#WrestlingGuild: IMPACT Wrestling HomeComing Predictions (@stoughe) #IMPACTHomeComingWeek

Welcome to The Wrestling Guild’s IMPACT Wrestling HomeComing Predictions, Chris and Nick have put down the mic and started typing to share what they think with happen on Sunday’s PPV.

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Falls Count Everywhere: Moose vs Eddie Edwards

Chris: Now this is one of the longest running feuds in recent Impact history, well actually the feud that has had the most intense matches, as well as most varied matches. Moose and Edwards have killed each other in the ring on numerous occasions and Moose has always come out on top. Eddie, true to his nickname, has refused to die and has just kept on coming back.

What has made this feud more interesting than any other is that both of the competitors have evolved into completely different characters, and it has worked. Moose is a perfect smug heel who backs it up in the ring, while Eddie is the out of control crazy who walks the fine balance between heel and face.

This will no doubt be an all out war and hopefully we will see some real insane stuff both outside and inside the ring. In the end this feud must die and since Moose has always stood tall it is Eddie’s turn to have his arm raised and move on to greater things.
Winner: Eddie Edwards.

Nick: Both Eddie and Moose are some of the best wrestlers out there when you compare it to other Impact wrestlers. And the feud between them have only made their characters better. However I do think that Moose will take this one home even though I like Eddie as much.

I just feel like Impact will not give Eddie the win this time as they contently want to invest more into Moose. So even though both Eddie and Moose are going to perform very well in this match, I think Moose will be the winner.
Winner: Moose.

Monster’s Ball: Eli Drake vs Abyss

Chris: Monster’s Ball has always been a spectacle. If one digs through the vaults of GWN there have been so many great matches beginning with Raven vs Abyss vs Monty Brown. As time has gone by and Impact has changed networks and done away with the traditional pay-per-view the match has gone down in brutality and therefore importance.

In the original gimmick the wrestlers were sequestered for twenty-four hours without food, drink or light and this gave the match some gravitas. So did all the barbed wire, tables, thumbtacks and blood. The match also hinges on who participates in it. If you have wrestlers like Rhino, Raven, Judas Mesias and Abyss you know there will be blood, but with an anti- hardcore wrestler like Eli Drake it is more unlikely that it will result in nothing more than Abyss taking a bunch of punishment.

Let’s face it, Abyss’ hardcore days are far behind him. If Raven or Tommy Dreamer get involved in the match there might be another dynamic and a Monster’s Ball tag team match is not unheard of and frankly something I would love to see.
Winner: Eli Drake (barring Dreamer and Raven don’t get involved. Otherwise Abyss/Dreamer)

Nick: This match is a bit hard to predict as I’m not sure if the want to invest in Abyss or Eli Drake. Because if Impact feel like they want keep Abyss around after this match, they have to give the win to Abyss. It would look a bit awkward having the legend Abyss back in a match but then have him lose it.

At the same time it would look quite bad for Eli to lose against Abyss. Eli is one of the best Impact wrestlers and he could look weak if he can not take on Abyss in a match. So for me it is quite hard to predict this match but my personal thought is that they will let Eli Drake win as I dont think Abyss is going to continue after this match. He has done his part in all these years.
Winner: Eli Drake.

World Tag Team Title Match: LAX (C) vs Lucha Bros

Chris: Impact like to boost the depth of their tag team division, and sure they do it better than the WWE, but they are still limited. LAX are the longest cumulative reigning champions to date, but that is not difficult. The few contenders we have seen this past year have barely been a challenge. I would have liked to see more from Z&E or the OGz, but they were merely a fart in church.

It is time for LAX to give way to another tag team, question is what they are without the titles? If Santana and Ortiz are to drop the titles to the Lucha Bros then there needs to be another tag team in the wing to pick up the challenge. A rift between LAX and Konnan seems to have been teased, but if it results in a split I will be disappointed. What I would like to see is the return of Bad Influence, the tag team comprised of Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian, they are free agents right now and unless they go to AEW or MLW a return to Impact at Homecoming would be destiny.

That being said; The match between LAX and Lucha Bros. will be off the hook and they will pull out all the stops. Impact needs to put the titles of Fenix and Pentagon if they want to keep them in the company.  
Winner: Lucha Bros.

Nick: I really like LAX and they are an excellent tag team in all ways. But, I’m quite tired of them having the titles of the time even though they have been working hard for them. So if I’m not wrong I think Impact are going to let the Lucha Bros take this win.

The Lucha Bros have gone from being alright to great and I hope Impact gives them more chances to succeed even more. With that being said, I think this match will be very interesting and fun to watch were the Lucha Bros take this home, once and for all.
Winner: Lucha Bros.

Ultimate X: Ethan Page vs Rich Swann vs Trey Miguel vs Dave Crist

Chris: This match has all the potential of stealing the show. Impact made the right choice when they chose some of the younger and newer talent to participate in the Ultimate X, even if this meant that Trevor Lee, Matt Sydal and Willie Mack were left by the wayside. Hopefully the company has plans for them during the show.

This will be high flying and hard hitting and you can’t blink or you’ll miss it. The big question who will go home with the prize. Miguel, Page and Crist are too fresh and without a proper build to become X-division champ so soon. It is obvious that Rich Swann takes this one, in spectacular fashion.
Winner: Rich Swann.

Nick: This match sounds interesting and could be, just like Chris said above, one of the best matches. Most of the wrestlers are experienced and know what to do. I’m especially hoping on that Ethan and Rich show what they go for in this match. They are facing Trey Miguel and Dave Crist which are on a similar level as themselves. So I’m really hoping on that either Page or Swann takes this one home. Both of them need it, so it will be interesting to see, who actually stands tall.
Winner: Ethan Page or Rich Swann.

Knockouts Championship: Tessa Blanchard (C) vs Taya Valkyrie (special guest ref: Gail Kim)

Chris: This is another potential show stealer. Both Blanchard and Valkyrie are awesome in the ring and now how to bring it. They will absolutely leave everything in the ring and will impress us all. For the good of the division Blanchard must win this match.

Valkyrie is the face right now and apart from Su Yung or Dark Allie, most likely involved in a Rosemary storyline soon, there are no heels to challenge her. With Blanchard there are other possibilities and Jordynne Grace is waiting to get her shot. Blanchard also needs to build her status as the premier Knockout. Blanchard has to come out the winner, for the good of the division.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard.

Nick: Both Taya and Tessa are great wrestlers and you clearly see how much they love doing it. Taya has always been taller and overall bigger than Tessa which has given her an advantage in the ring. However, Tessa is often far more aggressive and wresels more hard hitting than Taya which in most cases leaves Tessa standing tall and taking the wins.

I’ve been preferring Tessa over Taya ever since Tessa came into the picture. So my prediction is that Tessa will once again, like we have seen before, destroy Taya towards the end off the match and take the win.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard.

Willie Mack vs Sami Callihan

Chris: This is one of two matches without any real stakes. It could be the start of a new feud between Willie Mack and oVe, or it could be just a one off. In any way it is a method to get Callihan and Mack a match on the card.

This will be a hard-hitting affair and I was excited for the violence we will get to see between these two athletes. Even if Mack is new in the company, he can handle a loss, but Callihan needs a win. He has been losing too many of his feuds, so to me it is obvious that he will come off with the win.
Winner: Sami Callihan

Su Yung & Dark Allie vs Kiera Hogan & Jordynne Grace

Chris: It would be unfair to claim that this match has no stakes, but in some aspects it doesn’t. The Kiera and Allie dynamic has been interesting and fun, but in comparison to the Moose/Edwards feud it does not have the legs for it.

Hogan and Allie have a past and they have been friends, but that is about it. Sure Allie lost her soul and that is why she is evil and it is up to Kiera to save her, but the storyline has not gone further than this. Grace will be the single most interesting x-factor in this match and she will be the one to watch. I believe this is only a vehicle to bring back Rosemary.
Winner: Allie/Yung

Nick: All of the wrestlers know what is up and know what to do. Some would maybe question if  Jordynne Grace really can wrestle because she new in Impact. But from what I’ve seen, I think Grace are one of the best ones out there. So this match has a lot of potential and could turn out well! And even though I like Grace, I do not think she can handle Allie and Yung together, which therefore leads to Allie and Yung becoming the champions on the match.
Winner: Allie/Yung

World Heavyweight Championship: Johnny Impact (C) vs Brian Cage

Chris: This is probably the most hyped match on this card, but to me it is probably the least interesting, barring that a few things don’t happen. Don Callis has promoted this as Superman vs Batman or Godzilla vs King Kong, but the truth of the matter is that I find it hard to believe that Cage takes the title.

The reason for this is the first high profile title defense. Sure, he’s defended it against Fenix on Impact and Moose at Back to Cali, but the outcome was clear from the beginning. What makes this interesting is the X-factor: Killer Kross. After the ousting of Austin Aries the Kross/Moose contingent has been quiet, but that doesn’t mean that Impact creative have left them by the wayside.

The disappearance of Aries and the subsequent rumors surrounding the reasons behind it, the fact that Johnny Impact claimed, during a conference call, that talent was not to mention him only makes the plot thicken. Add to the fact that Impact has, on occasion, shown graphics of Aries in the opening package and that Callis mentioned him on Killing the Town. I hope, for the sake of this pay-per-view, that Aries returns at Homecoming and gets the match thrown out.
Winner: Johnny Impact, by DQ.

Nick: This is another hard match to predict. I mean, both Cage and Impact needs the title to show us, what they are capable off. And both Brian and Johnny are well experienced wrestlers that have worked hard to be at the position that they are at now.

Some may say that Brian will win because of his size but based on what I’ve seen before, it is going to be a were interesting match with a lot off back and forth. With that being said, I going to guess that they will give the win to Johnny instead of Cage. I feel like it would be too obvious if Cage wins.
Winner: Johnny Impact

Surprises: Since this is the Homecoming ppv and there has been a lot of talk, mostly from Don Callis, about how tremendous it will be I would hope that there will be some returns or surprises. As already mentioned, I would like to see Chris Daniels and Frankie Kazarian return to the tag division as they are free agents.

The Young Bucks and Cody are out of the question since they have signed with AEW, unless there will be a working deal between them. The one who is up in the air then is Chris Jericho. Will he be at Homecoming? At Bound for Glory Impact management wanted to bring in Joey Janela, a huge would-be boon for the company, but he was injured and then Low Ki backed out. This left no surprises for the PPV, which had a strong card, but one expects something extra for the exclusive shows.

Homecoming will not have the same impact, no pun intended, without those extra wrestlers showing up.

There are The Wrestling Guild’s IMPACT HomeComing Predictions, but what do you think will happen? Let us know below.

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