalry with Cena over the United States Championship and would see a lot from them which we haven’t had yet.

Winner – Cesaro


20150810_Summerslam_Match_OrtonSheamus_LIGHT-HPRandy Orton vs. Sheamus

This is another match I am torn over for two reasons. First I am still not happy that Sheamus is Mr Money in the Bank and secondly I love Randy Orton but can’t stand Sheamus! Randy Orton is fantastic in the ring and there is no denying that when he is involved in a match that you are always entertained but I just don’t get that with Sheamus.

When watching Sheamus in the ring I always find myself getting slightly bored and he does tend to be that match that I will fast forward if I can. This Sunday I won’t be fast forwarding but I may find myself being distracted by other things during that match, which is why I find it so difficult to come to terms with the fact that he may (there could be a failed cash-in so it isn’t a will!) be the WWE Champion. I think that Orton deserves to be in the main event any chance he gets as he always delivers and it’s always a fantastic match and I can’t help thinking he deserves better than a match with Sheamus. My winner for this match is no surprise but writing about this I can’t stop thinking where the hell are WWE going with Sheamus as your Mr. Money in the Bank.

Winner – Randy Orton


zzzz20150810_Summerslam_Match_Divas_LIGHT-HPDivas Elimination Match: Team Bella vs. Team BAD vs. Team PCB

Now I have been a fan of the Divas revolution from the beginning. Honestly I’ve been a fan of the Divas more since Nikki became the champion. There are two things though that I can’t help but think, firstly why put them all together in one match rather than giving us two matches like they have been lately and secondly why are we not seeing Nikki defend the championship, especially in an event this big!

Putting that aside though I am looking forward to this match but I do think that teams BAD and PCB have been going in a little strong to this and honestly a little too much focus has been put on the talent that has been brought up from NXT. I think Team Bella have been having a little bit of bad time lately and have very rarely if ever picked up a win since this revolution started which to me only means one thing that my team (yes I am very much on Team Bella!) should be coming out the winners!

Winner – Team Bella


20150721_Summerslam_Match_BrayLukeDeanRoman_LIGHT_HPThe Wyatt Family vs. Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose

This is another match that am torn on who is going to be the winner. I love Reigns and Ambrose and I love them even more together. I think they are two people who when they are on their own and together they bring different things to the ring and kind of have you thinking you are watching different people.

They work brilliantly together and have the ability to keep the crowd completely entertained by always looking for ways to shock and bring something different. I don’t think that you get that from the Wyatt family but there is no denying that Bray is absolutely fantastic in the ring and always delivers in everything that he is doing, but there is no change in what he does.

Oddly enough I watched Brays first ever match last night against Kane at SummerSlam 2013 and I have to say there is literally no change in anything to that match to any he has had this year. Now I know that with the gimmick he has that he can’t change much and that he has to stick with what he has but I always find myself feeling like he deserves slightly more. This rivalry he has with Reigns really came out of no where and it to me felt like they were bored of Reigns going after Seth so just thought what can we do and this was the first thought they had as you don’t really need to explain it.

The character Bray is he can literally go after anyone and it doesn’t haven’t to make sense as lets face it Bray is a little crazy. Honestly I think this match will get lost in the mix and we aren’t going to see a lot from it as I do keep forgetting that it’s actually happening.

Winner – Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose


20150813_Summerslam_Match_CenaRollins_LIGHT_HP_v2Winner Takes All: John Cena vs. Seth Rollins

Guess we all know my views on this on eh! (If you haven’t already you can read last weeks Wrestle Chica at sltdwrestling.com where I talk all about the winner takes all match). There is no denying that we are going to be seeing a lot from this match. I love that Seth is finally defending his championship against someone who he can legit beat.

When he was fighting Brock at Battleground the way it ended was honestly the only way it could if Seth was to stay the champion. Facing someone like Cena will be great for Seth and will give him the chance to show that he is actually a good champion as at the minute we have not seen this and have only seen him getting saved by others. As we all know I am a massive Cena fan and never bet against him so I am hoping that he does win this match however this has to be through disqualification as these two titles cannot be held by the same person.

For one person to hold both we will see the United States Champion go back to how it was and the open challenge done by Cena would have all been for nothing.

Winner – John Cena (by disqualification)


20150721_Summerslam_Match_TakerLesnar_LIGHTv3_HPBrock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker

The match labeled too big for WrestleMania, who knew that was a thing! I’ll be honest I hate that saying as to be there is never a match too big for WrestleMania because, well, it’s WrestleMania! It’s the biggest event there is in sports entertainment! Saying that though this is going to be one fantastic match and I am looking forward to what they have in store for us!

Lesnar getting taken out of the WWE Championship picture was a great move but it needed something big to do that and what is bigger than a rematch with the guy whose streak you broke?! There is no denying that this match is going to be a lot bigger than their last one and in all honestly I think this will end up being the match that they should have had at WrestleMania XXX. At WrestleMania 30 I don’t think The Undertaker was in the best shape he could have been but that is definitely not the case this time round which means we are going to be seeing a lot from both of these.

Seeing actual fear in Lesnar’s face while Undertaker has been taunting him recently is fantastic but as to who is going to be the winner again I’m unsure with this one. Part of me wants to think that Undertaker is going to get his payback and get the win but then again this is Lesnar and he isn’t going to go quietly. I may not be sure of who the winner is going to be but one thing I am sure of is that I am going to be on the edge of my seat and I am going to be glued from the minute the bell rings until there is a 3 count.

If I had to say who the winner is going to be in a split second I would say who is below but a second later I change my mind so that makes me think that it’s just the child in me still scared of him and still thinking no one can beat a dead man. That being said we are all just going to have to watch this Sunday to find out!

Winner – The Undertaker


So there you have them! My predictions for this Sunday’s SummerSlam. Do you agree with me or think someone else is the clear winner? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for reading and make sure you Follow or Like SLTD Wrestling to see what my next post will be about!

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