WrestleMania In-Depth: Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch

The History
As shocking as it is, the Divas Championship match might just be the only match that has seen a long storyline come full circle. It started with Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch debuting on RAW on the same night and at WrestleMania, the same three women are competing for the gold after starting a “Divas Revolution.” At least this storyline clearly demonstrates the progression of the divas division, which has lead to the three top NXT women call-ups battling for the Divas Championship. It’s one of those scenarios where the match makes sense when taking the long terms programming into account. Whether this was the intended WrestleMania match back when the NXT women were brought up will be left up in the air. If it were up to me, this would have always been my plan for WrestleMania.
How this came about
As mentioned, there was something called a “Divas Revolution.” This saw three of NXT’s top female stars ascend to the main roster. Charlotte won the Divas Championship from Nikki Bella and quickly let the championship go to her head. She eventually turned on her friend Becky Lynch, with this culminating to a match at the Royal Rumble. Charlotte won with Sasha Banks coming out after the match. Sasha attacked Charlotte, declaring her intention of winning the Divas Championship. After teaming up to take out Team B.A.D., Sasha and Becky fought for the right to challenge for the Divas title at WrestleMania. After a couple of no contest decisions, it was decided that the three women will face each other in a triple threat for the gold.
The importance
This is probably the most important WrestleMania women’s match in the last decade. The Divas Revolution has seen it’s fair share of ups and downs, but the pay-off for the months of programming and spotlight could very well cause a real Divas Revolution. Now is the WWE’s chance to make stars out of these women. Not to mention that with the main roster talent pool being so thin right now, now’s their chance to give the women a match of value at WrestleMania. This could easily be one of the best matches on the show. Hopefully, they give them a match worthy of the near year-long promotion that the Divas Revolution has gotten.
The doubts
The biggest doubt for this one is pretty simple – will the WWE actually give these women some good WrestleMania treatment? I don’t think the time they get will be in the 20 minute territory or anything ridiculous like that, but they don’t need a lot of time to make a big impact. Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar proved that last year. What they need is the backing from the company, that’ll allow them to go the extra mile. If the machine isn’t behind you, then there’s little chance that you’re going to do anything special.
The finish
I feel that there’s got to be a finish which crowns a new champion. I’ve been very critical of Charlotte as Divas Champion and I still stand by those views. The girl was never over to the level of her push… in my opinion. The only thing that the WWE could do to get her an ounce of a reaction was to have Ric Flair be her manager and that’s bad. If I were a champion, I would not want to be defined by who was my manager. I would want it to be defined by who I am. Both Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks have valid claims for walking away with the belt.
I’ve thought for months that Sasha should be the only one walking out of WrestleMania 32. She was the only one getting a big enough reaction and I feel that the WWE should put the title on the most over option. However, Becky Lynch has also started to get really over herself. I have also been impressed by her mic work and her wrestling ability. If Becky Lynch walked out with the belt, that may cause a stir as Sasha will be the big fan favourite going in. With that in mind, it’s probably best to stick with Sasha. However, I personally would be happy if the Lass Kicker walked out as the champion.
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