WWE Night Of Champions Predictions

Written by: @MuckyMorris

(All opinions on this are all my own)

And Night Of Champions is here, the pay per view with quite possibly the least hype and storyline pushes. There seems to be quite a few rushed plots in the run up to this show, and apart from the main event and JBL now confirmed to return on commentary in the absence of (the thankfully getting better) Jerry Lawler, I’m not really enthralled by this PPV. However the shows I tend to look forward to the least seem to be the ones that end up having the best matches, so here’s hoping for a decent event tonight.

Battle Royal Winner to face Antonio Cesaro

WWE haven’t released who is going to take part in the Battle Royal. And on that basis, I can only go with the obvious choice.

My Prediction – Santino, as Cesaro hasn’t really had any interaction with anyone else as of late. Although I would really like to see Tyson Kidd or Heath Slater (yes you read that right!) getting the nod.

Antonio Cesaro vs Santino

Cesaro seems to be getting a bit of a rub at the moment, with his less irritating new music and all. I don’t see any reason why he should drop the belt at this moment in time. Cue another boring Santino/Horny Cobra/Aksana distraction and Cesaro getting the win.

Winner – Cesaro 

Divas Championship: Layla vs Kaitlyn

With everyone going for a beer and nobody really caring about this match, since neither of them have been getting any crowd reaction in any way shape or form. Not that creative have helped in that department, with no build up for this match whatsoever, and WWE focusing on building up Eve and AJ instead. Layla has had the most uneventful and devalued run of the Divas title in a long while. And I don’t see that changing just yet, as Kaitlyn is still pretty green, without any established personality or gimmick. Her commentary on Smackdown was just shocking wasn’t it? So with this, I’m going to go with Layla retaining after a match full of botches and a finisher that Cole will be patronising about. R.I.P Divas Division, you were once so great.

Winner – Layla

The Miz vs Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes

This title bout has the potential to be a great match, depending on whether Sin Cara is on form or not. The Miz is one of my favourite wrestlers on the current roster, but this title run is yet to be comfortable for him, but should be if he’s given time. Rey Mysterio, while great with young fans, and still capable of putting on decent spectacles, has had his day in my opinion and winning this belt will not do anything for his status. Sin Cara has still to get my seal of approval, but it was going to take a couple of years for him to get fully settled into the American way of wrestling. Cody Rhodes is the underused talent of this set up. He is an amazing wrestler, and needs the right feud to kickstart his career, and the Sin Cara mask removing antics isn’t it. Rey and Sin Cara are rumoured to come together and form a tag team in the near future, so either of them winning this would be pointless. Expect a lot of high flying, some dastardly cheating and the crowd pleasing 619. But as this has been a short run so far for The Miz, I’m going to go with him retaining.

Winner – The Miz

Kofi Kingston/R Truth vs ‘Team Friendship’ Kane/Daniel Bryan

Seriously, even typing Team Friendship makes me giggle. This storyline has been one of the funniest on Raw in quite some time, and Bryan in particular has put in some amazing performances as of late. Allegedly put together following the crowd reaction of the anger management skits (they were due to face off against each other at some point) Kane and Daniel Bryan have shown excellent comic timing and chemistry. Creative have put a lot of work into this, and as the bigger stars in this match, I expect the Tag Titles being one of the pay offs for all the attention recently given. Kofi and Truth have been so disappointing as Tag Champs for me. They have done nothing with the belts, and have not had any decent feuds with them. The Prime Time Players have been pushed aside for this, and I fully expect them to chase Team Friendship (giggle) for the belts down the line. Kane and Bryan have a good chance to make these titles mean something, even if they are used to further the comedy. Would love Bryan and Kane to win these belts. And hug it out in celebration.

Winners – Team Friendship

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler

What is this match supposed to achieve?? Orton is off in a few weeks to film another movie, and is being used to further other people’s shorelines at this point. I’m not a fan of Orton if I’m brutally honest. Guy has no charisma at all, is the same whether he’s a face or a heel, and is far too smug for my liking. My name is Randy Orton….yeah we bloody well know thanks!! Ziggler can’t afford to lose this, as he’s on the build to cashing in his briefcase. Whether he does this tonight or not I have no idea, it would be nice, as I’m so bored of Sheamus being champion. All I ask is that he gets rid of Vickie. Quite frankly her screeching is giving me tinnitus. So with Orton putting Del Rio over recently, I hope he does the same for Ziggler. And is pretty convincing about it.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship

And we’re back to this. Again. I’m so bored by this it’s not even funny. Sheamus as a face champ is so delightfully dull that when he comes on my TV I go and watch my washing go through it’s cycle for a bit of light relief. And while at first I really enjoyed the ‘Mexican JBL’ Alberto Del Rio, it too has gone stale, although Ricardo has been stellar throughout. The matches between the two haven’t been spectacular, but the depth of the Smackdown roster has been so light that WWE feel it necessary to continue with this feud for longer than it needed to be. They have tried to liven it up by having the Brogue Kick banned. That hasn’t worked no matter how many tweets Sheamus puts up. I just hope that Ziggler cashes in soon, as I’m not sure how many more title matches between these two can happen before Smackdown implodes!! But with a heavy groan, I’m going to pick Sheamus to retain, probably by doing a Brogue kick while the ref wasn’t looking, and continuing the feud some more. Honestly….

Winner – Sheamus

John Cena vs CM Punk for the WWE Championship

Now, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m a massive CM Punk fan. Like freaking huge!! And when I saw Paul Heyman driving the car that hit Cena in Chicago, I think I nearly weed myself with excitement. This made it Punk’s heel turn a hell of a lot more interesting, and yet I don’t think he’s even close to fully establishing the heel persona. And this is what I love about him. Anything is possible. I will take this opportunity to say fair play to Cena for using this match as a chance to highlight Breast Cancer awareness with his pink ring gear, but that will be the only good thing I could ever have to say about him. This generations Hulk Hogan is just not for me, and I’m being pleasant.

I see this match as being great, and that is mostly down to Punk’s wrestling and story telling ability. It will be well told and well fought. However if Punk loses to Cena, then all the build up and alliance with Heyman would have been in vain. There’s definitely more to come from those two. It could be in the form of more members to the stable, or even Brock coming down as protection. It’s going to be interesting I know that much!! John Boy doesn’t need the win here, he’ll still have his credibility and character intact. CM Punk winning by some form of shenanigans will most definitely secure him in the top heel spot. And that’s what I would like to see!

Winner – CM Punk

Let’s hope I’m right on this!! Enjoy the show!!

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