Wrestle Chica – Winner Takes All – Really?

Hey everyone and welcome to the latest Wrestle Chica! This week I took a little inspiration from Tybo to come up with this post and we got talking about if a Winner Takes All match is actually the way WWE should be going and is it going to take everything away from what Cena has done to elevate the United States Championship.

Since Cena has become the United States Champion no one can deny that he has done a lot for this title. He has got it back into the lime light and has got a buzz going again about it again. Having an open challenge each week is fantastic and it does get people guessing whose going to come out to take the challenge and gets more and more people talking about it. This has not only got people talking about it but it is also giving a lot more people title shots and giving people, who wouldn’t have necessary got the air time, time to showcase what they have which has been great to see. Seeing more of Ceasro, Kevin Owens and Rusev has been great to see and the build-up they have been creating around the title has helped to push this were it is today but could all this hard work be going down the drain if Rollins was to take all at Summer Slam. I think so and think it is a bad move by WWE.

Now you all may or may not know this but I haven’t really been a fan of Rollins as the champ. Taking it from Brock was not the best move, in my opinion as I feel that this re-match was never going to be the best. Don’t get me wrong I do think Seth could hold his own (for a bit) against Brock but that match can only end one of two ways for me. Either with a disqualification for Seth to keep the title or Brock destroying Seth and walking away the champ as I don’t think Seth could legit beat Brock to keep the title, which is why we had Undertaker step in. Seth is a superb heel and knows exactly how to play to the crowd and get them loathing him which is exactly what you want from him as, apart from the Authority, there isn’t many other wrestlers that can get that reaction from the crowd. Moving Brock’s attention to The Undertaker is a smart move as this now leaves an open for a rivalry between Seth and someone else, which will be nice to see as he hasn’t really had anyone to work with since Brock was suspended for so long. I think seeing Seth compete now with people who he can legit win against will give him a lot more credibility as the champ but having him with both titles isn’t the way to do this. There is still part of me that thinks that we can see a lot more from him, Reigns and Ambrose as after Seth turning on them I don’t think they played to that story as much as they could have as MITB came around and Seth was going down a completely different path then but they can play all of that out now that Brock is out of the picture.

At first when I heard about the Winner Takes All match I didn’t really think much about it as I don’t think it registered what could actually happen but after talking about it I think that this could be a massive step back for the United States Championship and a weird move for the WWE Champion to go in. Let’s say that Seth wins so he then becomes the United States Champ as well, is he actually going to be bothered about this title with already being the WWE Champ? In my opinion No I don’t think he will be. I think the title will become a nothing title and be overshadowed by the WWE title which technically it should be but they shouldn’t be given to the same person for this reasons and for this to happen. If you do think about it how will it work with it being defended, will he always be defending the United States Title as he doesn’t mind about losing this one, is he going to be expected to have two matches for a PPV when we are used to seeing both titles defended? If you look at Night of Champions that PPV is designed to see every title defended how would this work having one champ for two titles?

Even if you look at it from the point of view of Cena winning this again is going to prove just as difficult for him. I think if Cena does win both he isn’t going to let the United States title go on the back burner, mainly because he has been the one to push it to where it is today. However saying that I do believe that naturally this will just happen, as the WWE championship is always going to take preference over any other title. I think with Cena he will show the same passion for both titles but having both these titles is a big ask for any wrestler.

So if you were to look at anyone winning the other title what would be the next steps for them? Would we have the titles merging together like they have recently done with the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Title to create the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? Would this be the right move though? Is it a good move to lose a title that is now getting a lot more buzz and has a lot more people wanting to fight for it? I don’t think it is, looking at the amount of times the World Heavyweight Championship changes hands we wouldn’t get the chance to see many other champions and with this being the main title in WWE not many people would be given the chance to be able to compete for it. This means that to me losing the United States Championship would be awful for the WWE and everyone they have on the roster. The other titles give you that chance to see everyone compete and everyone have a title shot. Yes they still have to earn that title shot but having the other titles such as the Intercontinental and the United States Titles gives us that chance to see a lot more people giving a chance to be a champ and I like that.

If you look at the history of WWE the only time that I can think of when there has been one person as both the WWE Champ and hold another title was at WrestleMaina XI when we saw the Ultimate Challenge between Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. Hogan was WWE Champion and Warrior was the Intercontinental Champion and both titles were on the line. This saw The Ultimate Warrior winning and holding both titles however he was forced to vacate one of the titles which meant that he chose to give up the Intercontinental Title as anyone would in that situation. Could this be the way that they are going to go after Summer Slam but if that is the case why not just have someone beat the champ for us to get a new champ of either title.

At Summer Slam I think the best thing that can happen is for this match to end in a disqualification so that no titles exchange hands. This can then mean that the rivalry between the two can continue (with the T-Shirts Seth has been wearing lately that looks likely to happen anyway) but this will still mean that Cena can continue to work on bringing the United States Championship up like he has and will leave Seth open to possibly start other rivalry’s with possibly Reigns and Ambrose and bring the whole Shield break up to a close. Hopefully WWE have already got the plans for this and we won’t see the United States Title being lost in the mix. Let’s just hope that there isn’t a cash in and we end up with Sheamus being the champ!

So that’s if everyone this week’s Wrestle Chica! Thank you for taking the time out to read this and let me know what you think in the comments below!

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