WWE Live House Show Review – 07/11/2013 – Dublin, Ireland

This past Thursday Night, I attended my 13th WWE House Show in the O2 Arena here in Dublin, Ireland. We only get two shows every year, so when they do come, I get quite excited. I went to the event with my mate, Dylan Otoshiro, and I think we were both pretty happy with how everything turned out, so today I’m bringing you my match-by-match review of the show.
DSC_6072First thing’s first, before we went to the venue, I had the opportunity to meet Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns at a Meet & Greet session in Smyth’s Toy Store on Jervis Street on Thursday afternoon. The guys were very kind, signed my WrestleMania 28 programme and each shook my hand. I was surprised that my arm was still intact after shaking Roman Reigns’ hand. I would’ve bet good money that I would be leaving with a dislocated shoulder at least. I asked Ambrose what he thought of Ireland and he said it was okay so far. There’s something pretty gratifying about shaking Dean Ambrose’s hand. I’ve been a huge fan of the guy for a long time, and first saw him wrestle at a WrestleMania Axxess session in 2012, where he took on Seth Rollins. This is why I wanted them to sign my programme, because that was when I bought it, and because I now have 13 autographs in it. Starting off a nice collection there. I’d heard that Natalya, Summer Rae and Aksana had been roaming around town, but we didn’t exactly want to go on a wild goose chase around Dublin looking for them.
After chilling in the O2 Priority Lounge for about an hour and a half, even getting to meet one of my fellow writers here at SLTD Wrestling, Karl Walker, the show kicked off at 7:30pm, with Justin Roberts welcoming everybody and announcing that the opening contest was a Six-Man Tag-Team Match.

Goldust, Cody Rhodes & Big E Langston vs. The Shield
This was an excellent opening contest. Definitely a candidate for ‘match of the night’. I wasn’t expecting Goldust, Cody or Langston to be there on Thursday, so it came as a nice surprise. As The Shield made their entrance through the crowd, Roman Reigns slipped while entering the ring, and “you fell over” chants flooded the arena as Langston and Dean Ambrose started laughing. It was pretty funny. It seemed deliberate, so perhaps they’re using it to set up a face turn for Roman Reigns in the near future. If they do turn him, hopefully Ambrose and Rollins turn too, because I wouldn’t like the trio to split up yet. I know it’s easy to see it on TV, but Goldust hasn’t lost a step in the ring, in fact I think he gets better with age. Maybe it’s thanks to DDP Yoga or something, but he’s still capable of working a fast pace. The crowd was into him, he was hitting all of his signature moves, and it was absolutely perfect. Cody Rhodes and Langston also performed amazingly. I’m becoming more and more of a Big E Langston fan every day. He’s just a beast in the ring. I like his style. The finish saw everybody attacking everybody, bodies hitting the ground all over the ringside area. Roman Reigns even hit his Spear on Goldust, which I had been wanting to see live. Cody Rhodes got the victory with a roll-up, and when The Shield tried to attack him after the match, Langston and Goldust hit the ring again to fend them off, ending with the three victors posing on the stage.
Excellent match. They usually have Santino Marella opening the show, just to be something funny to get people excited for the real action, but this was the best way possible to get a crowd involved. Probably the best opening match I’ve ever seen in person. Great stuff.
Rating: 5/5

Fandango w/ Summer Rae vs. Santino Marella

This was what I was talking about when I mentioned Santino Marella’s comedic bouts. This was a fun match to get the crowd laughing, and they did a good job of that. It was a pretty decent match, not for its wrestling, but for its fun nature. It was awesome to see Fandango for the first time. A lot of us were Fandango-ing, and there was a lot of wooing and wolf whistling when he danced in the ring. Summer Rae was also a sight to see, what a lovely woman. A lot of the match was spent with Santino Marella trying to kip up, and when he finally did it, he started getting onto a bit of a roll, and ended the match with the Cobra. Obviously it wasn’t a brilliant wrestling match, but it captured what it wanted to without any unnecessary props or costumes (cough, Elvis, cough). I’d give it three stars just for Summer Rae alone.
Rating: 3/5

Wade Barrett vs. Zack Ryderimage
I really enjoyed this one. It was my first time seeing Wade Barrett live, so I was happy when he came out and started talking after Zack Ryder had made his entrance. Barrett said that he had some bad news, and that Ireland have once again failed to qualify for the World Cup. Barrett also said that we should invest in a better team, and took off his t-shirt to reveal an English jersey, before finishing off with “God save the Queen”. Our “England” and “God save the Queen” chants were met with some intense glares, but I didn’t get stabbed, so that’s a plus. I also got a retweet from Barrett himself, so I suppose it would’ve been worth it either way. The match was decent enough. At times it felt a bit like a glorified squash match, but it was still good, with both men getting in some offence. Wade Barrett finished off the match with a Bullhammer Elbow, putting Zack Ryder away for the three-count. It’s probably safe to say that Wade Barrett had the most heat that night. He’s a brave, brave man. I heard that someone got thrown out of the arena for chucking a bottle into the ring, but I’m not sure if it was this match. To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
Rating: 3/5

image[1]Aksana vs. Natalya
The crowd was mostly dead for this match. Given the circumstances, I believe Natalya and Aksana performed very well, however the match was too long for it to be exciting. Natalya is one hell of a lady though, and she’s really nice too, so that’s a plus. I tweeted this photo of her after the show, and she said it was nice and then followed me. Lovely, lovely lady. The match was quite good by Divas standards, and given the right investment from the crowd, it would’ve been much better, however it went on too long and didn’t sit right. I’ve stated before that I do like watching Divas matches for the actual wrestling, and I enjoyed it, but the amount of people leaving to go to the bathroom or the concession stands was unreal. I actually felt sorry for the girls in the ring. I will say this though; Aksana did surprise me with some of her moves in the ring. I don’t know if it’s because she’s improving or just because it was a lengthy match this time, but I did like what I saw. And as usual, Natalya was great, and finished off the match with a Sharpshooter. But because of the lacking interest, I’ll give it 2.5 stars. Most people would give it less, but I think the Divas’ willingness to perform and ability to work a match of such length and get in some solid moments is good enough for half.
Rating: 2.5/5

The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston
Unlike the show in Belfast, Miz didn’t come out talking to turn himself heel, he just came out to a nice crowd reaction and started the match. At several moments during the match, Miz even got the crowd behind him, clapping his hands or stomping on the mat. He also continuously shook his opponent’s hand as a sign of respect. Kofi Kingston got a very nice reaction too. This match was excellent. It was constantly back-and-forth, with both men performing to the best of their abilities. It was definitely one of the most exciting matches that we saw on Thursday. I don’t think Kofi Kingston has ever had a bad match out of all the times I’ve seen him in Dublin. He’s fought guys like Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder and The Miz, and each time he manages to pull off a great match. The guy’s got a lot of talent. The exact same could be said for The Miz. They are both very talented men, so I doubt either of them can rule out a run at the top at some stage in their careers. Kofi Kingston finished the match with a quick Trouble in Paradise, getting the pinfall victory for himself after a hard-fought match. As Kofi Kingston left the arena, Miz was astounded to hear boos coming from the crowd. He questioned it, but walked away, disappointed after his loss. I guess that was the glimmer of a heel turn that we saw for The Miz on Thursday.
Rating: 4.5/5

WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. Big Showimage[3]
This was an incredible match. Randy Orton actually got some cheers during his entrance, but it was nothing compared to the Big Show’s reaction. It was a nicely paced match, starting off slow with Randy Orton running around ringside, trying to out-smart Big Show, and transitioned into a very exciting, fast-paced bout. Randy Orton hit a monstrous DDT on Big Show, who was hanging over the top rope, which was very nice. Big Show nailed a Spear and a Chokeslam, but as he set up the WMD, out came The Shield to get Randy Orton disqualified. The four men started beating Big Show down after the match, but he powered back, nailing Roman Reigns with a Chokeslam. He then turned to Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, hitting a double Chokeslam. Finally, as Randy Orton attempted to use the WWE Championship as a weapon on Big Show, he suffered a WMD and got knocked out. This was excellent. Everything was perfect, from Randy Orton’s cunning at the start of the match, Big Show’s obvious frustration to have the WWE Title ripped from his sights and his ability to bounce back and take out Orton and The Shield. I’ve seen a lot of WWE Championship matches at these shows, and this was up there with the best of them. I know a lot of people are turned off by Big Show getting a WWE Championship match at Survivor Series, but if it’s anything like it was on Thursday, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. It was originally advertised that Daniel Bryan would be facing Randy Orton in Dublin, and although we didn’t get to see him or even CM Punk, this match was a nice replacement.
Rating: 5/5

Justin Roberts hit the ring after the WWE Championship Match to announce that John Cena and Randy Orton had each signed autographs and that a limited amount were still available for purchase at the concession stands. We’d have time to go and buy them, because we’d be taking a 15-minute break before returning to action.

image[4]Fernando w/ Diego & El Torito vs. Jack Swagger w/ Zeb Colter
Before this match, Jack Swagger made his entrance and Zeb Colter got on the mic to say he’s happy to be back here… in Scotland. Then Swagger corrected him and he said sorry, he meant Wales. Classic heel move. Colter went on to say that he’d agree to be our Prime Minister if we got some better-looking women, and if we stopped playing Football. Dylan and I figured that the first condition could easily be arranged, and we’re not even good at Football, so why not? It’s not like Zeb Colter could do any worse than Enda Kenny, but we won’t get into politics unless I feel like getting a “special visit” one of these days. Oh yeah, and in just one day in Dublin, Colter already managed to see that we had a problem with illegal immigrants. Cheers for the heads up, Zeb. Colter’s mic work was tremendous as always, and got the entire arena hating him and Swagger. Members of the crowd near us didn’t take too kindly to our “USA” chants, but what are you going to do? Then out came Los Matadores. This gimmick is absolutely terrible. I wrote an article a few weeks ago on why it’s so bad, so check it out here when you’re done with this one. With Los Matadores and their cringingly racist and stereotypical gimmick, it’s so easy to forget that Fernando and Diego are actually decent wrestlers. This match wasn’t picture perfect, but the high-flying style of Fernando was enough for me. Once you try to strip away the character, it’s a lot easier to appreciate the wrestling ability for what it is. That being said, it’s not easy to just ignore the gimmick. Fernando got the win with a roll-up after he and Diego did the old switcheroo to out-smart and defeat Jack Swagger. After the bout, El Torito gored Colter twice. The only real problem I had with this was the gimmick, so I shouldn’t be so hard on it. We did see some good wrestling, Jack Swagger was doing pretty well and the crowd was into the match, so it was definitely a success.
Rating: 3.5/5

Damien Sandow vs. Dolph Ziggler
This was a great match. Definitely in the top three of the evening. Damien Sandow cut a promo beforehand about still being the uncrowned World Heavyweight Champion, and proved why he’s still one of the best talkers in the WWE. Ziggler got a huge reaction from the crowd, and the match got underway. This was a nicely-paced match, with a clean, quick ending. The two men hit all of their signature moves throughout the match, but Sandow capped it off with his finisher that I believe is called the ‘You’re Welcome’, which is basically a Full Nelson Slam. He hit the move out of nowhere and finished Ziggler off. After the match, Sandow left and Ziggler’s music started playing, but he was too busy selling the aftermath of the bout to pose or shake hands at ringside. Great match, great promo, great finish. It was definitely the best match they could’ve booked before the main event.
Rating: 4/5

image[6]World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
This is the second show in a row that I’ve been to, where I didn’t actually like any of the men in the main event. This time it was Cena and Del Rio, and last time it was Cena and Ryback. However, since it was a House Show, there was no pressure time-wise, so it was a very nice match. The fans were asked to vote on the stipulation for the match, and a ‘Dublin Street Fight’ out-did a 2/3 Falls Match with an unsurprising 91%. Don’t have a Street Fight unless you actually intend to use some weapons. I mean, Del Rio and Cena used the Steel Steps, a Steel Chair and the Microphone, but I would’ve liked to see Kendo Sticks and Tables. They got those in Belfast, so why not? Then again, they didn’t get John Cena or Alberto Del Rio in Belfast, so I think we got the better deal there. This was a very good match, regardless of the wasted weapon opportunities. John Cena’s strength is unbelievable. We see it all the time on TV, but watching him lift Alberto Del Rio to counter the Cross Armbreaker is much more badass in person. The STF also looks 100 times more painful, when you can see just how far Del Rio’s leg was being wrenched around his body. The match did feel a little bit short to me, but it was still good, with John Cena nailing an Attitude Adjustment for the pinfall victory.

What came after was a great show of respect from John Cena. The man got on the microphone and said that he’s had some great moments in that arena. He’s been coming to Dublin for ten years, and he’s fought in memorable bouts against the likes of JBL, Kurt Angle and Fit Finlay, but none of them compared to the time he took on Sheamus. He said that Sheamus, although having lost that night, stood up and brought the best that he could bring. He said that we’re one of the most vocal crowds, between the younger fans at ringside and the adults in the back that’ve had a few too many Guinesses. He also said that if he was coming to Dublin, he wasn’t just going to be a “Special Guest”. He was going to fight, and that’s what he did. It was a nice show of respect, and a great form of apology for Sheamus’ absence due to injury. I guess I could relate to Cena, because next May will be the 10-Year Anniversary of my first House Show in Dublin, so him saying that he’s been coming for ten years sort of reminded me of my own passion for the business. Coincidentally, my first WWE show was in May, and ten years later, they’re changing the schedule so that it’ll be in May one more time. I’ve got a real bitch of a problem regarding the next show on the 22nd of May, and I’ll have to make a big decision, but I’ll get into that at a later time. Nevertheless, John Cena gave a very heart-felt, touching speech and even if I don’t like his character, my respect for the man is sky high. I may have been booing and chanting “Cena Sucks” throughout the match, but he had my applause by the end of the night. Also, when the World Heavyweight Championship is important enough to be main-eventing a show that also has the WWE Championship, you’re doing something right. Perhaps Cena’s title win was a good thing after all.
Rating: 4.5/5

Closing Thoughts
I’ve been to a lot of House Shows here in Dublin, and this one was definitely worth the price of admission. Between meeting The Shield and getting to witness some excellent wrestling matches, it turned out to be a great day. I even got to see Roman Reigns, Big E Langston, Fandango, Summer Rae, Aksana and, eh, El Torito for the first time. It’s annoying that we only get two shows every year, but when the time comes around, it’s great to finally be able to talk freely about wrestling and be surrounded by other fans of the industry. Only two of my friends that I see regularly can actually be classed as wrestling fans, so it’s not that often that I get to speak about the business at length. It’s a nice break from constant chats about football and other sports, so I can finally get to have a conversation about wrestling that doesn’t involve former fans who still think they know about the industry even though they don’t, saying stuff like “oh, do you remember ______? Is he still in it?” It’s a nice treat for myself twice a year, and this November show did not disappoint one bit. I wouldn’t say it was the best show I’ve been to, but it was still a great night.
Rating: 4.5/5

That’s that! There’s a chance you’ll be seeing more of my writing during the week, so keep an eye out! If you enjoyed this review, please leave a like on Facebook, Tweet and Retweet the links and leave your Comments down below. They help us out a lot! If you want to speak to me about wrestling, my writing, future ‘Under the Spotlight’ topics or anything at all, be sure to follow me on Twitter @AdamOB_SLTD.
Thanks for reading!

– Photos courtesy of Dylan Otoshiro (@dotoshiro)

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