WWE 2K16 Review

Hello and welcome to The Wrestling Brain’s Monday article, whether you’re a regular or a new reader, the support is much appreciated.  I have taken time off from playing the new WWE 2K16 game to write this article and I hope that I can persuade any doubters to buy this game for any console, but also nothing’s perfect so I will nitpick a little on what I believe is one of the best WWE games released in the past few years. Let’s start with the negatives and as I’ve said there’s only a few.



There’s only a few graphics where I have thought who is that, the first one that springs to mind, occurs in the WWE Showcase mode, which revolves around Stone Cold Steve Austin, and as most wrestling fans know at Wrestlemania 14, Stone Cold faced Shawn Michaels with Mike Tyson as the special enforcer, in WWE 2K16 this is the enforcer aka Mike Tyson.

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I personally don’t know if it’s funny or even ridiculous that the graphic for Mike Tyson, I originally thought was Road Dogg, until I remembered half way through playing the match wait a minute that’s supposed to be Mike Tyson, but as I said earlier it’s nitpicking and there’s a lot of more improvements on this game, than there were on previous generations.

No Four Horse Women

I knew about this a few weeks ago, but the lack of 4 of the biggest divas in the last 18 months, has got plenty of fans disappointed and rightfully so. Currently Paige is the NXT Women’s Champion, on WWE 2K16, it was 19 months ago, when she was forced to drop the title, since then Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Bayley have held the title, why 2K16 have focused on putting guys like Enzo, Cass, Simon Gotch, Aiden English, Finn Balor and Tyler Breeze in the game but seemingly blanked out all of  the Four Horse Women is shocking.

Okay so that’s all the negatives out of the way and I’m sure there’s a few more people can talk about, but after 2 days of playing the game, that’s all I can think of.


Depth of Roster

So apart from the Four Horse Women, and seemingly anyone that’s been fired in WWE recently or caused court cases for WWE, everyone is basically in the game, and I personally think it’s great. We can now have dream matches, The Undertaker vs Finn Balor, John Cena vs Andre The Giant, name two competitors ever in WWE history you can play as them, unless it’s CM Punk vs Hulk Hogan.

My Career Mode

Last year’s career mode was terrible, I was winning match after match, but I was always getting the same message from Vickie Guerrero, “The Authority have nothing planned for you this week”. I’d then wrestle on a dark match, which never really got you anywhere and you only got to pick 4 PPV’S a year. Most of the time it was a relatively short career mode. This year you start on NXT, feud with a couple of guys and when you win the NXT Championship your moved to the main roster where you are allowed to feud with any title of your choice. The post match interviews with Renee Young are also a new feature, you get to talk about your opponents, but also the way you answer the questions decides your character’s traits and personality.

I decided to keep this week’s article relatively short, because of the last few weeks being very long. I expect over the next few days, some of us on here will also be talking about WWE 2K16. Whoever has got the game, I hope your enjoying it and whoever hasn’t got it, I advise you to get it, because it’s one of the better games produced in the past few years. Whether you like Universe mode or My Career Mode or even Showcase mode this installment has it all, for all wrestling fans.

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