#WrestlingArtisan The Age of Pentagon (@stoughe)




As is probably common knowledge by now in the wrestling community, Pentagon Jr defeated Austin Aries and Fenix to capture the World Championship. It was a move not many of us expected, but an innovative one. Impact is now firmly in the era of Zero Fear, what does this actually mean for the product overall?

When I recently listened to Wrestling Inc’s podcast, the way I get my WWE information, they briefly discussed the fact that Pentagon had captured the title. Matt Morgan, former Impact wrestler and these days very vocal about his displeasure with the company, asked who the luchador was. His co-hosts then had to fill him in on the matter. They also talked about if this had been a good idea or not, the three of them coming to the conclusion that it was not. Some of them valid to be sure.

To begin with, one has to believe that the idea to put the title on Pentagon was a sudden one. With Alberto El Patron no showing in New Orleans and then subsequently being fired there was a void which needed to be filled. With plans for Eli Drake placed somewhere else, Moose otherwise engaged and Lashley figurehead from the company it only seemed natural to give the roster members from Lucha Underground the opportunity. It is also fairly likely that Patron was supposed to win the title at Redemption, why have Austin lose it if that was not the plan all along?

Pentagon Jr is quite the indy darling at the moment, so giving him the strap might have seemed to be the best idea at the time. As smart marks, we may only guess at the plans going forward or the reasons behind the decision. From being a vicious heel in Lucha Underground, sitting in his brother Fenix’ shadow, Pentagon has come into his own as the show has progressed. Evolving into a face, only due to his skills and attitude. In a way mirroring Austin Aries. As an indy favorite Impact would appear to get more attention and more eyes on it. Impact has a hardcore fan base, as does Lucha Underground, even though the latter is more vocal. Impact fans are more likely to watch WWE on a regular basis, while Lucha Underground fans lean more towards PWG, New Japan, and Ring of Honor, promotions engaged in the same kind of hard-hitting style. With Pentagon as the figure head, it might bring this crows into the Impact fold.

Unfortunately, this crowd is not so big. It is likely that this group might only double the viewers for Impact, and there is probably some overlap. While Pentagon is a stellar performer in the ring the fact that he speaks limited English might hurt both storylines and his international appeal. Both Aries and Drake, in their capacity as champions, had the gift of gab, and while touring the world this was a huge boon. Drake would chastize the fans while Aries would cater to them. They would both jaw-jack with their opponents. From Pentagon Jr we mostly get a; “Soy Pentagon Jr”, “Zero Miedo” and a “Puta tu Madre” if we’re lucky.

On Impact, he has made a couple of apperancessince becoming champion, and they have been reserved to saying his few lines and then leaving. One might argue that Brock Lesnar is not very active as a champion on Raw, but if he’s not doing anything, he’s not there. I understand one might not want Pentagon off TV, it might send the wrong signals, but why not have him do vinjetts with subtitles instead?

Matt Morgan’s comment regarding not knowing who Pentagon is is also quite telling. To a wider audience, the Luchador is not very famous. Aries, Patron, and Lashley have made their names on a grander stage and it has helped the company when they had the strap.

Whatever the outcome of this run with the title, it was interesting that Impact made this choice. What it might do for future partnerships only time will tell, but it is likely that more promotions will be willing to work with Impact if they get Pentagon in the deal.


-C. Marry Hultman


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